how long I’ll continue to bleed??


New member

there are some things that I still can’t understand. I have had my daughter almost 2 months ago and I’m still bleeding. This is my seventh week and I’m really scared. I can’t explain what is this, I asked my doctor about this but he said that it’s fairly a long time.. he couldn’t explain nothing more and he didn’t tried to do something for this to find out what’s wrong or to treat my problem. What about you? Is there somebody that has had this? Should I be worried, should I do something for this? So many questions but without answers. I feel okay physically but I think that it’s not okay to bleed for so much time, please help me I’m so confused and every single day I start to think that this is becoming an emergency… thank you, waiting for your answers.



New member

I would like to tell you that I can help you but I think that the only thing that I can do is to tell you my story hoping that it will help you. I have had my daughter 2 years ago and I continued to bleed for 2 months, during this period my doctor tried to do everything, he advised me to use birth control pills but it didn’t worked as well as a lot of other things, hormone pills too. After 2 months and some weeks it stopped by itself and for 2 weeks I have had some light spotting when they completely stopped. I can’t explain what this was and why this happened to me, I know just that it was a bad thing that doesn’t have to happen and I know that it stopped by itself without me or my doctor doing anything. As I mentioned at the beginning I knew that it will be difficult to help you, I still can’t explain it. I really hope that your doctor will help you; maybe he will be able to find the right thing for you. If you feel that there is something more serious then call the emergency. But I really hope that you would be fine.


Carla Stracioni

New member

WHAAAT ??? who told you that bleeding for 2 months is not normal. I don’t know what kind of doctors you have had but the only thing that I can add here is that they are stupid. Actually bleeding for 40 days is the statistics that says that actually 90% of the women bleed for almost 40 days, it doesn’t mean that you are sick or that there is something wrong with you. I have had my bleedings for 9 weeks it seem to be a very long time and I was scared too, but my doctor explained me that there is nothing to worry about, our body is different and our hormones are different too. Is the same like the normal period, some of us has a very long period 6 or 7 days while other women have it for only 3 or 4 days, this thing is the same. It’s very bad that now you’re stressed and this is another thing that can influence your hormones and your body and this may lead to breastfeeding issues. So please don’t worry and I recommend you to find another doctor who knows his job.



New member

Oh hi there and thank you a lot for your answer, I didn’t knew about this thing and even in internet I found that a women bleed for 40 days that’s why I asked here. I’m glad that I found you and that you said that this is okay, I’m thankful that you’ve responded. I think that I will be searching for another doctor, this is not the only strange situation that I have had with him and i have observed that there is something wrong with him for a very long time, he’s strange, with strange advices and strange recommendations. Thank you, you helped me very much, I appreciate that a LOT!
