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  1. D

    Propencia is dangerous or not?

    <p>Hello there everybody. I would really like to ask you this question, is propecia dangerous or not? I really need a good answer on this. I have read a lot of internet rumors regarding propecia and that it is dangerous. I would really like to understand why they wrote that and if it’s true. I...
  2. D

    honest advices on stopping alcohol intake?

    <p>Hi everyone, I would like to get a bit of your help and advice. There is somebody who isn’t me (I am going to use this term pretty often so lets say swim from now on) who is hoping to have a long and frank discussion with all of you about his alcohol addiction and in case or how RC’s may or...
  3. D

    I have a dizzy spell.. >10 months ill

    <p>I have been ill for more than 10 months now and all started with a strange dizziness that started to appear and now I think that somebody put a spell on me. I have had dizzy spells for 5 years now and sometime twice per year but in any case the dizziness that I felt that time was different in...