Chapped Lips


New member

Hi everyone, I don't know where esle to post this so I thought on dental health I would get more chances of getting an answer. For about a year (maybe a little less) I have very badly chapped and cracked lips, they are peeling greatly:( It would be fine if they won't create so much discomfort as much as they do! they hurt every. single. time. when my lips are shedding. Obviously I've tried a lot of different lipsticks, lotions and lip balm I could find an none has worked:( When it first occured it wasn't so bad, but nowadays it's peeling and even bleeding more than once a day and nothing seem to help me. I've visited a doc. and he couldn't give me a define answers, he suppose it to be because a lack of vitamin B I have. I've tried taking vitamin B in complex supplements for a month now and it doesn't work neither. Anyone here ever experienced something like this? Do you know anything that could help? Thank you



New member

Hello, I’ve had a similar problem but I treated it and now I’m alright. It’s very good that you have visited a doctor but I would recommend you to visit a certified dermatologist. A friend recommended me the same when I had it so I went to a dermatologist who told me precisely what is the problem with my severely chapped lips. I remember that I have pierced a capsule with vitamin E and I rubbed it onto my lips with its oil mixing it with aloe vera juice. It really helped me very good. They both have natural healing qualities and also these ingredients you can easily find at any pharmacy. It worked for me so it should work for you too. Anyway try to find a good dermatologist and you will find more answers. He or she should help you better than no one. Good luck and hope I’ve helped. Take care ;)



New member

Hey charger, I've done a reasearch on the internet and I found something for you that hope it will help.


I've read lots of feedback people were giving about Lansinoh Cream that contains pure lanolin and 1% hydrocortisone ointment. I've read that mixed together they work just perfect for chapped, dry lips. A lot of people said that this mix saved them from this problem within 3 days, moreover they say that within 24 hours the pain is minimized. I guess it should work out for you too very quickly. Also, you should avoid irritants on your lips so you need to be very careful of what creams or lotions you are using. Ingredients like menthol and camphor are the worst things possible for skin, avoid them as you can.


Give it a try and then write here your results, you might help other people too if it works for you by giving a feedback. I truly hope that it will work for you as it worked for others and you will feel normal again. Good luck and be healthy ;)



New member

I can't believe it! Bless God this forum and you MBernic!! Thank you for millions of times! You saved my life! Lansinoh Cream and hydrocortisone ointment cured my problem I had for so much time. I can't believe how effective it was!! Within 3 days my lips were almost fully cured and I'm still shocked about that! My extremely severe chapped lips are fine and I don't have that pain anymore! I'm so thankful for this! It feels so much better now! I was desperate! I forgot about this site and few days ago I remembered about it :). I went to the store (sincerly, not having big hopes about it) and bought these products. When I saw the effects I couldn't believe! Who would have thought a cracked nipple cream would work for chapped lips when I have tried so many products and so much time fighting with this :) Now I'm afraid to stop using them, however I guess I will give it a try in next few days and see the results. Now I'm thinking why so few people know about this remedy for chapped lips? Anyway, sorry for saying this too much but THANK YOU once again :) My best wishes MBernic!



New member

Who on Earth have ever thought that a cracked nipple cream can work so good for chapped lips? As "charger" I am very and very pleased with this lansinoh cream and hydrocortisone ointment effects on my problematic lips for years. I also sincerely would like to thank you MBernic for posting this information!


It effects are truly shocking! After about 24 hours I felt my lips that they are better and didn't feel raw and weren't throbbing in pain as they were doing for years! Now I'm not my 3th day after using it and it feels so MUCH better and the cream returned them to a normal state, not completely but after seeing the cream effects I think few more days are more than enough!


So I also would like to recommend this cream to who else is going to see this post! It works completely different than anything else such as vaseline, neosporin, chap stick, vitamin e capsules, burt's bees, etc. those don't work, believe me because I have tried them! I was struggling with this problem for many years and I never found an answer so for me this is a God's send gift! Now my only problem is the same as "charger's" to stop using it.



New member

I have been suffering from chapped lips all my life, I don't really know why but the pain was terrible. Lately my lips were getting even worse and I got to the point where they started to bleed and so I had difficulties even to sleep due to the pain. I have been to several doctors and none of them helped. I visited this forum few days ago... Well, after I saw the results of Lansinoh Cream and the ointment I was so amazed that I decided to join the forum and to let everyone else know how good it worked for chapped lips. Thank you for this really helpful info



New member

Hi everyone! I'm 29 years old male and I'm suffering from the same condition for many years and I can't stand it anymore! I have been to several forums trying to find something and now I am here too. I have been to various doctors, to numerous dermatologists and stomatology clinics all they have been looked at my severely chapped lips and none can seem to find out what is wrong. They gave me some creams, lotions and I have tried on my own to find a treatment but some of them don't seem to help me at all but others helps for a little while, then my condition comes right back within few days. I can't focus on anything else but this! I'm depressed and I'm unable to enjoy my life because of the pain it always gives me. I'm thinking that I could be anemic and or I have deficient in iron and that's why none of the doctors can help me and my condition is so untreatable. It has passed so much time since I have this condition and nothing works and I'm truly running our of options! This is crazy! I'm going to try and find the ointment everyone is talking about here and see if it is going to work on me as good as it worked for everybody! I really hope so because I'm desperate! Thanks for suggestions and for your opinions.



New member

What a similar story. My daughter is also suffering (or better say was suffering) from severely chapped lips. She had extreme dried lips and dried mouth area for more than two years now. Whenever she had it the apprx. Inch wide area all around her mouth was always cracking, bleeding and peeling. The corners of her mouth was also affected and this thing gave her big troubles opening her mouth wide enough just to eat. Each time she had to eat she was getting depressive. I do understand her because having pains each time you eat and in general almost 24/7 feeling pains around your mouth isn’t funny at all. This thing could go away for one or another reason but whenever she had it she was suffering for about 2 to 4 months at a single time.


We’ve been to our family doctor around 10 times with this problem. He couldn’t explain it and couldn’t help us. He was always saying that this isn’t something viral and said that perhaps it may be an allergy to something but everything he prescribed never worked.


Few weeks ago my daughter had another outbreak of this dry mouth and chapped lips. In less than one week it disappeared. We tried all the lip balms we could get but nothing helped. The only thing she found helpful is nupracaine. It is a cream for hemorrhoids. Initially I thought that it won’t work but WOW. It worked. I have my daughter this cream along with ibuprofen for her swelling and in less than 2 day everything disappeared. It is definitely worth a try if the lansinoh and the ointment doesn’t work!



New member

Well I have a friend who is having pretty the same thing. maybe her situation isn’t as bad as yours, but she still suffers from it, pretty badly, I mean it was so bad that she actually had to go to a doctor. Anyway, I am not that sure about it but she was having a lot of stress, I mean A LOT because she was planning a wedding (she got married not so long ago) and because of her job (she had the hardest project at the time she had her wedding plan). She had a lot of stress and she had this problem too so she went to a doctor and was told that it is because of that stress. Then she said that she was really finding herself biting and licking her lips whenever she was stressed (but she wasn’t realizing what she’s doing). Anyway, she’s now fine. I’m pretty sure that she used something but I don’t really know what. maybe later I would remember and I would ask her and I would post here. But, until I would ask her you should better stop stressing. Best regards.
