"Hello there Rose Dee, I have been in the exact same boat as you have been approximately 2 years ago or so, this is why I do know what you feel and what it is like. I have “self medicated” myself for a while and used some forums like you are now doing during that time when my back has been so painful that it has been getting already unbearable. I did not have any insurance as I have been between jobs then doing the 3 month wait period at the next job and so on. in the time I have started the job that I am currently having, I have received health insurance on the first day of my employment (because my employer is doing some very extensive and detailed background checks of his employees) that is why I have made an appointment to the doctor as fast as it has been possible.
When I have visited the first doctor he has told me that I have been find and that I have to take Aleve, and after that, it has taken me approximately 8 appointments more or so, crying out at every single one of them in order to try to make any progress at all. Initially, they have started me on a small vicodin prescription and told me to ice, heat and so on and so forth. Besides, they have also told me to go to a chiropractor, which what I have done, however after 8 visits to that chiropractor made it all even worse because my pain has been about 2 times worse than how it has been before doing it. They have made me go to the in house pain NP who have said I went through the RX way too quickly (apparently, it seems that 6/day is WAY too much to them… doh) and then they have told me that if I really was in such pain then I should go to the Emergency Room (ER). So well, I went to the ER approximately 4 times or so (maybe 5, can’t remember) before the doctor’s office customer service has called me to say “hey, what is going on?” I have complained on everything and in the end they told me: “um… in case you are in the pains then you’ve got to keep going to the ER…” I was like… are you freaking serious?
So well, on the last ER visit that I have had, I tried to explain to the nurse working there all of what has been going on and she has recommended me to demand an MRI done (and to be honest… I seriously have not had any one done so far). I did what I was recommended but they have told me that the hospital’s MRI has been broken, go figure, that is why I have called the another hospital that we have in the town and I have asked them for an MRI and I have had it done approximately 3 or 4 days later. As soon as the results, report as well as CD of imagines have all be ready they have called me in, come to find out, I’ve been told that I have had a compression fracture in my thoracic back. As well as bulging cervical discs and this was not all because there were some other things as well (but they were minor). As soon as I have been told this, my very first thought during that time has been: f*ck yeah, now I finally have the evidence to prove them that my pain is real and that they are not going to treat me like some junky or drug addict like they have been treating me until now (or at least gave me the impression that they were doing it). Oh my god… I don’t know if I ever have been more wrong.
The doctor on call at the office have had his nurse call me to say that “dr. so and so is telling that there is almost nothing wrong at all with your back, that is why, the best thing would be if you are going to go and get a massage as well as you might get yourself some more Tylenol and more ibuprofen”. When she told me this news i’ve been feeling like somebody knocked me on my head with something very heavy. I have been speechless. I’ve been shocked, I’ve been mad, angry, dumb founded and literally angry on this entire world. I have been thinking that maybe they have not got the right information and told to that nurse: “look, I am having my report and this is definitely not what it is saying. How exactly can the doctor say that he doesn’t see any problem when it is plainly stating out that there is a FRACTURE as well as bulging discs? these are not conditions that might be treated with a massage”. I guess it has been my tone, or I don’t know, but she did apologize, however she then got off the phone pretty rapidly. So well, I have ended up to email my regular PCP who has responded me with a “I have seen your report, I am going to it in a referral to pain management for you”. to be honest, I have started to feel much better after this. I’ve been feeling like FINALLY somebody takes my pain seriously.
I guess there’s no need to mention that I did pain management for approximately one year or so before they have announced that they were closing both the offices in less than a month. Talking about straight PANIC. Luckily for me, the original NP who has treated the pain patients at my doctor’s office did agreed to take me on as his patient. I truly has been lucky as she has been helpful and mostly she kept my RX’s the same, less 1 5 mg pill per day. Then I have had another MRI done that was showing that besides the fact that I was having an non healing fracture, I also started to have an early degenerative disc disease making it all even worse. I’ve got to say that I am seeing an osteopath who has told me that my right leg is approximately a quarter inch longer than my left one and so he said that this might be a reason as to why nothing is healing for me but it is even becoming more worse. It is a really good doctor that really seem to know what he is talking about. I really respect his professionalism.
I can tell you that it has been a pretty difficult of a journey of pain and suffering from me which I definitely did not liked it. I have been told a lot of times by a lot of people that I am too young to be in the pain (I am 34 years old now, by the way) but I always thought that this is such a stupidity, and it really is. because, let’s face it, the pain doesn’t care how old are you, it strikes you and that’s it. and also I’ve been told that I am too skinny so this is the reason why my back broke (because I’m too skinny, because I’m anorexic…) and I do not normally eat and because I am bulimic and I am throwing up my food so I do not get enough calcium. Hence my back broke. Am I the only one who finds it to be such a big stupidity? Honestly, I simply could not believe that this has been said by a doctor, who have learned, studies medicine and so on for YEARS! I have been about 125 pounds since the time I have been 14- 16 years old and this is in their records. If it would happen that I had an eating disorder then I would be dead a long time ago by now.
Either way, what I am trying to say is that you’ve got to keep your hope, go ahead with your head up, be sure that somebody will eventually help you at some point, however you must advocate for yourself because if you don’t, I really doubt that there would be somebody who would. Keep your points, fight for what you need. And one day you’ll find somebody who would help. as people are different, doctors are different as well which means that when one does not want to help, another one would. You also recommend getting a spouse, boy/ girlfriend, family members to get involved into helping to advocate for you right now. right now you need their help. let them help you. and they CAN help you. I’ve got to tell you that my boyfriend started to go with me to ALL of the appointments I’ve had with docs when I was appearing home in pains and in tears after a couple of visits. It may seem that nobody can help, but they really can because besides me, my boyfriend it is my biggest advocate and the doctors are always carefully listening to him when he tries to explain them how bad my pains is, when he seems me struggling in that pain. I remember when he said: listen, you don’t understand what she’s getting through although you’re a doctor, her pain is so bad that she cannot work normally and when she does go to work she comes back all in pains, lying down on the couch and sitting there crying until it is the time for going to bed and I barely can make her stop crying, we go back sleeping and she cannot sleep because those pains keep her up. Do you think it is easy for me looking at her suffering like that? do you think she’s crying night and night again without no reasons? And so on and so forth. What I’m trying to say is that I’ve got very big help from my boyfriend!
HOWEVER, even so, still you are your biggest advocate! You’ve got to very carefully do your own research, you’ve got to search for people that might be able to help you out and you’ve got to politely demand those things that you know you need when they do not want to offer them to you. Do whatever it takes that would make you get whatever you need. And eventually, you would get it. Yeah, I’ve got to apologize that this is such an extremely long post, I just thought about posting 2-3 sentences here but it seems like I couldn’t stop writing. Anyway, I just really hope that what I have wrote here would help you at least a little bit. I hope that this story of mine would make you hope and make you fight in your own journey. And no, it won’t happen overnight, it might take a while, however you are going to find that help that you really deserve and you would understand that what you’ve done wasn’t useless.