Hi Ruby Rytha, how are you doing? I just wanted to say that if I can remember this correctly… it was around the 6 months of ‘officially’ trying when I have hit a really really enormous emotional wall.. not sure if that was the month when I’ve hit that wall, what I do remember for sure is that I hit it and it was terrible… it most likely did not helped me at all that a colleague of mine has soon later announced that she is pregnant around the exact same time when I hit that wall, any how… I really felt that I am very and very close to the point of breakdown! I do remember that time very well and then there’s my husband that remembers it even better, I guess… oh, my poor husband… he really didn’t know what to do with me as I am normally the calm and level headed sort of woman and it is obvious that I couldn’t really tell him what to do in order to help me with at least anything either… I doubt that there was someone who could help me deal and get through all of this. but obviously my husband had to suffer the most out of this all.
But I must confess that all of this is only our faults… as rude as it might sound but what happened was my fault and what’s happening to you right now is your fault either. Please understand me right… what I try to say is that all through our teens we are pretty much prone to believe that pregnancy it is the worst possible outcome of having sex (and I’m pretty sure you used to believe the same) and so we’ve put so so much effort into trying to avoid it (and then again, I’m quite sure you put the same effort either) that when the time has come and we have taken the decision that it is the right time to have babies, we just expected that this is going to happen as soon as we try. We did have heard of people struggling to get pregnant, but obviously we couldn’t believe that this is going to happen with us and although we knew that this might not happen from our first trying, we were nearly sure that it would happen the first few months… what I am trying to say is that we are just not properly programed to deal with it when it doesn’t! but that’s not correct because that’s a normal phenomenon and NOT getting pregnant within the first half a year is completely common and normal, whereas we used to think that not getting pregnant within 6 months means that we’re infertile. I tell you this: if everything’s alright then getting pregnant at the 18th month of trying is normal…
Anyhow… unfortunately, we are still currently trying and sadly but we’re still failing miserably, however I just know for me I am coping so much more better knowing that we are getting investigations and questions answered and that’s even if there have already been a lot of bumps on the way for us. In addition to that, I have also started to have reflexology as well as acupuncture, hopefully they would help. But you know… although I do realize and I know that they may not help us to conceive… I still hope that they would help, just having some time set aside just for me it is already helpful and also it is giving me somewhere I can let off steam that’s since I am paying for the privilege of having somebody to listen to all my sh*t at the same time, LOL. I also think that this is all really helpful because by doing this it means that I am not feeling as if I’m wearing my husband down all the time so then again, this obviously can help. As I said, I know that this may not help us at all to conceive, but it can help with other things which might help us to conceive.
Well… in the end of the day I must say that I knew I couldn’t carry on the way I was… it simply was not sustainable… maybe this is going to help you… I wish you good luck in your trying and hopefully the ‘storks’ are going to come into visit soon.