Cardio exercises for weight lose


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Types of cardio exercises for weight loss;




Sport or social dance can make you lose approx. 240 calories in first 30 minutes, and aerobic dance (for example Zumba) helps you to lose approx. 300 calories in only 30 minutes. Dancing is the only cardiovascular training that besides physical benefits can entertain you. In one dance session human brain produces endorphins, chemical substances responsible for reducing stress and bettering immune system. Different styles of dancing, human body works out different group of muscles.


Aerobic step


You can get rid the excess of weight practicing aerobic step. This method can make you lose approx. 400 calories in about 30 minutes of intense activity. Moreover, it invigorates bottom side of your body.


Metabolic Booster


Metabolic Booster is mixed elements of cardio and invigoration exercises being recommended for those who have a medium level of physical preparation; if you practiced other cardiovascular trainings in the last two months (Zumba, Dance Mix, Rebound, Tae Bo, and Aerobic Step).


Kettle bell training


Exercises with kettle bell combines cardio, force and flexibility and it works out all your group of muscles. This training develops your resistance and invigorates your abdomen, buttock and breasts. You practice it at home too, its duration being 10-45 minutes with immediate results.




Simple walk is the most accessible and simple cardio exercise for weight loss and, in the same time, the safest for your body. But you need to maintain a high cardiac rhythm: walk fast enough to obtain results.




Is a cardio exercise for weight loss very efficient but it has a high impact on your organism and requires joints.




Whether you choose classic bicycle or the stationary one, cycling doesn’t require your organism in excess so you can lose many calories. Yet, cycling doesn’t work out your upper body part; it invigorates the majority of leg muscles. If you choose this type of cardio exercise for weight lose make sure you make a make a sufficient distance with a moderate speed. In average, cycling with 10 mph you lose approx. 372 calories, more than 745 calories with a moderate speed (12-14 mph) and about 1120 calories at more than 20 mph.




Swimming (any style) can make you lose about 350 calories in 30 minutes. If you practice this activity it will get rid you about 400 – 700 calories, which is very good.


Walk up /downstairs


This cardio exercise will help improve your cardiovascular resistance and it will invigorate your bottom part of your body. It can be a little tedious, but with time your body will accustom and you will notice a physical improvement. Walking up and downstairs is an intense cardio exercise which can make lose you about 150 calories in 10 minutes. You can practice it at metro stations, block stairs or at work. This cardio exercise is a great weight loss, especially if you can’t go at fitness, but anyway, you could practice it alongside with other daily exercises.


I hope it will help you all be in shape and have a beautiful body. If anyone can add something new, all you are welcome! Practice sports and be healthy! ;)
