Emla Cream


Emla Cream (lidocaine/prilocaine) Coupons, Discounts & Cost

Elocon (mometasone) is a hormonal anti-inflammatory drug that is used topically for skin diseases. One way to save money on the Emla Cream (lidocaine/prilocaine) retail cost regardless of income and insurance status is to use Emla Cream coupons or discount cards from RXCoupons. Use our Lidocaine/Prilocaine coupons at your online pharmacy and receive up to 75% off the sale price each time you refill your prescription.

What should you know about Emla Cream (lidocaine/prilocaine)?

Emla Cream (lidocaine/prilocaine) is a combined preparation with anesthetic effect. The main active ingredients of the drug are two amide-type agents - lidocaine and prilocaine. The anesthetic effect of the cream depends on the duration of application and dosage.

Emla is successfully used for anesthesia of the mucous membranes and skin: during surgical operations on the skin and mucous membranes, before the introduction of needle, for the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Furthermore, Emla is a good solution for removing tattoos.

When you use the cream on intact skin, the analgesic effect will last for about 2 hours. There are no differences in efficacy and safety between pediatric and elderly patients.

There may be a temporary redness or paleness of skin. Such reactions usually occur (within 30-60 minutes after applying the cream) in patients with neurodermatitis (atopic neurodermatitis).

When you use the cream on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, Emla will show a higher analgesic effect (the effect is achieved within 5-10 min.). The duration of anesthesia is 15-45 minutes.

If you use the cream for the treatment of leg ulcers, the duration of analgesic effect is about 4 hours.

Emla Cream (lidocaine/prilocaine) contraindications

The following contraindications are present: idiopathic or congenital methemoglobinemia, hypersensitivity to the amide-type local anesthetics, children up to 12 months, anesthesia prior to vaccination. Caution is recommended for individuals suffering from atopic dermatitis.

Emla Cream (lidocaine/prilocaine) unwanted side effects

In some cases, patients using Emla cream may experience the following side effects: swelling, burning, itching, allergic reactions including anaphylactic shock. Emla overdose may lead to methemoglobinemia, coma, convulsions.

How to use Emla Cream (lidocaine/prilocaine)?

According to the instructions, Emla cream should be applied under an occlusive dressing (at least 1 hour before the procedure).

For skin anesthesia (for adults): Emla cream is applied at a dose of 1.5 g over 10-20 cm² of skin surface, for 1-5 hours. The dosage for children aged 3-11 months is 1 g per 20 cm², for children older than 1 year - 1 g per 10 cm².

For genital anesthesia: apply 10 g for 5-10 minutes (without bandage or occlusive dressing). The duration of application should not exceed 30 minutes in case of atopic dermatitis.

Emla Cream (lidocaine/prilocaine) important information

Emla cream should not be applied to open wounds (with the exception of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities). Care must be taken when using the drug on the skin around the eyes (the active ingredients may cause corneal damage). Your irritated eyes should be rinsed immediately with water.

It is not recommended to apply the cream to the damaged eardrum. The drug should not be used on the genital mucosa in children (due to the lack of studies).

Emla Cream (lidocaine/prilocaine) interactions

Emla cream may increase the formation of methemoglobin in patients taking sulfonamides. High doses of Emla cream should not be used in patients using other local anesthetics or structurally similar drugs (high risk of unwanted effects).

Lidocaine should be used with caution in patients who are taking antiarrhythmic agents (tocainide, mexiletine) or other local anesthetics due to possible risk of cumulative damage.

MAO inhibitors enhance the effects of lidocaine.

Emla Cream (lidocaine/prilocaine) conditions of storage

Do not store this medication at temperatures above 30° C. Do not freeze the drug. Keep away from children!

Medical Conditions

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