Bipolar girlfriend, what can I do?


New member

Hi everyone, I have a girlfriend and I love her very and very much but I just don't know what to do now. She is always psychologically abusing me and I don't want to harm her in response. She is doing terrible things that I never thought she will ever do and she is telling me horrible words and things. She is always hurting me with how she is acting and what she is saying. I don't want to seem a "mommy's baby boy" but I really care about our relationship and I don't want to ruin it. I truly want to marry this girl because I know that I will never ever love somebody else how I love her now even though she is doing what she is doing lately. For about a month or so she can hang up the phone on me while we're talking if I tell her something and she doesn't like it. A simple and a quick example: I call her to tell that at a supermarket there's no that yogurt she likes, she tells me to go to another one which is about 6 or 7 miles from our house and I tell her that it is too far to go only for a yogurt and she hangs up immediately. This is a simple example but there's a lot more. She seems to be upset on me on everything and it doesn't matter how hard I try to please her. She tells me that if I'm going to work so much she is going to leave me for her ex boyfriends who were according here more time than I do. I don't know why she doesn't understand that I'm trying for both of us and I'm trying to save some money so we can get married. She works only a few hours per day but she doesn't understand that there are required some commitments. She is a good person but something isn't working out between us and I don't really know why because we have no reason to be in this way. I haven't told her about this because I don't want to harm her back and I don't want to let her know that she is hurting me, I'm afraid this is going to lead to other more serious problems but she is telling me that I blame her. I have no ideas of what should I do and no options left. This is the reason why I am here asking for some suggestions or some hints.


Hello, I'm really sorry for what you need to go through with your girlfriend but unfortunately I have to admit that I'm a bipolar female too so I wonder why my boyfriend haven't wrote anything on forum sites about our relationship. I'm really having anger issues and I'm getting nervous easily. I'm arguing with my boyfriend daily on things that I realize we shouldn't. When I'm talking with my friends confessing about what we were arguing they all say that we shouldn't make so much problem because of that. After some time I realize this and I understand that we were stupidly arguing but I also understand that it is too late. Sometimes I really want to end our relationship but I know that I barely would find somebody else who is going to endure all my anger. In the other hand I realize that it is going to be the best for him, to be honest I don't really know why he is still with me. Sometimes he is really trying to make me happy but as your girlfriend I'm always finding something to be angry on and I have absolutely no control. I'm so sorry sometime for what I did but I can't say that. Maybe your girlfriend is in the exact same situation, maybe she is sorry for what she is doing but she can't say that? I have never been on any meds but I guess I should be in order to make things better and maybe to get some control upon myself. If you like you can private message me and maybe I could make something, maybe some advices or suggestions for a specific situation? Trust me I know how hard it can be sometimes...



New member

What a similar story, I can relate to you and I know that is it hard, trust me. We are together for a little longer than 4 months now, and even if it sounds like it’s not so much, I really love her with all my heart! Honestly, I would go to the end of the earth for her, I would do anything so she can be happy. In the beginning of our relationship she warned me that she has bipolar disorder and asked me if it’s not a problem for me. Obviously it’s not! Why this would be a problem for me, I do understand that anybody can have a disease! She asked me not to be angry about it. I’m not, I just love her too much. She loves me too, she even said that she never loved anyone as much as she loves me and this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard from anyone! I do know very well that nothing is perfect, but spending time with her for me is perfect time. We love being together, we laugh, we play, we are sharing the same views on a lot of things! In the beginning there was nothing imperfect. I was living a fairy tale. In the beginning we could not stand one hour without chatting, texting and talking. There wasn’t a day when we didn’t see each other. However, lately, she’s going thru a stage where she doesn’t want to see me so much. Even though I love her so much, even though she loves me so much, she don’t want to be bothered by me anymore. I know what are you going through, I know this is killing you from inside. While she says that she loves me, she keeps pushing me away and this ruins me. We didn’t texted for 3 days and that’s why I’m going crazy right now. We didn’t break up, I just want her to be happy and that’s why I think she needs some time. When we talked for the last time 3 days ago, she said that she doesn’t want to break up with me and all this has nothing to do with us or with me, she loves me more than anything but she still needs to be alone. Sincerely, I don’t know what we can do about this disease, the only thing I know is that love is more powerful than any disease!



New member

Similar thing is happening to be right now and I don’t know what should I do now… the bipolar problem seems to be way worse than it appears to be initially. My wife is 22 years old (I’m 23) and she is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I found out about it in the first few months when I’ve started to date (first time we met in college). That time everything was perfect. For about one year our relationship was perfect, she was happy and it seemed that nothing could ruin our relationship. However, after one year we’ve started to get into fights but it was nothing serious and we got back together within few hours. Even though I knew that she’s bipolar I was and I am still in love with her and I was calm about this because I knew that she was on medications for her issue. Plus, her bipolar disorder rarely showed up, at least for the first year. However, everything completely changed when we moved together shortly after we god married. Since then we’re getting into fight almost every day, lately, it’s literally been every single day. We’re arguing about everything, any little thing that’s out there. Anyway, I’ve noticed that we’re mostly arguing about sex. She is very and very addicted to sex. It seems strange, I know, but it seems to me that she’s never satisfied and trust me I’ve tried. Also trust me that if a partner isn’t satisfied in the sexual plan then there’s no normal relationship and my wife now is never satisfied! I don’t have bipolar disorder and I don’t know anybody besides her with this. I never dealt with anybody who’s suffering from this disorder but her and now I’m feeling that soon I’ll go completely crazy! I can feel that I still love her but after one year of being married I doubt that I will stay married or be ever married again. I’m a very patient person, everybody around me tells me this, many out there are telling me that they wouldn’t resist like that even half a year. Lately, something got wrong and this is killing me, and my marriage too. She want to have kids with me, to have a family and to live our dream and I wish this too, I really want that someday, this would happen but… as everything goes lately i’m getting doubt about this. Sometimes, I don’t even want to speak with her and I’m getting thoughts that if I wouldn’t be in a marriage with her I would leave her right away… now I’m feeling a bad person because I’m thinking about this. I just want to know how it would be better to deal with her? I have a feeling that there are people who can deal with bipolar patients and I badly want to speak with them!
