a strange bubble


New member

Hi, I write this post because I would like to get some advice and your opinion upon my situation. So, we have an 8 week old baby, and the last week we noticed that there was a fluid-filled bubble on the back of our baby’s head. This bubble is very pronounced and I’m really worried about it. The first thing that I did was to take her to the local hospital, hoping that this was not something serious. But our family doctor was very perplexed when he saw it. They took the x-ray and they found nothing, no fractures or anomalies. Then we took her to a pediatrician and he told us that he doesn’t know what to do about it. He suggested us to wait and to see if it goes away. Our baby is acting normal. He has no pain or discomfort.


Obviously we are a bit scared about this. I read many things about this type of thing and bubbles at birth but all the babies had it from 1 to 2 years not 8 weeks like ours. Should I be seeking additional opinions or you think that I have to wait like our doctor said? I am worried and I don’t know what I should do.



New member

Hi. I have the same problem so you are not the only one. My baby is 9 weeks old and about a week ago I noticed this fluid was about the size of the quarter, and now is like an egg. Also my baby doesn’t have any discomfort, even if I touch it. So I took her to our doctor. He also said that there is nothing to worry about. But then I decided to get the second option and we just had an ultrasound. Hope to get good results on Friday. I hope it is nothing and it’s going to go away. Have you had any other advices? What do you decided to do? Will you wait or you will do something?




New member

Hey everyone. I am having a 10 weeks old son and he is also having a fluid bubble on the back of his head between the skull and his scalp. We have noticed it only 3 days ago and we have been recommended by telehealth that we should take him to the emergency room and that’s what we have done. our doctor advised us that as long as our son is acting and feeling normal we have no reasons to worry too much about that. however it has not changed that much in the last couple of days and it is looking like it is a soft goose egg or something in this matter (it is the first thing that came into my mind for a comparison). Is there somebody who has found what this thing can be and if we really should be worried or no? is there some of you that are having at least any ideas of what it is the source of this strange fluid and how can we get rid of it? I am not sure but I have been thinking that it can be related to his rapid rate of growth, is it true or it seems to be a nonsense? His birth weight has doubled within the last 7 weeks or so. Is there any new thoughts on this? I would appreciate it very and very much for any given info and helpful insights. Thank you a lot for everything!
