Best method against Cellulite?


New member

I’m 27 and I got more cellulite after birth. I cannot say that earlier I didn’t have any at all, yet less than now. I observed that I gained cellulite on my thighs, calves and a little on my breast. I tried a lot of lotions, creams against cellulite, however, no one helped me. I know that exercises and running helps much against cellulite, but I didn’t have time for it, as well as I was breastfeeding and my doctor prohibited me.
I started to do massage, one day per week, every week. The results I saw immediately, and I am fully satisfied with the relaxing massage and anti-cellulite massage. I would advise any mom to practice it!



New member

Hey Jessica, oh this darn cellulite :))) This headache is present in every woman's life, unfortunately. Cellulite is just extra fat deposited right under the epidermis, and you have said, best way to fight it is through sports or/and massage, best way to get rid of cellulite is combining the two. Physical effort runs the blood faster through the veins, this way it enriches with oxygen, and then oxygen is the one that fights best the extra fat on our body. That's how cellulite dies. I get sad when really fat women buy very expensive anti-cellulite creams and expect it to do miracles. Ofcourse the cream will have its effects, however, if there is no physical effort, the super expensive cream equals to zero. Moreover, we need to watch on what we eat. Clean, protein based meals such as white and red meat, eggs and low fat dairy products is best against cellulite. No sugar, trans fats or carbohydrates - that's the right diet against body fat, including cellulite.

For best results, i would strongly recommend eating clean (every single day), sport (at least 2-3 times a week), massage (at least once per week) and whatever anti-cellulite creams (at least 2-3 time a week). For better results, these creams have to be administered while sweating, the pores open and its effects are so much better. Been there, done that :))
