Hello. Want to ask you something. Not so long ago I’ve had a lithotripsy (or sp?) so now, I’m in the process of passing few stones but this is a prbl for me. Docs said that I have a 5mm stone, another 3 mm stone and maybe some others more but smaller. Also, docs said that these stones are now moving through my ureter to my bladder. From time to time I have some intense pains and I’m having big troubles achieved and even maintaining an erection which makes me depressed lately. I’m currently 49 years old and I’ve never had any erection troubles before this. I never found it difficult to achieve or to maintain an erection especially when my wife is near that still looks sexy. I really doubt that this is due to my age or something like this and I really hope that this is a result of these kidney stones I have. I’m also thinking that this is associated with pains I have due to the movement of these stones. I would like to know if my thoughts are veridical or I really have these erection troubles due to my age? I would appreciate very much if somebody would share their knowledge upon this. I keep disappointing my wife and I’m feeling very low lately. I would like to know something. Please help!