How long is needed for digestion?


New member

I would like to know something about calories. For example my question is: how long it takes to sugar, fats and calories to be consumed for our body? For example when we eat ice-cream or other sweets how long before the sugar fats and calories affects our body? I think about this every time. If is not late yet when I binge. I love sweets but I would like to know more about this information, sometimes I eat too much and I feel very embarrassed about it. I tried to google it but everything I got didn’t seem to be legitimate.



New member

Hi. As I know you start to absorb simple calories and also sugar immediately, it happens within 10-15 minutes after you ate them. It takes longer for fats and protein: from 1 to 4 or even 5 hours. I don’t exactly why. If you don’t eat simple carbs it will take longer to absorb everything. So is good to eat simple carbs and good fats. It somehow depends on what you eat, on your diet.



New member

Oh I was thinking about this, it’s a good question, you know? I always thought that you can throw everything up to feel better, but this is not a good idea. Honestly I tried to do this: to throw up my breakfast during the night, but you know is quite difficult to do this. By the way it didn’t come out and it hurt me very much. Is better to vomit immediately after eating. But in general is not a good idea. Sorry. Try something else.
