Hello, I don’t really have any problems nor any health issues but I truly would like to know something about woman’s menstrual period smell. I have once asked this question my family doctor (not in particular, I have had an issue then but I asked this question just because I remembered about it). Well, I’m curious if there is someone else who basically can SMELL a woman’s menstrual period. I’m a thirty three years old male and I don’t have any super natural powers but I have always been able to tell when a woman is in her menstrual cycle because I can smell it. I know it sounds somehow rude but I don’t mean anything like this and I don’t mean that some specific woman is having a bad hygiene. No. I’m married for more than five years and I can smell my wife’s menstrual period too even though she, obviously, has a good body hygiene. She can confirm my words. Of course not only her menstrual period or family relatives or something like that. I can feel it at any woman who is on her period and it doesn’t matter whether I’m home or at work or how old is she. I can even smell it through the perfume. I know this sounds very strange and you may not believe me, but there were others who didn’t believe me and they test me to see if I don’t lie and they were truly shocked so believe me or not but this is the truth. So my question is: can someone explain why I’m having this? It doesn’t bore me at all and I don’t have a problem with it but I’m very curious what makes me smell it? Is there another man with a similar strange talent?