I'm afraid that I won't fall asleep


New member

I started to have this fear some years ago and there is no explanation to this. I just had a panic attack during the night when I was ready to sleep and after this I wasn’t able to fall asleep all night long. I remember that when I had that panic attack, I had nightmares and strange feelings during the night. Now, when night comes and I lay on my bed I start to feel scared and fear everything. I have million thoughts during those moments and I start to think that I will never be able to fall asleep. My mother told me that when I was little I had the exact same problem, but she thought that this was because like any other child, I was scared about monsters and all this stuff. Now, after my panic attack, I started to have this fear everywhere I go and every time when I try to fall asleep, even if there is day outside, I have a strange feeling and strange thoughts and I start concerning that I will never be able to fall asleep. My psychologist said that the problem is stress. He said that I have to relax and try to forget about everything. However, this is very difficult in my situation because every evening I start thinking that I’m going to have the same problem over and over again. I started to take some anti-stress pills but I feel like this is not about stress, is only about that night when I had that panic attack. I would like to ask if somebody could help me and maybe advise what to do.



New member

Yeah, I know what it is to live like that. Perhaps my problem wasn't as bad as yours but I had something similar. I remember I also was afraid of not falling asleep, to be more exact I was afraid of not getting enough hours of sleep at night. I don't know why or how but it went away by itself, I mean I didn't used any medications or something like that (nor any psychologist visits) but I had it very badly for about a year or a little less. That concern was keeping me awake for full nights and sometimes I was geting no more than 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night and I was living with that every night and every day. That was happening even when I knew I could sleep for as long as I wanted. I was always tired and I was looking like a zombie - I could not concentrate on simple things. I was searching information about that and I think it is called somniphobia - the fear of sleep. I am sorry for you - I know (partially) thru what you are going through right now. I guess you should seek some professional help if it's getting too bad. Anyway, I just remember and I'm like brrrr, thanks god it's over. I just wanted to know you're not alone and to wish you good luck!



New member

I heard about this disease or whatever I can call it few years ago and honestly I thought that this is so stupid. Too bad I didn’t realized I am already having it. I thought “yeah” you can fear sleeping for some reasons but how can you fear of NOT being able to sleep? This really sound stupid for me, but now, as I have it, it’s torture. I’m married for a little more than 2 years and my husband doesn’t go to bed later than 11PM. Usually he goes to bed when it 10PM but for me this seems insane. I never went to bed earlier than 2AM and I absolutely refused to go to bed whenever he called me. Later I realized that I am sitting at my PC and write (exactly as I’m doing now) or I can play games until I just can’t keep my eyes opened. I’m soo afraid of the dark! I have night blindness! If I go to bed I turn on the light and read something, play games on my mobile or I don’t know but I HAVE to do something and there HAS to be light! My husband can’t fall asleep with lights on so I just wait until he fall asleep. Sometimes he wakes up at 3AM and he asks me why I’m still not sleeping and then what I can tell him? I’m afraid of not falling asleep? He would definitely think that I’m completely crazy! Until today I never talked about this to anyone but I’ve decided that I need to do something s that’s why I’m here.



New member

I started to have this problem some years ago and there is no explanation to this. It seems that there are a lot of us because I also had a panic attack during the night and after this I wasn’t able to fall asleep anymore. I am now wondering if you have fixed this problem or not. When I had a panic attack I remember that I had nightmares and strange feelings during the night. Now when night comes and when I lay on my bed I start to feel scared about everything. I have million thoughts and I start to think that I will never be able to fall asleep. but I understand that this is very bad for my health and my body. My parents also told me that when I was little I had a similar problem but she thought that this was because like any other child I was scared about monsters under my bed and so on. Now I am suffering from this panic everywhere I go and every time when I try to fall asleep. as you, I have it even if there is day outside I have this strange feelings and strange thoughts about this problem and that I will never be able to fall asleep. I’m a little bit better knowing that there is somebody who understands me. My parents said that I should better relax with my friends and forget about everything. But you understand me that this is nearly impossible to do it. I started to take some pills anti-stress but I feel like this is not about stress is about that night when I had that panic attack. as you, I would like to ask if somebody can help me and maybe advise what to do.
