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Hi, so I'm only 16 years old and I found out 3 days ago that I'm pregnant when I was consulting my doctor. I've had pregnancy symptoms (I didn't know) and I've come to him for a check out. I was totally shocked when he said that there's a baby and I'm already 6 weeks pregnant today....
Now and then I'm scared, confused and still shocked. I didn't tell my parents yet about this but I'm very scared about their reaction (as every other pregnant girl in my age I think) when I'm going to tell them about this. I know that my dad isn't going to be happy at all...
Honestly, in a way I'm happy that it turnout to be this way, but I do understand the fact that I'm a child myself and having a baby is a big responsibility. My boyfriend is also happy and we're still together but I'm wondering are we going to be so forever and if we're going to be a happy family further. However I don't have many options now due to what I've already done and I have to take this chance near my boyfriend.
I cannot say that for sure, but even though I'm a teenager, a lot of people say that I act very mature for my age, but now I'm really concerned whether I am able to take care of a child and to take all these responsibilities??? I'm not even able to take all decisions I need to take. Only in two years at least something is going to change when I'm going to be 18.
I've had ideas of getting an abortion but I know for sure that I'm going to regret for the rest of my life and I know that it can lead further problem. That is why I have to think how to deal now with the actions that I've already made. I know that taking care of a baby isn't going to be so easy at all, but I believe that I can do it!
I want to know my chances of being a good mother at this age and I want to ask what should I do next and how should I say my parents about this. If someone was pregnant at my age please let me know your experience and how you've dealt with it.