Bleeding and spotting after hysterectomy 6 months ago

Mary Moll

New member

Hey everyone, I would like to know if someone can help me with some answers. I had a total hysterectomy 6 months ago. I had some bleedings but I know that this phenomenon is normal after hysterectomy. It stopped. But for about two weeks already I have spotting or bleeding whenever I have sex. This happens for a whole day and it really scares me. I don't know if this is normal or I should worry about it. My doctor didn't say anything about this last time I visited him. Now I'm really concerned and I think for having an appointment. I really hope that this isn't a problem. I would love to know if someone else had this problem or I'm the only one? I'm out of ideas!



New member

Hi, I have had only partial hysterectomy (uterus and cervix removal only) 8 months ago and now I'm very happy that I found your post because I was freaking out that something went wrong. Now when I see that others have it too then it should be something normal. I have had sex the day before yesterday and I have started to have light bleedings and spotting. It continued like that all day long so I was really scared because of this. Good to see other with this problem (but I'm sorry you have it too in particular) and I hope this isn't a big deal? Anyone else ever had something similar? I never had a problem due to my surgery so, it is normal, I guess. I'm even feeling much better since the surgery (I have had big pains before it). Now I'm going to see how I will feel further. Best wishes!



New member

So, here is my story:


I have had a partial hysterectomy about two years ago, only the uterus was removed. Everything seemed fine, i only had heavy bleedings and severe migraines. This was enough for me because the heavy bleedings every month and the horrible migraines every other month was concerning me. I waited few weeks months to see whether it is going to normalize, it don't. I finally decided i need to see what is going on with me and what's the deal with these unusual periods and the migraines.


I visited a doctor who said that i definitely shouldn't bleed if i had my uterus removed. The doctor said that something is wrong or the surgeon performed something wrong. Obviously he said that i should go back to the surgeon and talk to him about this because he might know better what is going on. The doctor said that something like this can occur in case if the surgeon didn't remove my uterus but only the fibroids.


Went to my surgeon and asked him about this and told him about what the other doctor told me. The surgeon made an ultrasound screen and said that there's no mistake because my uterus is removed. About my bleedings he said that it could be due to my cervix. I don't really know what the cervix has to do with my bleedings but i guess the surgeon knows better than me what he is doing and what he says. I also was really hoping that the bleeding would finally go away. I think this is something common right?



New member

So, I have big problems some years ago I had a hysterectomy, I had my uterus removed.  I thought that I’ll have no problems with this but actually there are 3 years now that I still suffer very much. Even if there are 3 years since this intervention, even now I have bleedings that I can’t stop. Besides that I also suffer from migraines. There are days when I feel that cannot resist this terrible pain. I noticed that usually this pain starts when I have heavy periods so I’m not sure that this has something in commune with my intervention but I feel very strange and this don’t pass. Obviously I did some exams in order to see if there is something serious. My new doctor sad that actually is very bad to have these bleedings after 3 years of this surgery. She recommended me to go back and to talk with the doctor that performed the surgery and to explain the entire situation. She also explained that I have to find out if he removed only my uterus and not my fibroids. In her opinion my bleedings could be due some problems with fibroids if they were removed. I went back to my doctor that again confirmed that my uterus had been removed and that I have those bleedings because of cervix that is still intact. As a conclusion I can say that I understood nothing from all of those things that he explained, but I hope that there is somebody that had the same situation and can explain to me what is happening. Thanks for attention.
