well, both you and your friend should know that herpes can be misdiagnosed very easily. I am goig to do my best to help you out, however you need to be aware that I am by no means a doctor so don’t take my advice as a “doctor’s words” or anything in this matter. do as your doctor told you to do. I am just reading a lot, so, all of the following information that I am going to share with you below is all based from my memory. Having this said, I don’t exclude the fact that something might be wrong, this is why if anything is being incorrect then please, somebody correct me (I won’t be offended).
There are 2 types of Herpes, the Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV 1) and the herpes simples (obviously) 2 (HSV 2). In most of the cases, HSV 1 is appearing in form of some cold sores or some fever blisters around the lips, around the mouth and sometimes even on the tongue, however it can also be spread to the genital region either. In the same time, HSV 2 at least in most of the cases, is being found in the genital regions compared to HSV 1. But, exactly as HSV 1, it can also be spread to the mouth area as well. when most of the people are referring to the HSV 2, they are actually talking about the genital herpes, and when they are talking about the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1) they are referring to the cold sores that are around the mouth. But, it is very important to know the fact that there are 2 types of different viruses due to the fact that for each one of them there are different medicines needed for healing them. there are (so far) no cures that help with both of HSV 1 and HSV 2. Also, you need to know that, in fact, there are no cures (so far) at all for either one of them. I’m going to explain this below.
It has been established that there is a very big and high percentage of Americans who are having the HSV 1 (as much as I can remember – I have read that it is somewhere between 40-45 % of Americans but note that I have read this somewhere back in 2010 – 2011, the numbers might have grown up or went down since then). It is also known that some of those people don’t even know that they are having it due to the fact that they have never had a breakout or their breakouts are so so small and so infrequent (sometimes only 1 or twice in their entire life) that they do not even know and not notice them so they don’t know that they carry this virus. You should know (very important) that HSV 1 can be transmitted from birth, kissing somebody who is having HSV 1, by sharing some drinking glasses and these types of things, etc. also, you should know that in case somebody is having an HSV 1 outbreak then it is being possible that they could spread the HSV 1 virus to some other person’s not only mouth/lips etc. but also to the person’s genitals in case oral sex is being given. Outbreaks can occur (mostly) monthly, yearly, or even more infrequently (as I said, there are people who have had it only 1 time or 2 times in their entire life, although there are also very rare cases when people are having them weekly). Also, it is very hard to determine the exact causes of the outbreaks, however it is known that it can be related to one’s diet, medications, stress, as well as a plenty of other factors too. also, it has been determined that typically, the first outbreak it is the worst one and each outbreak that is following after is usually getting smaller and smaller. Once again, this is why there are some people who are having it only 2 times in their entire life or some other people who never had an outbreak ever again after the first occurrence of the HSV 1 or HSV 2.
A person that it is being infected with either the HSV 1 or the HSV 2 it is the most “contagious” when they are having an outbreak (though, I think that everybody knew this information). particulatly it is most contagious in the first few days after the physical symptoms have shown up. this is the reason why only because of the fact that a sore it is not visible, it does not mean that it cannot be spread to somebody else.
Now, as I have said it above – there is no cure for either form of the virus. Medicine has not got so far to completely eliminate this form of virus from the body of the person who carries it. that is why, such kind of medicines like for example Valtrex are helping to limit the frequency of the occurrences as well as they may lessen the severity of the outbreak. But it does not get you rid of it completely.
And now, regarding your question for the herpes being life threatening – yeah or no then I can tell you this: herpes is most dangerous and life threatening when a women is delivering a baby and it is having either an HSV 1 or HSV 2 outbreak certainly to her genital region. This virus can be spread to the newborn and in some of the cases it can be fatal to the infant (since the body of an infant cannot fight with the virus so well as an adult healthy body). In rest of the cases – there are no reports of somebody dying from herpes (although I don’t know how dangerous it is for somebody who has SERIOUS problems with autoimmune diseases).
Please, provide us with as much information as it is being possible. I have learned most of this information due to the fact that I have once thought that I am having herpes myself and I have been interested in how it works and so on. I have went to the doctor asking him more questions and he has determined that it has been only a bad ingrown hair. He has told me that it is an very common thing for people to misdiagnose herpes (like I have done) due to the fact that it is looking very similar to an ingrown hair or to a pimple.
In case you are having some other questions then feel free to ask me anything about them as I am ready to help with anything I can. I would really try to assist you further with all I can. even with all of this information handy, your friend really need to go to a doctor because we won’t be able to determine anything over the internet. I wish you both good luck!