I am frustrated and very concerned that something is wrong with me, please someone help with at least some hints! I have noticed that I'm significantly having hair loss since I have completed my second round of hcg diet. It has been around 30 days since then but the hair keeps falling and I'm SO concerned now! I don't understand what this could be, I am feeling completely fine! Nothing disturbs me besides this significantly hair loss! Of course I have been to a doctor to ask him about this. There she checked my hormones level my thyroid gland and I have done some blood tests but in the end everything was normal. Now I'm clueless. Could this be due to the shots? I have no sides effects but who knows what in this world could be? Is here anyone who suffers or ever suffered from this hair loss? What have you done about it? I feel that there is something I need to take or to do in order to make it stop. Please somebody, any hint is going to be appreciated! I am very concerned and I hate it! Thank you all in advance!