Help with Molluscum Contagiosum


New member

Hey everyone. I would really like to get a bit of your help because I am having molluscum contagiosum and I need your help. I am just a 23 years old man with this condition and even though I have already done very much of research about this condition I am still in a lot of confusion so if there would be somebody who knows more about this I would appreciate a lot if he/she would chat with me. so well, I have discussed with a dermatologist and this doc told me that this is a self medicating condition saying that there is no need to be worried about due to the fact that this condition is going to disappear on its own without me doing anything at all. or she has also told me that if I want I can have them burned all off with a liquid nitrogen but she warned me that this might be somehow painful. Everything seems fine besides the fact that while I’ve been doing my research I have found out that this condition could be associated with some very serious and severe health conditions and I can’t understand why my dermatologist never mentioned that. I started to search for what might be wrong. So well, both my ex girlfriend and my current girlfriend (obviously including myself) have all been tested for any STDs over a course of the last few years and all of the results came back negative and it did was comforting and it eased my mind knowing that there is nothing serious. However, I am still very confused on how I could have getting it? I really have no ideas… I am having approximately 20 to 30 lesions in total and most of them on my lower abdomen as well as in my groin area and there are also a couple ones on my thighs either. The good news is that my dermatologist seems to be right as these lesions really appear to be starting to disappear on their own. Plus, I am not sure but while I’ve been doing my research I have also found about one more thing. I have read that when you are having this molluscum contagioum then you are building up an immunity to it over some time and as soon as your immunity is strong enough to get rid of it then it is gone forever as you are already immune to it. I wanted to know if any of you have ever suffered from this and to find out if this is true. Any opinions from somebody who is familiar with this condition is going be extremely much appreciated! I have tried to do everything on my own but there’s something that I can’t find out for sure so in the past I have been concerned a lot about this (very and very much… to the point I’ve been stressing out so much that I was making up some diseases that I wasn’t suffering from) but now I am simply trying to find out the answers I need to find and it will be awesome if some of you would help me about this. thank you a lot in advance for all.


Well… I don’t know what exactly your dermatologist said but I have had to go to the dermatologist 2 times in order to have them removed. I have been having about 5 or so of them. they were located on my butt and near my panty line and they were sporatic. Of course, in the beginning I’ve been thinking that they were pimples so I have been trying to stick them with needles in order to drain them however, I guess I don’t need to say that nothing came out of them. only after they have been there for a few month I have finally made my appointment because it was clear that something is wrong and that they somehow need to be made to disappear. Well, the first time when I have visited them, they have scraped them out. for doing this they have used a tool in order to get the “root” of them which is having a white color. Well, went I went for the second time (to a different doc) he has put a liquid solution on them but I do not really suggest you to try the solution as I become very depressed after I have had that treatment. well, what that solution is doing is make you warts, which is what they actually are, bloat them up until they are bursting so their “root” is naturally pushed out and so they shouldn’t appear anymore, however, it is looking sooooo damn disgusting… ugh. I have been feeling extremely embarrassed by them and ashamed so I was not getting in any physical contact with my bf by the time I had them and he was very confused. But you should know that this is a viral infection (your dermatologist should tell you this) and this is contagious and that’s why it is not recommended to have any physical contact with your gf by the time you have it otherwise she might get it too. I am not sure I have had got it either, however what I do know is that it is not an STD this is why your results came back normal for STD and I also know that children can also get them. this happened 3 years ago and since then I have not had any of them anymore, thanks god. Not sure if this would help but I really hope so and hope you’re going to be fine soon. best of luck ;)



New member

Hi. I will try and I will do my best in order to help you to beat this condition MC. I personally was able to fight and beat it in less than a month after I have got the diagnose of it. I’m going to share with you my story and my method and maybe some of you would find it helpful too. so well, I have had this for about 2 months before I have finally found out what it exactly was but remember, as soon you find this out and as soon you start doing something, as better it would be. the key here is to be aggressive with it and to attack it as soon as you are being diagnosed, I mean, right away in the same day you know that you have it or at least now that you read my post. Please, just forget about all of those fancy treatments docs are telling you and their useless appointments because as I said, aggression is the key!!! Trust me as I have beaten it up. so, what you are going to need for this I’m going to share with you, it is: cotton swabs, sewing needle, band aids, liquid band aids, tweezers, tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar, hand sanitizer, athletic tape as well as a disinfectant like for example the hydrogen peroxide (very good disinfectant agent, by the way). However, you should know that my method is pretty painful so you should be aware of it but it’s main purpose is to get rid of this infection just as soon as it is possible because it is important to get rid of it because it is going to spread itself. I think that this is the main purpose and key for it because as much it is spreading as worse it is. I’m trying to have a very and very healthy lifestyle which I recommend you too. by the way, if you’re interested and having a clearer idea about myself, I’m a 26 years old man. I’m going to try to share with you my entire experience hoping that this would help, if you’re interested then read it, and then later I will let you know for my treatment method, you can search for it right away if you want.


So, somewhere about in November I have started to notice what I have been thinking that are pimples that are growing anywhere on my genitals and on my pubic area. As most people are doing when having this: I have simply ignored them thinking that it is nothing and that with time they would go away. After some weeks I realized that in fact, they are not… finally started to do something about them. started by trying to acne wash on them, however they remained still like I haven’t done anything. Well, about in the end of December or early January, I firstly thought about going to check them out and I was firm that I need to do so because some were growing larger and larger and it was clear that they are not going to go away. They have been approximately 10 of them on my pubic region as well as 2 of them on my shaft. I have swabbed those pimples or whatever they are with some tea tree oil and most of them has shriveled up and their “root” or core become exposed pretty similar to the white head pimple.
So well, my family doc left for that time so I visited an ER doc. very big mistake. That stupid doc had no idea on what they are and he didn’t even bothered to check them out normally so he simply and rapidly diagnosed me wth herpes and made me waste my time 2 times for doing tests for several STDs that I have not been having any symptoms for them. that was the very last that I am assuming that only because somebody is a doc it automatically means that they are very intelligent and they are good at what they are doing.


I knew for sure that I am not suffering from any STDs as I am not dating with anybody and I haven’t had sex with anybody for about 7 or even 8 months so I simply couldn’t have them. I have simply googled a little bit, found some articles, read a bit, and in less than 15 minutes I already auto diagnosed myself with mollusum contagiosum. Of course, since I am not a doc (but it seems that I am a better one that the doc I’ve visited) I couldn’t be sure about it, but it was really logical because I must have gotten it from either the gym or the swimming pool as I am practicing both. Went to a dermatologist, told him my story and he diagnosed me with MC and he has tried to freeze them off but this has helped me with nothing at all. he said that he would think and would call so he sent me home. The combination of the facts that I am impatient, that I have not had sex for so much time, the fact that I have just started a relationship with a girl and that the doc was still not calling me, in a few days after that I finally decided that I need to action and I need to do it fast, so I took the situation in my hands trying to heal myself.


The first thing that I have done is to soak them all in Apple Cider Vinegar overnight but this did not seem to help very much. while I’ve been researching I have found out that there are people having some luck with apple cider vinegar, however I’m not one of them so I found out that tea tree oil is working much better for me. so well, I have soaked the entire infected area with the disinfectant, with the hydrogen peroxide. After that I have particularly removed every single lesion by first doing an incision with a needle then I have been ripping them off (once again, individually each) with tweezers. I have been trying to get ALL of them! remember that they are going to bleed a lot, that’s what happened to me! so, after that you need to immediately swab the cut with the disinfectant and after that to put something on it in order to absorb the blood. Plus, it is important to make sure that you are disinfecting both the tweezers and the needles after every single lesion (in order not to spread the infection). So well, as soon as the heaviest bleeding has finally stopped I have covered those wounds the best way I could. That’s obvious that this specific area is very difficult to deal with due to the fact that there is the pubic hair and it is definitely not easy at all to keep a band aid or a tape the penis. This is why the liquid band aids are working well in these situations. just a heads up in case you are having some of them on your penis and that’s because this is extremely painful! It was so painful that the STD test was feeling like a mild itchiness. Remember that it is extremely important that you are going to take care at all times to NOT itch as well as not to scrub the infected areas in the shower or with a towel after that. you should rub a liquid soap on each of them and then to pat them down with some paper towels in order to dry out and it is important for you to remember that you need to use some hand sanitizer after every single time that you are touching the area in order not to spread the infection!


I can mention that I did have had a minor secondary outbreak after that (which has been formed of one or 2 of them), however I do believe that this is happening almost to everyone (or maybe even to absolutely everyone) and it doesn’t really matter what kind of method of removing them you are using. But that’s very easy to deal with as I simply repeated the process and that’s it.


I’m telling you this because I really hope that it will help as much as it helped me. I mean, look at me. I am here now 3 weeks out form my derm appointment and the MC is (or at least it pretty much seems so) to be completely disappeared (oh thanks god “knocks on the wood”). I seem now to be pretty paranoid and I attack everything that looks like a pimple or something in this matter on my body. anyway, as I have already said it – aggression is the key to completely beat this thing’s @ss up BEFORE it is going to spread all over your body and it will make it all worse and harder to get rid of. trust me because I have already done it and I had big success, you should not listen to the docs that are telling you to wait it out. they are telling you this because that’s everything they can tell and that’s nearly about any condition. You should not wait because if you would your condition is going to get worse and worse. trust me. hope this is going to help you



New member

Hey there, I have just found out that I am suffering from this thing too. not sure if this is it but it pretty much sounds so from what I have researched online. I have done very much of research… so, I did found something interesting. I have read a lot of sources and various websites and I have read that in fact, you are not building an immunity to the molluscum contagiosum although the body really does eventually fight it off. However, you will get infected once more in case you are being re exposed to it again because as I said, you are NOT building any immunity to it. also, from what I have read and from people’s experiences I have seen that the most common (because it is the most successful as well) method of getting rid of them is to have them all frozen off with liquid nitrogen and the best thing is to start with right away before the infection is going to spread over the body. it is true that you should wash your hands very frequently and be very careful what are you touching because you should not pick at the lesions because it is also true that you can spread them to the other parts of your body either which would make it all worse.


Plus, I have seen that this molluscum contagious is considered to be an STD currently in the adult community as with the adults it is typically being spread via sexual contact.


Anyway, not so long ago I have ordered an alternative treatment for it and I am obviously going to give it a try later as soon as it comes. I have received it from a web site selling such kind of things and oh my god I really hope so much that this is not a scam… well, I am pretty familiar with the anti bacterial or fungal properties of silver. In the past I have not been aware of the anti viral properties that it has, but this thing seems pretty trustable for me – the molluscum clinic. Doesn’t seem to be a scam but you never know… besides, I have changed my diet trying to fight with this thing. I have eliminated from my diet the wheat and dairy products and that’s because I have seen that pretty common, people are having allergies (or they are somehow sensitive) to certainly these 2 things and the immune system could be compromised. Plus to that, I have been also loading up on the anti viral supplements that I have found like for example: echanimide anti viral formula as well as the oil of oregano is always working extremely good for me almost every single time when I am feeling sick. Of course I can’t be sure whether they will help me or no, but I really really hope so, I hope that they are going to boost my immune system enough in order to help me to get started on getting rid of this molluscum either.


Anyway, I personally would recommend you to get the lesions treated in whatever way rather than simply to leave them like that and hoping that they are going to heal on their own and that’s because they won’t. they won’t heal, you need to do something about that if you really want them being healed up. I am not sure if this is true but some people reported about leaving them like that and they said that they really eventually have auto healed themselves, but they said that it took years for them to go away. Not sure if this is true or not, but I really don’t want to wait years to check it out. Try Refes’ method in case you think that you cannot afford yourself something else to buy because as you can see, his method is quick and it is cheap and really seems to be workable. I am not a doctor by any means so I can’t be sure but it really seems to work if it’s done properly. Besides, he said that he has done it and now he’s free of it. why wouldn’t you give it a try too?
