Shaking eyes somebody


New member

Hi people. I need some help down here please. I am just wondering if there is somebody who is feeling like your eyes are shaking from side to side suddenly? I mean, are you getting something like you’re just sitting there and then you starting feeling that?? I am asking this because that’s what happens to me and I want to know what’s that? this is happening to me only for a pretty short time period, but it is still enough to freak me out!! This thing feels so strange like I am frozen or something in time and space for like 10-15 second or so. Somebody can relate please? Can this be an aura or what?? moreover, is there somebody who sees black dots or do you think that you have some spiders that are crawling all over you?? I have it and that’s an freaking strange feeling. Of course this is not happening to me, however I am able to see some black shapes just as big as the tip of my finger that it is moving and crawling over me. I cannot say that I am scared about that because I know that actually this is not happening to me, however if this would be real I would lose my head off screaming and shouting and etc. I guess I would become crazy in a matter of seconds if this would be real. Besides all these freaking strange thing I am suffering from, I also have those days when my mind saying that I do not need to take my meds. there are the days when my mind is telling me that I should not use the drugs because I don’t need them and whenever I am having those days I have a pretty bad fit. Those days I suffer from nightmares with lots of killings… generally some extremely violent dreams with lots of blood and etc. scarier than movies… I know that this is weird but I need to know if there is somebody who has the same things or I am alone??



New member

Oh hi. Yeah, I do have something similar with the eyes part. I am using Topamax for my migraines and I want to know whether could this be from the drug or no?? I am 50 years old and I am not suffering from epilepsy, just migraines, and now with the eye shaking thing. is there somebody who can tell me if this could be a problem that it is caused by the medication? or it is originally caused by migraines? I also thought that it might be my hormones responsible for this or a neurological issue. Or it is something else? I am sorry that you have all of those strange symptoms. I guess you need to search a medical supervision. But I am also happy to see that I am not suffering from this alone, however, in the end, this is only raising up some more questions regarding the causes. Any help would be very appreciated.



New member

Hi, I have found your post and I was like: wow, I thought that I am the only one who is having this very strange thing with shaking eyes. But I see that there are already 2 of you, and now I’m the 3rd one complaining about this. I do have the exact same thing like my eyes are crazy moving back and forth extremely fast and I also feel like I am spinning in the meanwhile this happens. The difference is that this can happen more than how it happens for you: somewhere from like 10 second to about 5 minutes!!! There are times when it is happening while I am watching TV or while I am in front of my computer (this thing just happened to me) but other times it can happen with no noticeable visual stimulant (like TV or computer). However, what I have noticed is that this only happens when I am lying down or when I sit. It has never happened while I am standing and thanks god that it has never happened while I am driving (because, obviously, I am also sitting). Obviously I have visited a couple of doctors saying what’s happening to me and what this could be. I have also visited a neurologist too. The tests I had were: an MRI, a CAT scan, blood test, urine test as well as an EEG but none of those tests could tell the doctors and medical answer to what’s that. This is why I have been said that what I have could be migraines or they also could be seizures but there are also possibilities that it is something else. All the doctors I have visited said that they have never heard of something similar before and they don’t know what to do. this is very strange. Have you found something else about this condition? Something new? Have you found a doctor who said that he or she is familiar with this condition??  If you would ever find something new I would really appreciate some insight to this problem we have. I am still going to try to find something, but I’m running out of ideas of what I need to do. thank you.


P.S. I have had this for a very long time. I got pregnant and this condition never stopped even when I was pregnant. I gave birth some months ago and it still continues. It seems that pregnancy was not affected at all by this thing.



New member

Funny thing is that I also have this. or I had it, I don’t know. I can feel sometimes that this happened to me too when I am looking at something for a while. I have noticed that it happens even when I am standing but mostly this happens when I read a book. I am not sure about how long it is taking cuz I never paid attention to the clock. I shake it off however it seems to me that it is falling on me or something and each time when it happened I freaked out! I also understand what you are talking about spinning cuz it also seemed to me like I am spinning. It also happened to me while I was simply laying down a few times. Plus to all of that, I am getting blacked out all of a sudden. Is this happening to someone else too? and the last thing I need to mention (it seems that I’m the only one who has this because it is impossible to forget about saying it because it is the worst symptom I get when I have it) is that I am having some very sharp pains on my chest, they are so painful that I cannot breath that is why I am trying to keep my breathing only from my mouth.

Anyway, I said that maybe I only had it in the past because I already forget the last time that I got it. it haven’t happened to me for the last months/ one year. I’m afraid that it might return to me but I really hope that it won’t.
