i have dizziness


New member

i had tmj for few years and i was clueless what is wrong with me. first time i thought its nothing serious and this is going to pass by itself, it turn out that is not going to treat itself, but its just getting worse and worse. now my jaw muscles, even my neck muscles are very hard and tough, every time when someone are touching them they say that my muscles are made of elastic thing. sometimes, at night i find myself clenching my teeth but there are cases when im doing it during the day. of course all this is coming beside with pain, but for this i take tylenol and it seems to help a little. what irritates me the most of this is the dizziness, i also have allergies but i cannot stand the dizziness. the doctors said something about positive vertigo but i dont understand fully what thet means. this happens when im stretching my neck muscles and its coming back with nausea and vomiting - im already sick of this!!!! not so long ago i started doing physio and im trying different exercises for jaw muscles stretching them. ive hear that they can heal by simply letting them relax and moving my neck from side to side but ive heard to never to roll my neck because it makes my neck crack which is not good at all. with all the physio and the exercises im doing it doesnt make me any better, im still having the tmj and im totally sick of it. oh, i almost forgot, i don't know if there are any connection between them but i also seem to have nasal congestion because i need to steam in the morning so my tubes to get unclogged. can here anyone help me with this problem? please let me know any insights you have! thank you all!!!!



New member

I'm also suffering from TMJ for few years when I was struck really bad in the back of my head. Few months, maybe even weeks, after that I started having ear ache, nausea, vertigo and jaw pains. I've visited a doctor to find out what is going on with me. He couldn't give me any answers. After a year of research and appointments at different doctors we finally found out I have TMJ. I'm also having dizziness and it gets worse and worse, that's why I don't really want to get up of the bed, that's the only way I feel somehow normal. The doctor gave me pills that help me with other things like ear ache but nothing seems to help with the dizziness I have. I do clench my teeth too and I have some jaw pain because of that, but nothing is as worse as vertigo and dizziness. It's ruining my life... I see that doctors can't help me with this so I decided to find something by myself, that's why I'm here. If someone knows something what could possible help us write it here, I guess I'm up to try everything just to get my normal life back.  



New member

Hey people,


i just want to know that i can relate to a lot of things that you have all described here, some less and some more but mostly it's identical. As many others, I have tried physical therapy many times and it seems to help at that moment but right after i leave, this cycle of tighteness is back again. I even have tried acupuncture but as i'm here i had the same experience as with the physical therapy. It is very and very frustrating and sometimes i think what i have done to deserve this? i also know that i clench my teeth at night. I have had a night guard and I cracked it within 5 months. Even if I was on muscle relaxant at night it wasn't helping me from clenching my teeth at night. My dentist said that he never saw something like that. Now it is very hard for me to deal with it. When I wake up i have headaches, i can't open my mouth wide and my muscles are very tight. I guess those who suffers from TMJ knows what I'm going thru. Sincerly I have lost any hope in finding out some solution so i just wanted to let you know that we're many with TMJ. Sorry for zero suggestions.





New member

i can feel your pain but i possibly can help you out! i have been suffering from severe tmj for the last two years and it has been the worst experience in my life and the worst two years i have ever had. as you i have had the same dizziness you're having now, the same sore neck muscles, headaches, big facial pains and continously clogged ears making me feeling like i'm in a tube. i have been doing the same standard operation: visited three ent's, two chiropractors and oral surgeons. acupuncture and facial massages sessions and none of these things could help me with my problem. i just remember that hell and i'm petrified. after many many nights of studying, searching and talking the other people i understood that the neck mucles are in control of the equilibrium, the eustasion tubes and the facial musles. Hopeless I have started a daily exercise program using 10 lb. dumbells and i performed 5 different exercises to help to strengthen my neck muscles. truly incredible but after a little more than a month of daily exercises like that my severe tmj was over and all of the symptoms i had are definitely gone. my neck muscles are strengthen so my head position is finally correct. all of the sudden i started to live again and thanks to my hours and days spent searching info about this i finally got rid of this. i don't really know if this is going to work for everyone with tmj because i'm the only one yet who performed these exercises. anyway i don't think you have something to lose if you'll give it a try. good luck everyone, hope this helps
