Hey folks, how are you? Today I woke up and I decided to read some of your posts here and the first thing that I noticed is that nobody has mentioned anything about counterfeit drugs but I think this is one very important subject that we should discuss about. I suddenly remembered what happened to one of my friends some year ago and I decided that it will be important to share this information with you as we are all living in this drugs world and facing the reality: sometimes we are getting counterfeit drugs. This happened some years ago and this was a lesson for me and for my family because we have seen how our family friend was dying. It has been such a scaring situation and at the same time unusual because nobody knew what to do. My friend has had headaches during one week continously and he decided to buy some ibuprofen to use.
No one of us has ever thought that such a drug like ibuprofen could make him nearly to die. After the first pill he didn’t felt anything, and I remember that he told me that it didn’t helped him with headaches (of course). The next day he decided to take the second pill and everything started with this moment. Because after 30 minutes when he have used the second pill he started to feel so bad, he have started to vomit and to faint all the time, then later after some hours he have had blood coming out from his nose. All of us have gotten very scared. I do understand that nose bleeding isn’t such a big thing, however it never happened to him and now it happened after taking that drug. too much of coincidence. Besides, sometimes bleeding nose can be dangerous... At the beginning we even didn’t thought that it could be because of the ibuprofen, especially because all of us used this drug pretty much throughout our lives and none of us have experienced something like this ever before.
His doctor was stoked and couldn’t explain this as to why this has happened, first of all because he told us that usually people have some bad sensations just if they use an overdose, but my friend explained to him that he have used 2 pills one today and another one the day before that so it was surely not an overdose.
Anyway after an investigation of the pills (with lab works), his doctor explained that the pills were counterfeit and that usually they are not equal to the original because people that counterfeit them use some substances that are very toxic for human body instead of the substances that are supposed to help you. they use it because those substances are cheap and if taking 1 pill of it you won’t feel anything (as it happened to my friend) but if you start using some more then this substance becomes toxic for our bodies.
I was very scared and I’m still scared all the time I decide or I have to take some drugs I’m scared not to have a counterfeit one. My doctor told me that I can ask him to examine the pills all the time I feel insecure, and I recommend you to do the same thing whenever you are getting some meds from a source that you are not 100% sure that they are containing whatever they need to have. This will help you to stay away of similar experience. My friend is okay now, but he could die because of these pills. I’m happy that he is okay now, and I hope that nobody will experience something like this. I would also like to suggest you to take it more seriously, and all the time you experience some strange sensation after some pills, drugs.. to contact your doctor because it can be fatal sometimes and especially if you’re not letting anybody know about your current situation. I just want to help because lately more and more stuff is getting counterfeit and dangerous so we should be very careful. I wish you all to have a nice day and if there’s somebody who has any questions or some similar situation to share with us then write a comment. Below.