I think I have scoliosis can someone help me?


New member

i play computer games since i'm 13 (i'm 17 now) so i think this is the main problem, but besides that i help my father carrying some heavy things like fridges and washing machines about 3 years from now aprox. 2 days a week, I feel a huge pain in lower back now when i carry something or when i stay in the same position for more than 20 minutes, and in the area where occures pain, my vertebra isn't straight, is this minos scoliosis that can be easly treated or is something worse? i don't have time to visit a doctor that's why i ask your help.



New member

Hey man,

My advice for you is to take time for visiting a doctor! I've had aproximately the same problem but now I'm feeling great without pain in my back! One of my friend now have serious health problems because of this, I would have too if I've never treated it because with time it's getting just worse since the vertebra isn't growing straight.  You have to talk to your father and to a doctor to treat it until it's too late. Here are some advices for treating it:

1) Try to eat more vitamins and minerals which contains more magnesium - it is required for having strong bones.

2) Take time for a course at a special masseur who can treat it.

3) Recommend you to make yoga and general core- streangthening exercises, these exercises can improve spine health.

I'm sure that following these stepts your back will recover and you'll feel like new :)

Good Luck and take care of your self!



New member

now that i have read your post im seriously thinking about going to a doctor. i also spoke to others and they said the same as you mentioned that it can cause serious health problems in future. thank you for your recommendations, i will try to follow them and i will post the results here if you are concerned, have a great day mbernic ;)



New member

Hello everyone!


I've also had some back pains mostly in the left side. I feel it only when I'm trying to pick up heavy things and when I'm driving for some hours in row.  I visited my doctor about it and he diagnosed me with minor scoliosis! I've spent hours of searching some information about it on the internet and I still try to learn more about it! My doctor also said that there are exercises that can improve spine health and he also said about core strengthening exercises and I found information that exist specific exercises for scoliosis. The doctor added that surgery is not indicated since it does not help with the pain, anyway I wouldn't do it, but it seems that we just have to be careful with our back: we have make sure that our computer screen is exactly at eye level, do not recline in a chair when using the computer as well as when driving. We have to avoid picking up heavy things as well as stresses on the shoulders. I know you want to get rid of the pain, I also do, but we have to follow a certain plan for that and keep in mind that it can get worse easily if you don't.  


Is there someone else with this problem? I'm wondering if somebody completely cured scoliosis. Best wishes!



New member

I'm only 17 years old but I experience the same pain and I really think that I have scoliosis! I will go to my doctor and get it checked but I'm afraid he will say that it is nothing since I don't have something wrong visually, maybe only a little bit. I will ask for an X ray, do you think it is going to help? I play a lot of sports as well as going to gym and trying to make some relief. Generally I am in good shape and my fitness is good but I have this pain and it's killing me! My pain is in my lower back and sometimes it hurts so much that I barely can do something or even to move. My father is now 40 years old and what's strange is that he is having the exact same problem (maybe he has a little more pains and more intense than mine are) and I know that it sounds weird and that this condition is not hereditary, however, could it be?? I want to carry on with the sports and gym but I'm afraid that soon I won't be able to do that because as I see for my father this problem is getting worse and worse with ages. I'm very young and I have this problem... this makes me feel so frustrated! I have searched a little bit and I found out that there are some people who need surgery in order to get rid of this condition. Sincerely I don't think that now I need the surgery for it but I know that if I will leave it in the way it is I will need it and I don't like the idea. I found out that this surgery is one of the most painful surgeries that we can have... So I would like to know how to treat it in a natural way. Thanks for your support.
