I think anxiety and stress is causing chest pains


New member

Hello! I have a problem. For few months I am diagnosed with Panic Disorder.  I had big problems with my nervous system and I became anxious and nervous from time to time. But lately I started to feel a very strange chest pain during those stress moments. Every time when I get stressed or nervous I feel this particular pain In my chest, it’s hurts around my left ribcage and I know for sure this is not a heart pain, because when I relax myself It goes away. Also heart pain is when there is something wrong with your heart, and this kind of pain does not go away, but mine disappears. I feel that this chest pain is like muscle-ligament or rib pain. Please I would like to know if someone felt something like this before. Also I would like to know why anxiety brings pain on my chest? Is there something wrong? Why I didn’t have this feeling before, years ago, when I was nervous too? Thanks for your help!



New member

What a similar scenario. I am experiecing pains across my chest, back, shoulder and arms every morning and every night before I go to sleep. That's because in the middle of the day I am working and I don't have time to think about money deficiency, bills, stress related things and so on. Sometimes it happens when I'm working and something goes wrong. Therefore, I have only one conclusion: it is all has something to do with my anxiety and stress. Work, money, bills and so on... I think it's gonna kill me someday. Went to a doctor made X-Ray and blood tests. Everything seemed good. Then doctor said I should take some anti depressants but I really don't like this idea and it made me even more anxious - I am developing a feeling of failure if I'm taking anti depressants. Really don't know what should I do, can you advise me something?



New member

Chinks don’t! You should not develop absolutely any feelings of failure if you’ll take anti depressants! Do you really think you’re going to be the only one who takes anti depressants? Oh please, don’t make me laugh! There are a bunch of people who are taking them! Trust me you would be shocked to find out really how many people are on anti depressants! The point is that many people are thinking the same way as you, I mean that they have feelings of failure taking them but in fact there’s nothing to be ashamed! There are VERY MUCH who takes anti depressants without nobody knowing about it! My recommendation is to try them before you would make a decision! I’m sure that you will feel much better, pain free and so on. But if you won’t then you’ll always have the control to stop taking them. In fact, I think that people who can admit that they need some help are much stronger and they achieve much more than those who don’t! Suffering isn’t a sign of strength, asking for help is! You don’t have to hide the fact that you need help and if you really need it them simply accept it! I really hope you’ve got what I said! Good luck, be strong!



New member

I knew almost for sure that work related stress and anxiety is responsible for my pains and I was seriously thinking that soon I’ll be on anti depressants even though I wasn’t ready to take them. Taking anti depressants would make me feel even more stressed because I would think that I’m weak… Anyway, I went to see my doctor 2 days ago. I explained my thoughts that the pain I have is because of the stress and anxiety I have due to my work and he agreed with me instantly. He said that it’s going to be better if I’ll leave my current job and there are chances that in few weeks the pains would go away. He said that I need to relax and that if I will continue working the pains would only get worse. Well, few weeks ago I’ve tried to leave but they rejected saying that they need me there. As I’m easy to convince I accepted but this time I won’t. The doctor recommended me to go and to leave current job at least for few months or once and forever and seek for another easier job. I still didn’t decided what should I do but I know definitely that for few weeks I won’t work. I guess that tomorrow I’ll talk to them and hope that soon I’ll be fine. Until then, the doctor gave me diazepam as a pain killer in my back and chest and said that it should help me relaxing a little bit. Last night I’ve first tried it and wow, it really helped me! I’m just happy that I found out what is responsible for my pains and I know what I have to do now. I need to overcome my anxiety and to strengthen up again. I don’t know where I’m going to get money since soon I’ll be unemployed but honestly I’m happy that I have only 2 weeks left to work and then I’ll finally relax. Also I’ve very happy that I didn’t take any anti depressants! I don’t feel depressed, I just really feel exhausted. I’m here because I wanted to let you know about my joy and to tell you that there is a cure for our pains: relaxation! I highly recommend you to relax! Good luck every single one and I hope that we all would live a pain free life soon!



New member

So, everything started when not so long ago I have been diagnosed with the Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia (PDA) after I have been putting up with it for a bit over one year now. I am also having some chest pains occasionally when I am getting very and very panicky or I am very anxious (usually it is happening the time when I am extremely upset on something). I would recommend you to try to breath from your stomach instead of your chest so in this way you could calm down those signs of panic, at least this is what I am doing and it seems to help me. generally I’m not sure if the pains of mine are exactly the same as to yours but we seem to have the same thing.


Also, I do agree with the fact that each one of us needs to be checked out by our family do so in this way we can rule out any physical issues that we might have and we are not aware of them. it is very important that we would do so. Here also includes all the necessary blood tests (this is what I have done) so in this way we would make sure that we are not having any physical issues that could be affecting our panic to become even worse or generally could be responsible for it (making it to appear).


So then, as soon as everything physical is ruled out (and in case everything is fine) then you need to visit a psychologist (a person who is specifically treating people with panic disorders) and he should be able to treat you, in my case, my psychologist is using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and it is amazing. I am currently in therapy and so far it is working extremely well for me. to be honest, I am shocked by the way it works. I’m impressed with the results that I have had so far and now I am looking forward in completely overcoming the panic I am having and I honestly believe that I will success as I have only attended 4 sessions and I have already seen an enormous improvement!  Having this said I believe that a bit more and I would get rid completely of those panic attacks.


By the way, I can recommend you all this book that really helped me a lot: 10 Simple Solutions to Panic. It is an amazing book with lots of resources. It is going to give you lots of info about the fact of why you are having so many physical symptoms from something that in fact is psychological. It was very interesting for me to read it as I was finding it helpful in understand why my body was reacting in the way that it was doing. Besides, you won’t be bothered by it so much in case you don’t want to read because it is a short read that is why it won’t take up too much of your precious time. besides, I really think that you will find it interesting to read too because that read is about you.


Now, all of the above mentioned resources have really helped me very much and right now I am on the way to have my full recovery and overcoming the panic attacks. I have to tell y’all that Panic Disoder is even more common that you can think that it really is and all those physical symptoms are totally controllable in case you will use the right treatment, you can believe me because I’ve been there. however, I need to mention one more that that you need to rule out all the physical symptoms with a doctor (including here the chest pain etc). before you will blame it all on your Panic Disorder. Really hope this would help, at least it did for me. best of luck!



New member

Hey there everyone, I have found that diazepam is a very good relaxer drug, at least for me, that is why I have thought that it may be a good idea to ask your doctor for some counseling about it. I am going back to visit my doc in a few days and I am surely going to ask him for some more. I have only got a couple of days of my notice left now and even though I am pretty worried about leaving my job I am also a kind of excited. Not so long ago I have been signed off work for my work related with stress and anxiety that is why I do not actually need to go back to work again. My bosses have been assaulting me by email, by letters as well as mobile and landline (everything they got) in order to attend a meeting with me so we could discuss the reasons why I am leaving so much, so I guess you understood what I have done about that – I blocked all their emails and their numbers etc. So much for them so they would give me enough time to relax and to get a bit better now.


What I can recommend you is to get out of your job in the first place because for most people it causes a lot of stress and to think about number 1. As much as I can remember myself I have been worried and concerned about what other people are thinking about me and I have always putting other people first, however, not so long ago I have realized all of a sudden that in fact, there is nobody at work that is actually giving a f*ck about you and what you are really going through, this is why my current thoughts about them are: you surely did not appreciated me at all during the time I have been there so I’m pretty sure you are now!


This is what my doc recommended me so I am just sharing with you my doc’s word: do not go down with the anti depressants route and he also mentioned that I need to sort out all the problems and troubles that I am having in my life and then generally to re evaluate my life altogether.


I am sure there are your loved ones who are getting concerned about you and what you are feeling and doing, like for example your wives, husbands, parents, friends and so on. However, they won’t help. my parents were worried about me and they were always doing the same for me, however, they were not realizing that their attitude towards my anxiety was not helpful at all. all my friends (if I can call them so) have been useless at all. their only way of trying to help me was to completely ignore me even though I’ve been always there for them when they needed me. nobody gave a f*ck about the fact that I am depressed, that I was living with anxiety day by day and that I needed help.


Thanks god that there was my boyfriend who has really showed me how much he loves me and cares about me. despite my nervousness (because of stress and depression) my boyfriend has always been there for me and he has been my savior all this time. I did realized this, but it was kind of hard to see it. I really think that I would not be here now if it wasn’t for him. Sometimes I think that even though my parents made me and gave me nearly everything I have now – my boyfriend has done even more than them for me. in fact, I believe that my boyfriend has done more than all of them altogether.


As soon as you start thinking better about yourself and you would re evaluate your life, your stress and anxiety would go away as well as your chest pains (unless it is not a physical symptom). I wish you all good luck and I hope you are going to take care about yourself in the first place. Also, don’t forget to write back an update in order to let us know how it is all going on.



New member

"Yeah, that’s pretty sure that anxiety is doing this to you. in case you want or need reassurance then you need to ask your doc for a physical. There are some chances that in fact, your heart, chest etc. are all fine, generally your health is fine. however, holding in you anger or anything in this matter could cause you some problems in the future and your doctor can send you to somebody who can really help with these issues of yours because trust me you need help. this is not something that would go away.
This, in fact, is something that is affecting your body too. it always affected, but in the past it was too unnoticeable, but if you got to the point that you start having physical symptoms then I think you have reached a pretty bad point. Nervous tension, worries, anxiety or/and mental stress are able to cause you to suffer from muscular contraction as well as vascular constriction which is restricting energy to come as well as your normal blood flow therefore it can affect some nerve conduction in some certain parts of your body and this makes you to suffer from all those physical symptoms. Also, symptoms are all different because different people are having their different “hot spots” and it is depending only on their past injuries, their own physical structure and so on. There are some certain people who may be more prone to back pains while they are under stress, but there are other people who might have some tight and aching neck as well as shoulder muscles, but there are some other people who may have issues with their internal systems or some of their organs that could develop diarrhea under stress, for example… but there are also some other people, like you, who are suffering from chest pains while they are under stress. Rule out the physical symptoms and only after that you need to decrease the level of stress in your body and you’ll see that your chest pains would go away. I wish you all good luck.
