How to overcome Christmass depression?


New member

Lots of people may feel depressed in the most joyfull period of the year. Reasons can be hundreds:

- physical tiredness; holiday season requires lots of energy, plus, in this time of the year, there is less sun, thus, less vitamin D

- financial; you may spend more than usual on presents for your beloved ones

- being alone; some of us have to travel for work studies, or maybe there is no one around to be with for holidays.

and the list may go on and on, each of us has its own motives...

This Christmass fever may often create high expectations yet provide poor realisations, thus, here's a few tips on how to overcome it:

- Take some vitamins, that will boost your energy levels

- Call relatives and friends to have a nice talk and remember them you love/care about them, that will make you feel better about yourself

- Organise a party at your house, that will bring some joy to your home

- don't buy presents, make them yourself

- Eat what you want, prepare/buy some delicious food

- Plan your activities, if you have some spare time and someone invites - go

Any other recommandations? 
