I'm a virgin but I have missed two periods


New member

hey, im begging for help bc im totally confused wat is going on with me. im very young that is why i dont knw almost anything about this. im 15 years old. im totally a virgin, no one ever touched my vagina with a penis nor with a hand but i still missed two periods. i had my last period in the beginning of march and now it is the end of may but still nothing. i do get all the symptoms of a period such as cramps and white discharge but no blood at all. i dont really know what are the early pregnancy signs and symptoms but i know for sure that a missed period is a preggy sign but i have missed two periods already. i really want to know if this means that im pregnant, please help me because this is truly scaring me out..... btw im perfectly healthy



New member

Hi there, I'm having big doubts that you're pregnant! If you are a virgin then it is very unlikely that you're pregnant! If no one ever touched you down there even with hands then it seems to me that chances of being pregnant are zero so don't be so scared. Try to calm down. If you're thinking that you're pregnant you should feel other symptoms as well. It is true that a missed period is a sign of pregnancy, but there's a lot more of early signs and symptoms of being pregnant such as back pain, tender breasts, morning sickness, bloating or over crappy feeling and many more. Let me tell you that if you're still a teenager then you period cycles are still going to be abnormal and very weird from time to time. Believe me that you're not the first and definitely not the last teenager who's having messed up periods. I would recommend you not to worry about that so much because, seriously, you have nothing to worry at all. I can give you an example my situation when I was an year older than you, when I was 16 years old I went four months without a period for no reason at all but I knew that something like this can happen because I talked to girls older than me and then later I talked to my mother too and I recommend you to do the same. I assure you that you will feel better when you're going to talk to your mother because she can explain you all the details you need to know. Moreover I can tell you that sometimes something like this can happen even when you get into adulthood and trust me this is something absolutely normal. Your cycles aren't yet regular, you're still young. I hope that everything is going to be fine. Good luck and best wishes



New member

ok so how about this? i am a 15yrs old and also totally virgin, never had any sexual acts or somethn like that. i don't knwo 4e sure but i think i ve missed 2 month now my period. something like this have happened before but now it is a little different because now i ve been peeing a lot lately and i never had missing period for 2 months and a lot of peeing. before this i thought that everything is alright with me because i had regular period last few moths, i see that i wast wrong. i am so freaked out right know. i already said that i havent done anything sexual so theres no way im preggy right? because i heard other girls getting preggy without sexual intercourse but i don't know 4e sure. i get all the symptoms like my period is about to come, but clearly it isn't.  what else could cause the peeing? and the missed periods? any ideas or insight? tiffany could you please give me some recommendation of what can i do to get my periods back? i can't ask my mom all these question because she would think that i'm not a virgin anymore..



New member

So ladies look. If you know that you are certainly a virgin, you know that you haven't had any sexual experience then you know for sure that you are not pregnant. I don't see any possible chances of you getting pregnant if you're still pregnant, how the sperm could get inside of your vagina?? So you should relax and know that there are many other things that can cause you to miss a period or even two. As Tiffany said you're still young, you've just recently started to have your period and your body may need more time to adjust the regularity of your periods. This is only one possible cause but there is also sympathy or empathy pregnancies, this means that your body thinks you are pregnant when you are really not, this is caused by too much thinking but this is really rare so I doubt that this is in your case, especially in your age. Also as a cause of a missed period or even two can be stress, you might have been stressed lately due to something and this is it. Moreover a health issue also can be the cause of your problem. You have to remember that not only pregnancy is the cause of a missed period especially if you're a virgin and you should not freak out each time when it is going to happen but the best thing to do is to visit a doctor about it. What if you're having a health issue and you're leaving it like that? There are issues that affect your body without you feeling it so I greatly recommend you to talk to your mother and visit a doctor. It doesn't matter what she is going only to THINK if you know that you're virgin. It is going to be the best for you if you’re going to get checked.
