heatstroke- don’t know what to do

I’m very interested to find out more about heat stroke. Something happened yesterday and I decided that it would be very good to be informed. In short, yesterday my brother have had an important football match and they were outside playing in the highest heat moment of the day, it’s difficult to do something during this particular time of the day and that’s why that something happened with one of his friends. We have been told that he have had a heat stroke, that’s what his doctor said when he examined him. My brother felt okay all the day but after some hours he started to feel very strange and really dizzy, throwing up.. he felt very bad and my parents have called the ambulance. My brother have had this thing and now he’s having heat stroke recovery, I was very scared yesterday because when this happened nobody was there but me, and I didn’t know what to do in order to help him…  I would like to know, what exactly I have to do when this happens and what exactly heat stroke is? Will my brother recover soon? what methods there are to boost the recovery process?



New member

So, it’s very good that you are interested to know more about this and I’m really sorry about your brother, you can stay calm everything, will be okay I’m sure. So first of all you asked what really this is, the heat stroke is a condition where body suffers because it comes in contact with a very high temperature, and when the body temperature is really high your body starts to feel bad (high body temperature is called hyperthermia). When your body receives a high temperature then obviously it is changing the body temperature too so your body start to lose water and this creates shock. Another thing that you have to know is that it can happen not just in summer and not just because of the sun, it happens every time your body receives or goes in contract with high temperature for a very long period. You can ask me why this doesn’t happen when we are at the beach. Well, this can happen but you have to stay more under the sun, in the case of your brother everything happened because he was moving and increased his blood pressure. When a person sweats it’s very important to drink a lot of water in order to fill in the body’s gaps, in the case of your brother he played for some hours and I’m sure he didn’t drink a lot of water to feel the water gaps and to protect the body from the stress he has went through.


When a heat stroke happens to a person you have to call the doctor immediately and don’t forget to tell him all the details, for example how many time the patient have been under the sun and for example what he have eaten during the day. In internet are explained a lot of things that you can do in order to help, but I have heard about so many different situations in which a person wanted to help but did the opposite, that’s why I consider that this is a doctor’s job. If you really what to help, then the first thing, check the person and help him to drink a lot of water, sprinkle his face with a little water, and moisten his forehead with water, the water shouldn’t be very cold, just a little colder than his body temperature. This is what you can do while you are waiting your doctor. Anyway it will be better to prevent these things, there are a lot that you can do for this, and it’s just taking care about yourself and to stay away from the strong sunlight at least during the afternoon and don’t forget to wear a hat, heat stroke ain’t fun, you should take care of it. Hope I helped you in any way with a little information.



New member

I know very well how your brother feels. I know that it doesn’t seem to be such a serious thing, but actually it is, trust me. I have had it 2 times during my life and the last time I have had this I thought I was dying and that I will actually die. I remember that I was near the sea and I have fallen asleep on the beach. Besides the sunburns that I have got (obviously) I have had this heat stroke. I don’t remember what happened because I woke up in hospital and there everything started. My mom told me that when they found me I was like a dead person, I think that I have lost my conscious because of the high temperature and I didn’t even realized it. Anyway for the next 3 weeks I felt very bad, I have had a lot of nausea and I felt dizzy all the time, I couldn’t eat and I hate this sensation when you feel your stomach hurt, when you want to vomit but you can’t. I have lost a lot of pounds and after this when I started to feel better I promised myself that the next time I’ll pay more attention to what I am doing especially in the sun. I really hope that your brother will feel better after this. I’ve been 3 weeks in bed and feeling really awful, trust me this is such a bad thing… I think that the next time the coach will pay more attention to their health, this is not a joke.



New member

hello everyone, while I was reading your posts, I found it extremely interesting and beneficial to know. There is a strange thing that I can’t understand. For example, I have had a heat stroke when I was little, I don’t remember that day but my mom told me that I just like have fallen asleep and after this when I woke up home I have had some headaches and stomach pain, but the next day I felt okay like nothing happened. I have read that here are people that have had some strange post symptoms and I still can’t understand what is this linked with? Is there something that influences your general situation, I mean, is there something that is making it all worse?



New member

I think it mainly depends on how much time you have been exposed your body  to high temperature and directly to sun. Just imagine if a person would stay for 24 hours exposed to high temperature it will be something very serious and it can even bring to death – obviously this can happen only in exceptional situations. In your situation I think that if you were little it was enough to be exposed just 20 minutes to a very high temperature to receive a heat stroke. Of course I’m not sure about this, maybe there are people that are more tolerant to this, can’t say for sure, I’m just speculating. What I’m sure about is that as much you’re exposed to the sun as bigger the chances are that you would get it.
