Hi people. I would really appreciate if somebody could help me a little bit. I am having a pretty severe asthma that it is induced by doing sports. So I need some help regarding this problem. of course, before I decided to post here I went to a specialist, I went to him a while back and I have done a test with viles. After I have finished with the test the doctors there have given me a pretty high dose of albuterol and after that I was what my mother is usually calling “speeding”. So, this is why I have asked you whether it is able Albuterol to make you “speed”. I do know very well what speeding is, however I have been wondering here whether albuterol really can do it to the person who is taking (to me) in case the person is going to take it on a regular basis. Yeah, I do know what I have said, that I am having asthma induced mostly by sports only, however I still would need to take it on a regular basis because we should take in consideration that I am either having practices or games every single day. besides, I am also using it at some other times if it is needed either. however, the problem is that I really do not want to be speeding in case I really do not want to do so. Well, it is mostly a basically a thought that have popped into my mind and I would really appreciate any help in this matter. by the way, I did called my doctor asking him this question but he said that he doesn’t know anything about “speeding” or anything in this matter. thank you all very much in advance for all of your answers!