Very well… humans are truly going beyond any given normal border in order to achieve some relief for their pains and pretty often, unfortunately, this means that they are doing drugs and consuming alcohol and liquor with it. I would definitely not recommend that. the relief, unfortunately, is only very short lived and when the physical pain is relieved then the emotional pain can be, and usually is, taxing. Trying to cope with any kind of given chronic pain by taking illicit drug as well as drinking alcohol with it, is a definitely losing battle. Yeah, it is going to fix your problem for a short period of time, however you are going to damage some several other areas lifetime and this is going to lead to problems much worse that you have. also, this is in addition to the deleterious effects of the alcohol and drugs such as for example heroin and cocaine on your health, on your brain as well as on the heart. There are some medical evidence showing that those are interfering with the pain medications as well as they are complicating things with your physician which is not a “positive” thing for you. you’ve got to keep in your mind that you have signed in a pain agreement, a contract, and it is stating that you are not going to use any illicit substances or alcohol and in case you do – you lose any chance of being given the drugs.
Plus, those negative effects of addiction are long lasting, in case the patient over lives that at all… addiction is being defined as a pathological, almost obsessive compulsive disorder, where you do know those substances are constantly causing harm to you, they are continuously damaging you, but you continue to use them despite the presence of the adequate pain relief and analgesia. But, addiction it is not as common as we may think that it actually is. to use some more medications it does not automatically mean that the patient is being addicted, increased usage of the pain medication due to the fact that the patient has now increased physical activity, or there’s recurrence of the disease that it is causing worsening of the pain, may justify the increasing pain medications.
In order to deal with the pain you have, street drugs are, in fact, never a good idea at all. the patient, sooner or later, is going to develop tolerance to it, and he/she is going to need more and more of those drugs in order to achieve the exact same effect of relief that they initially started to have with a lower dose. And so you are going to find yourself purchasing more and more. this is why, best would be not to start at all with them.
There has been some significant debate about the medicinal use for the marijuana for pain relief and in chronic illness, such as for example cancer and with chemotherapy. The controversy that is ongoing. For now it is not legal to use it.
Very well, here are some of the negative effects of the drugs and alcohol, and this besides the fact that you’re going to have health problems and financial collapse, confusion, fatigue, loss of interest in the usual hobbies as well as in people, growing memory issues, emotional flatness, interference with the sleep (sometimes leading to extremely aggressive insomnia), as well as increasing irritability and anger. Plus, you’ve got to keep in your mind that homicide, suicide as well as auto accidents are getting significantly higher as well.
So well, how you can resolve drug and /or alcohol abuse:
1. In case you are suspecting any drug or alcohol abuse then you need to get as soon as it is possible because the sooner the better for you. you really need to consult your physician or a psychologist about it, AA, or the county for further help. you really need to get help in such situations.
2. you’ve got to avoid as much as you can the encouraging of use of medications for pain relief or for other effects such as for example sleep, sedation, or even relaxation. Your body needs get used to deal with issues by itself.
3. detoxification it is an integral part of the treatment. is essential. Is something that you need to go through and the sooner the better because the sooner – the easier it is going to be. that’s why, any trance of addiction and you need to go to a doctor or whoever else can help you right away.
4. you’ve got to avoid the use of the prn medications as well as the use of medications that are long acting. Sometimes this can be done – it is allowed, however it can be done exclusively only with the consultation of your physician! Never try to do it by yourself.
5. you really need to learn coping skills and relaxation techniques! Some natural methods that can help you get through that harsh time.
6. you’ve got to learn to invest your time in some constructive things rather than some destructive habits out there.
7. you need to improve your spirituality as well as to fill in the blanks in your personality and entire life.
So well, the points that I have wrote above are greatly going to help you in case you’re going to go through those “harsh” moments. I really hope that somebody is going to find this helpful!