drug test in a few days, please help


New member

Hello all. I have big hopes in you guys that I am going to find some help around here about passing a drug test that I am going to have in a few days. so well, let me tell you a bit of my story again hoping that this is going to help you give me more precise answer. here’s the thing, I am a chronic (long term) and daily user of pot and opiates as well – I’m talking about codeine phosphate and OC 10 mg about 2 or 3 times a week. I do know that this doesn’t matter to you but I still want to say here that I have been in all this routine for some years now and trust me or not but I really want to stop but I am not able to. the good news for me is that I have got now a job offer for a good position with a new company that has opened and this is the problem as well. I am really glad because that’s only an office job with absolutely no heavy machinery operation or equipment or things like these involved. I consider that I am really blessed to have this offer and that’s why I do not want to lose it. I have been advised in the job offer it is the subject to a pre employment drug screen and physical. I have got some quick fix fake urine in the anticipation of the urine drug screen.


Both the drug screen and physical are going to be done at the local hospital. So well, I have given them a phone call for the appointment and when I have asked what kind of test it is going to be she has answered (which I found to be quite strange) telling me that it is going to be urine and blood test (and I say that it is strange thinking that she would tell me that they are not telling such kind of info). But they did. However I did not press the question in order to arouse any suspicion about this. I am now scheduled to have the test in 3 days (4 days if including today). I really want to get a little bit of your help if that’s possible, telling me how I can pass it. or am I screwed and there’s nothing I can do about it? are there at least any possible ways that in case I am stopping to use all of them right now then to pass that blood test that I am afraid of? I was trying to search for information about these things and from as much as I have read and what I have found – the opiates are only staying in your system for a few hours only or maybe maximum a few days and no more which means that by the 4th day I am surely going to be all fine if I won’t use anything more. that’s why I am now not as worried about that as I am worried because of the THC which I have found that it stays in the system for much longer. I have been a chronic user for more than 10 years now and I know that this plays an important role… the only guess that I have now, I mean the only possible way of me passing through the test would be to be off them until the next week and to try to stay clean off them which I do know and I do realize very well that it is going to be extremely hard for me to go cold turkey from absolutely all of the meds out of a sudden.


I am now thinking that the only saving grace here is that I do not have to start for a month but I think that I can only put the test off so long. Been thinking that maybe you are having some methods that you can share with me how I can safely pass the tests. Maybe there are some tricks or whatever else. what do you think I need to do? what would you do if you were in my situation? Please help, any help is going to be deeply appreciated. Please help me... I really need your help and I start freaking out!



New member

Yeah, indeed as you have said – you are most likely going to be all fine if you are going to stop with the opiates for a few days as their half life is really short so by the time you’re going to have the test – they are going to be out of your system. But it is also true that you’ve got to stop using them AT ALL, not even the slightest dosage should be administered. If so you’ll pass it. in order to make sure go and buy a home drug test and you can test yourself before you are going to take the real test so you’ll know preventively if you would pass it or not. well, regarding getting of the real opiates… I have done something about it in the past and it has been that I was using tramadol as a substitute in order to lessen the withdrawals from the opiates. And I recommend you tramadol due to the fact that it is requiring a test of its own to get detected and that is why, usually, most of the companies are not going to test for it (but of course, the best would be to completely stop using everything, but I do realize it is near to impossible and that’s why I recommend you this). you know… you might find a clue as to what kind of test if you are looking very carefully at that offer of the employment letter. Analyzing it carefully is what I recommend you to do. I tell you this because I already had to take some UAs a couple of years ago and that’s why I am quite familiar with the entire process and everything else (as I’ve also been in the situation you’re in and so I do know what you want and what you are feeling like and I’ve also been searching as much info about it as it was possible).


Also, make sure that that you are going to drink a lot of water (not too much though) and in approximately 72 hours or so (which means that you’re going to be fine by the time you take the test) the opiates are going to be completely out of your system, or at least sufficiently to pass the test normally.


Honestly, I have never had the nerve to use some fake urine besides if the test is onserved then you are going to be screwed up anyway… there’s also something else, another option for you that might be quite a good option IMO and it is that you can go and find a doctor that is going to prescribe you something with codeine in like cough syrup (because it is not that hard to get a prescription for it). so well, when you are going for the test then just bring your prescription with you as well as the codeine cough syrup in order to show them so when they will test and if they find something then it is quite likely for you to tell them that it is the syrup and so you are going to pass it.


But I honestly don’t know what to tell you about the pot use… I think that you can simply put your screwed THC sticks to your fatty cells and take a very and very long time to clear out of your system… that is why, I guess that something like the fake urine may be the only rescue that you might have. not sure. But if they are going to see it, if they are going to catch you, then this is going to be an immediate fail as much as I know. maybe… the only chance is that in case you are living in Washington or maybe in Colorado or maybe in some other state in which they have legalized mmj or simply straight mj then you might get a pass in case the company that you are applying for is also in agreement with this (because I’ve heard about companies still not wanting employees with mj in their blood stream even if in their state this is legalized). There’s a friend of mine living in Washington who told me about such a story. This does work for the federal government in some way so you are going to need to pass a federal drug test and as far as they are being concerned pot it is a complete and big no and it really does not matter of what the states are saying.


But once again, like I have already said it earlier, nuy a drug test actually several so you are able to test yourself several times, you might try to take it now and see what are the results. then wait for as much as you can (3 or 4 days) and later do it again in order to see if you are still going to test positive for either one of them.


But as much as it seemed to me that you’ve understood it… your main and biggest problem (what you’ve got to be concerned about) it is the pot and not the codeine. In case you are going to test positive for the codeine then they are going to think that you are, in fact, doing heroin but opiates are way much more soluble and that is why they are flushing out quite quickly out of the system. Besides, I also think that it is quite important for you to remember that your body does not have to be completely free of whatever they are testing for, it only needs to be below the detection threshold (detection lower level). You see, in case the pot is still going to be there in the system after even 3 or 4 days then you’ve got to compare the color that you are getting on the first day dollar to what you are getting on a day 3 or 4 and in such a case when it is being lighter then there is some hope for you to get through it. maybe, not sure, but maybe, drinking a lot of water might be helpful. however, if it’s going to be on the other hand when it might be the same as on the first day then it is sure thing that you are screwed.


Whatever the case, I still think that it is worth trying it, what else to do? I don’t think that simply giving up is a better idea. But that’s why I do not smoke pot and I always refuse to, it is for this very reason. I really hope that you are going to find this at least somewhat helpful and you will get through this.


Sure thing is that you need to stop with the codeine intake or to get a script for the cough syrup with codeine and you need to be fine with this. but you’ve got to somehow sweat the pot out of you. besides, it also depends a lot on the company itself and where you are. For example, for a smaller company in the California they are tested for pot and some other drugs as well, but even if the company still detects the pot then they are letting people slide for the positive for it. they simply do not care about it. the first thing is because it is in California and second it is because the company is small. This was even before they legalized it, not talking about now.


You can search and ask for their policies and etc. that’s because you are not going to get the job for sure in case the company does indeed care about testing positive for the THC, however I think that there might be an option and it is to be straight up with the company hr or the person who is hiring you about the pot usage. That’s when you know almost for sure that you are screwed anyway. I guess that this should be applied in the last place as a last option. this might make them think that you are honest and they need honest people I think. not sure, maybe it is only me but I have always been paranoid about failing drug test and it is irrational however I think that it is creating some kind of a record somewhere that it is following you around.


As soon as you are taking a piss test in case the company is contacting you within 24 hours  you are fine in case you fail a MRO medical records officer usually an MD or somebody working with a doctor. anyway, I’ve tried to help and I really hope that it will somehow, at least I’ve honestly tried to cover pretty much all of the things regarding this problem and I really hope that I’ve succeeded and I’m really sorry if I haven’t. I wish you good luck with that test and I hope you’re going to be all fine.



New member

Oh yeah, I also think that you have covered most of it Toliman which I can say that you’ve done a really good job about. as OP has mentioned and as you have mentioned, opiates do flush out pretty fast out of the system, however it can very often take approximately 4 or 5 days to be completely sure about this which means that 3 -4 days is still not enough to be 100% sure. And I also think that you do not want your urine to be way too watered down due to the fact that they are able to check this and it is going to reject the specimen. However, in case they are doing the blood tests then this is kind of most though and I am not very sure how you can trick the blood test.


You need to know about the urine drug screen test and it is that they react to the metabolites and not on the drug itself and since the people are metabolizing things differently at different rates then this is where the difference in the time period is coming in. like for example there might be one person that may metabolize and excrete a substance very quickly out of the system and so, when you will check their system it is going to be showing clear in less than 3 days. however there might be other people who may metabolize slower and therefore they are going to take some longer periods in order to excrete all of the metabolites.


But regarding for the blood drug test.. you need to know that these ones are searching for the actual drug and it is being used to check the current usage and the “clean” time it is coming much quicker than UA.


So well, if you are having a script for either one the codeine or the OP 10 mg (you wrote OC, so maybe you are getting it from an SY or something, I am not sure? Or maybe it was a simple wrong spell?) then you definitely need to take that script for you and show them. you need to forget about putting it off. In most of the times, they want you to take the test within the 72 hours of the job offer. I am not sure if that’s where you live as well because I’m just telling what’s used to be around me where I live. Again, where I live (but I am quite sure this is done pretty much the same everywhere) they may allow you to postpone by only one single day, however they want it right away do be done due to the fact that they do know very well that this is not going to allow you to much time in order to get your system clear out of the medications and that’s the point because…let’s face the truth… this is the purpose of the test and what they are trying to do. they want to make you to have the lowest chances to pass the test in case something is not right. they want to find out if you are using drugs… what’s the point of the test if you use drugs and you trick them?


If you have your test in 4 more days then I think that in case you are going to stop with the last dosage that you have taken and you are not going to use any more of it, then you are most likely going to test fine on the blood as not currently under the influence but I do not think that it is enough time for you to get it out of your urine unless you are having a really fast working liver and kidneys that can flush it out of your urine THAT quickly. About the pot… I guess there is no need for me to say that you need to forget about it? this is going to show up in your urine and it does not matter what you do, I mean, you have no chances at all to pass it. it is lingering for quite a while and that’s especially in those people that have been using it for some really long periods of time (not talking about 10 years as you said) and surely 4 days won’t be enough to get it out.


Exactly as Toliman has recommended you, tramadol, I think, could help you with the withdrawals because they are going to be extremely bad if you do it cold turkey with no aids, however I’ve been thinking that if you are only taking opiates 2 or 3 times a week then maybe you are not going to have too much of an problem with this. besides, the recommendation of a home test is good either because you can try it indeed and check where you are at (what stage) and you may only end up with the pot as an issue which is twice as good with twice as less problems :) and the pot issue, as has been mentioned, might not be that much of an issue depending on the state in which you are in and the company as there might be companies who are ok with that. plus, when seeing that you have no chances to pass it, just be honest. Agree with that. tell them that you use to smoke pot once in a while (definitely not daily) and that’s why you should stop using pot until the test either for them to see that there’s not THAT much of it in your system. So, let’s just hope that you are going to pass undetected for the codeine and the company you intend to apply for is ok with the pot. I think that this is pretty much the only method that can be fine for you.


I wish you sincere good luck. I have been in the exact same spot as you are now a lot of years ago so I do know what you are feeling and what you are going through. I have been used to use coke and I have stopped on an instant (cold turkey) as soon as I have found out about the test. They have told me about the fact that I am going to have the test only 4 days away from it. well, nothing changed from the fact that I have used it cold turkey because I still tested positive for it and obviously I have failed. I guess that I could have fought for getting a retest, however by then I have felt the damage and so I was done and simply just walked away from it. it does happen so don’t be that disappointed if it would happen with you either.


Also, just don’t forget to come back and to let us know how are you doing and how are you feeling. Also, don’t forget to tell us what you’ve done about it and whether or not you have passed the test. As I said, maybe you are going to be lucky enough with an employer that it is not going to mind the positive for the pot. You never know when you’re going to get lucky, however one sure thing is that you surely should not use anything else between now and the time you are going to have the test (4 days or whatever the period is). so generally, I wish you good luck and I hope that you’re going to pass the test. Besides, if you do get the job then consider yourself lucky and as a sign that you need to stop the bad habit. I assume that you do know this, but I thought that it is important for somebody else to re mention this again to you.



New member

Hello there Toliman and Melina, I want to thank you so so much for your replies, I really appreciate it very much, I have read each of them individually very carefully and it is really good to know that there is a good support system here which you provided me. so well, I have been thinking and I have decided last night that my only option here it is to call and to postpone the screen until the next week and to try to get the stuff out of my system sufficiently before I am going to have the test and it is obvious that I should not use anything between now and that time. I am now planning to call them tomorrow and I am going to cancel it in the afternoon because of the flu, a flu that I obviously don’t have so far… try to reschedule to next wed which is going to give me a full 10 days without weed. It has been now approximately 24 hours since my last dosage of codeine 60 mg and I am already getting withdrawal effects. Big D, aches, irritability. Generally, I’ve got to tell you that overall I am feeling like crap now. I have not had any weed for 2 days now and I’ve got to tell you I can do without it for a week or so (or at least I will try it to) and I do not think that it would be very hard… I mean, not so extremely hard. The opiates are another story here… if I am going to go cold turkey like that it is not by far the way I have envisioned that it is going to be… it is a lot much worse. After I have went through this now for a few days I have seen that a gradual taper would be my choice for sure. Either way, I do have a script for xanax so I could use that in order to try and lessen the withdrawals, I really hope that they will. Plus, I have to say that I really love a lot Toliman’s suggestion of the drug test in order to check and see if the THC lessening over the next couple of days, which, again, I really hope they would. But now I am definitely thinking that I am going to give it a try and I will. besides, I do know that metabolism is playing an essential role in how long those substances are staying in our system and unfortunately… it seems that I am having a quite slow one as I have always had it… doubt that I can change it, can I? I am still planning on using the fake urine and taking my chances… maybe this would help… also, I am not very sure but I doubt that this is an observed test as you have said that it might be and that’s why I think that I have a chance to hide it and so well it might help a bit.



New member

Hello UseyIII, to be fully honest with you and also “cu to the chase”, it is obvious that you are having addiction to the weed and to the codeine and to the OC’s as well… due to the fact that it has been such a long use, as you have already stated daily and for years (10 years to be more exact as you said), there is really no point or reason in doing a rushed job of trying to clean out your system, either by trying to do a ct off the pills or maybe a fast taper down, it is simply not going to work for you and honestly, I am sorry.


Everything that you are going to do in case you are trying and doing this it is to simply cause yourself plenty and plenty of suffering and the end result is going to be likely still the same as if not doing it when you are testing due to the fact that I personally really doubt a lot that you could just stop either way.


And trust me that I am not trying to say that in order to discourage you or to piss you off or something, the only thing that I am trying to do is to be realistic here. due to the fact that it is obvious, you are not planning to stop using the stuff for good, only for a moment to beat a drug test… which is quite fine IMO, this is a drug and pharmacy forum and not a recovery or /and addiction forum.


So well, to be the last person here who would ever think to judge anybody for whatever the reason that they could be using their medications or drugs I am not really saying any of this with any kind of agenda trying to say that you are either right or you are wrong in your drug use. Everybody has their own plans, has their own ideas and so on and so forth. You’ve just got to think and to decide this all yourself. From as much as I can say and I’m concerned about this, I’ve got to tell you that in fact, it is nobody’s business what or why you are using whatever you are using and that’s as long as you can maintain in life and go well. of course it can become your loved one’s business when using whatever you use makes your life worse, but as long as you are fine and you even benefit from it, then why would someone stand between you and that something. I personally definitely would not see it as a problem. of course I don’t because I have it in my life either and I am not seeing this as a problem in my life as well..


But anyway, back to the reality now, I think that your best bet it is to find out the exact method of use to be successful in taking your fake urine or somebody else’s urine and just try to forget about trying all that other stuff which is going to simply make you be depressed and sick and what’s even more likely is that it is going to make you even more depressed and would make you feel even sicker when you are going to see that you are not really able to do it like that either way.


It is only a company test, remember it, it is not one like some that I have used to have to do a really long time ago, with the Department of Corrections that it is starring at you and every move you make, I mean, they are watching you the entire time and there’s nothing that you can do about it. by saying that this is only a company test (which is quite usual) I am trying to say that there is going to be enough privacy for you to do what you have to do and to use your faked thing, but you’ve just got to study up on that though… so you could get it all right and without doing any mistakes.


So well, this has been only my honest opinion and what I’m thinking about all this thing for you regarding of your case and situation which I hope that it is going to be a little bit helpful, and I also really hope you to see it as being the truth and again… helpful (because it is most important IMO) and not as being critical or anything in this matter like looking at any other plan as being a failure or something like that. in the end of it all, I’ve got to say that I truly hope that you are going to get that job since it seems to me that it is important to you, and I really think that this is the only sure way that you (taken in consideration your history that you’ve shared here) are going to be able to do it and to get that job. And also, I need to mention here that I personally do not think that there’s absolutely anything wrong with that, or with this or whatever else, but you’ve just got to remember that you need to do whatever you need to do in order to win so go for it and WIN it. I wish you all the best!



New member

Hey there, Suffes no offense taken to your post and generally thank you for posting. You have summed it all up very well and that’s why I am thankful to you. I have been prepared for a urine test only since it is an office job, I mean, I’ve been thinking that I will get it and I’ve been thinking that I could somehow use the fake urine or somebody else’s urine and everything’s going to be fine. however, I have not thought that they might give me an blood test as well for this job… which, obviously, I can’t pass it now. the reading and research that I have done up until this moment has showed that THC is able to stay in your blood up to approximately 2 weeks or so, again depending on your metabolism because for some it might be a few later and for others a few earlier, but it is approximately 2 weeks. Oh well, I think that this very well may be my problem when it is coming to the test taking in consideration that I am able to use the quick fix urine which is having a good success rate as much as I know. regarding the codeine, it is in the blood anywhere between 1 and 3 days depending again on the metabolism, assuming that I have a slow metabolism (which as I said, I do know that I have it slow) it is going to be 3 days, but even so, I think that I am able to pull it off in case I am able to go cold turkey and stop immediately and after that to abstain from using it for a couple of days.


Also, I need to say that you are definitely right on the fact that the worry and the stress are already making me go nuts about all of this… they are already making me driving crazy and it seems that there is no way to stop this feeling. I think that I could always pass on the job as much as I can think about it. it might be important to mention here that maybe it is not a dream job by any means, however it is a job that pays quite well and it is a lot much better than what I am currently having, the job that I now have is in a family business that I personally really do not like it (in fact, I hate it) because it is causing a lot of stress and therefore I end up in my using of the substances. I’ve also got to say that I have read the high functioning thread a few weeks ago and I am fitting it to a T. I’ve also got to say that I really hate keeping any secrets at all (and I do know that it is kind of a nonsense here, but that’s the truth)… however I really need to be able to function and I am able to keep myself in the control, I do know that I can because i am always doing it and I have done it for years now.


Not sure if this changes anything or not but I’ve got to say that I am hardly drinking alcohol I am choosing other substance that have got me in this mess right now… it would say that it really sucks.



New member

Usey, frankly, I am seeing absolutely no reasons for you to not take this opportunity and to get the job, this is something that might change your life and why would you not when you have got this opportunity. Besides, I can add that in case you are maintaining employment, supporting a family and when doing all of the necessary things that should be done, living up to the responsibilities and life is indeed good but then yes, you are indeed a high functioning addict.


In fact, it is something which most likely over half of the people here in the country are like this, and it doesn’t matter if you admit to it or not. in whatever the case, I am damn sure that there’s a really high percentage of people like that. but I think that it is about 50%. And then most likely the other half are being addicts that are not functioning at all, LOL. I really do not think that I am going to use a quick fix urine in case there is absolutely any other ways like for example to get somebody else’s real urine, somebody who is drug free and to use that one instead of your own urine.


The blood test it is the only thing that pops into my mind when it is coming to an problem when I am thinking about what might be an issue and that’s due to the fact that I am having absolutely no ideas how long the THC is going to remain detectable in the bloodstream of people.  but anyway, in the end of it all, everything that I am trying to tell you is that you need to continue to live your life as you are if the things are going well for you, do what you need to do and however you do it, but just do it and then use the replacement urine and go from there on. indeed, maybe the bad thing is going to happen and you won’t get that job, but honestly, is there anybody who thinks that it is going to hurt trying? I personally don’t think that it can in anyway because once again, what do you think that it is the worst outcome? Not to get hired in there… nothing else is going to happen than that. you’re simply going to remain at your current job and that’s it. does it sound to be that bad? I don’t think so.


But anyway, if anything, maybe you need to try and to lay off of the weed for a while? Obviously the best choice would be to stop with it completely, but I’m just trying to say that the best idea would be to try to stop using it at least for until you are going to have the blood test, and only in such a case when you are not going to unbearable suffer and to go through the hell then I think that dropping the opiates approximately 48 -72 hours out is a good idea as well.


And also… I really don’t know if all of the usual recommendations on cleaning up your system would or maybe would not help with the blood stream but I still guess that it might be worth a try as well. such as niacin, cranberry juice and so on. in case you are now planning to use some different urine than yours then I think that your concentration it is only on beating the blood test more now. or I think that your concentration should be focused on it. the urine test is going to be some kind of a mute point, this is going to be an automatic pass or something like that. once again, I wish you sincere god luck and trust me that in case you are really doing very well in your life then you should be all calm because you definitely are not in any mess. When you are in control of the things you do, when you are not doing stupid illegal sh*t and when there’s somebody who is being offered a higher paying job opportunity in his life then I definitely would not consider a mess. That’s just a man who uses some things and nothing more. I am quite sure that in case the way you are living and the chances and opportunities you have in your life is all considered a mess then I am all 100% sure that there would be a lot of people who would like to live your “messy” life. good luck again and don’t forget to update as soon as you can.



New member

Hey there… so well, this information is quite important to keep in mind: in case the blood tests is positive but the urine test it is all 100% squeaky clean, then how do you think that is going to go over? I mean, what would result? and what if they are calling you back for a re test soon later? what I am trying to say is that in case you are all normal, you are going to have a pill in your pocket to take it as soon as you are leaving that building, the right next minute and I know that you would because I know that I would do it.


Exactly as Suffes has mentioned in his post, it is none of our business absolutely what a person does or why he/she is doing it (or at least, as long as it doesn’t affect us) but on that functioning addict thing… yep…. I have been one too, until the moment I have not been no more. just try to remember and to realize that there is definitely no garden with no butterflies and the end of that road, there’s nobody waiting for you happily or rainbow over your @ss for getting through it. it is, in fact, a spiky road with demons, ice and fire and so on.


But then again, there stranger things that have happened and there are some people that are getting in a bed of roses every single time. this is mostly like a warning… like a “open eyes” or something because I definitely do not want to judge you… in fact, I wish you all the best and I really hope that it is going to work out well for you and you’re going to get the job. Plus I wish to have it all well in your life generally. To get off the substances and to live a happily life, addiction free and with a highly paid job. We all need good jobs… :)



New member

Usey, I’ve got to start here by saying that I am not trying to be mean or cruel here but as much as I have seen I think that something has got lost in the translation.


And I am talking about: OC OP synthetic opioids - days


Codeine opiates – days


Marijuana THC – weeks or even months.


And also, since you have brought this one up here… xanax bzs – weeks make sure that you are taking your script and you are telling them upfront about any medications that you are taking.


Just occurred to me codeine cough syrup by itself is not going to work due to the fact that this test is searching for opiates and opioids differently so I do not think that it is going to be such a good idea. However, I think that you can stand a chance if you are going to go to a dentist and have some work done and wheedle some oxys. That one as well robutussin d with the codeine and you are going to be all set for this side of the problem for sure. The other side I really don’t know and I can’t help you with it, unfortunately. The blood thing is making me puzzled due to the fact that it is so invasive for a pre employment screen and I am not sure how to help you or what would help you. I am quite sure that it is going to help a bit if you would share about what industry we are talking about here because different industries makes a change. Of course I can’t be sure here but the blood test might only be a health screen done at the same time as the drug test is done as well. the pre employment blood test for the drugs that could be contested on religious ground… as I said, this entire thing is quite puzzling.


At the job that I am currently on they are just doing an oral swab test. They did it when I have started there either. testing only for current usages.


Also, a side note of warning that IMO you need to take in consideration is that not all artificial pee is created all the same. In case it would have been all that easy and cheap to beat a urine drug test then trust me that everybody would be doing it and everybody would be passing it so there is going to be no point in the test. And trust me, people working there know about all these things. just think about it… I guess that it would be really embarrassing if you would have passed the test fine because the results showed that it is all clean, however you still failed it because they have noticed that the urine you’ve presented was fake. If they catch you with fake urine I doubt that they would trust you and that you’re going to have any chances at all to still get that job. But again, these are just thoughts.



New member

Oh yeah, I definitely do agree with Toliman, of course I am because I have been saying quite the same thing. I mean, this is the reason why I have been saying in my earlier posts that Usey should be better just use somebody else’s piss in order to be sure that everything’s going to pass fine when they will test it, at least it is going to be much better than using a synthetic or a pee ix you can buy. You will be surer that you have more chances. Hell, in fact, I can think that a person can even try to use their wife’s urine (of course, if she is not using any medications), even though I think that it is going to be a little bit hard and maybe even embarrassing to explain to her why you need her urine :D but if she knows about your use and she knows about a new better paid job opportunity it should be a problem at all.


However, I still think that… in that situation I am quite sure that his wife is very likely to know about all the drug use he has and in case I would have been in his situation and it were my wife then I know that she would agree as this is a situation when we have an opportunity to have a better life, both of us, of course, since we’re a family. I do know that my wife would try to help me with whatever I would ask her when it comes to a get a better opportunity in our life.


Either way, I am still quite sure that you simply can’t go to her with a cup in your hand and ask her to simply fill this up with her piss like that with no explanation at all, but you either need to try to explain your situation or to pull the old “romance” for a reason theme :D and so you are getting that urine and you’re going to pass the test. It is only just so long as he if finding the information for storing it, the right temperature when is giving it and so on and so forth.


But again, regarding for the blood test, which, as you can see, everybody is saying that it is a bigger problem (I mean, it poses a bigger problem) you are very likely right…. it really does sound to be quite extreme a bit, and that’s especially for an office job that you are talking… you should not operate with anything that can put somebody’s life at risk, why would it need to be done? really extreme… I have been thinking that it is either the fact that maybe the blood test it is to check for diseases (viruses or whatever) and something else and not drugs or maybe they are just simply trying to scare you out (though I’m not sure if they would do it like that).


Or who knows? Maybe you are talking about a desk job in the pentagon :D then I would understand why they do it :D
