IUI (insemination) - someone has some treatment ideas?


New member

In a week my husband and I are going to have my first round of IUI, insemination. I was really wondering what can I expect from it? I want to know if there is someone else who ever done it because I need to know real feedback. I don't know what should I expect and how much discomfort I will get? The only thing I know is what the doctor is going to do: clean his semen and treat it to make it hyperactive and then put it in me for more chances of getting pregnant. Also I want to know how long all this is going to take? In general I would like to know everything you can give me, every advice or recommendation. EVERYTHING because I'm soooo worried right now and nervous. I would be deeply thankful to whoever is going to give me a friendly help. Thank you very much and I am COUNTING on you.


Elisa J.

New member

Hey Marry, you went for the insemination already or not? I'm sorry if I'm too late. So I had an IUI with Clomid and one was with Gonal F. I can tell you that both times there were from 2 to 3 mature follicles, measuring about 15-17mm. For me each round of IUI was two days of back to back inseminations and that means that I had 4 inseminations. I don't know for sure but I feel like the 4th insemination was successful. That's because in the 4th attempt it was a little different. How is that? Well I'm going to explain it. So, none of the inseminations attempt you won't feel pain, but in the first 3 inseminations I felt the pressure as the nurse was injecting the sperm inside, in the 4th one I haven't felt anything as it was injected slower than in the first 3 attempts. 1-3 insemination was injected in about 30 seconds, the 4th one in 2 minutes and I had no pains or pressure. I think it depends very much on the method they are doing this, so talk to your nurse about this. Also I remember that only in the last attempt I had advised to just lie there for 10 minutes. Please be careful when talking to your doctor. Now I'm glad to say that I'm finally pregnant! 2 months now! I sincerely wish you a big good luck!!



New member

Hey girl, The IUI procedure is simple and may be performed even if the woman is not receiving medication to improve her egg production even though many doctors are encouraging women to take medications to stimulate the ovaries to increase egg production and in this way the chances of getting pregnant are bigger. Elisa and Mary, I have to tell you because you should know: when a woman is under the age of 35 usually have higher rates of success than a woman over the age of 35, anyway the average success rate for IUI it is about 10 to 20% in one cycle so I don't really know if it depends so much on the method they are doing the procedure. I would say that the success rate mostly depends on the health of both the woman and her partner's sperm health. The procedure is: you're going to have an ultrasound to monitor the size of the follicles and then a hormone is going to be managed to stimulate the release of eggs from the follicles. After that, a catheter is used to inject directly sperm that have been washed and concentrated in your uterus around the time your ovary releases one or more eggs to be fertilized. I know that usually the IUI procedure takes little time and you shouldn't be that worried because it usually creates minimal discomfort. The next and we can say the last step for this is that you have to wait for early pregnancy signs and symptoms. Know that you'll be able to take a pregnancy test about two weeks later. I truthfully hope this information is going to help you somehow.



New member

hi, just wanted to say that i’ve seen your posts earlier and i’ve decided to go and have iui insemination. today i just had it after a cycle of 100 mg of clomid. now, i’m experiencing very unpleasant pains in my abdomen and this is terrible but i hope that it will be worth it. right after the procedure started i was able to feel cramping and that pain is constant thru the whole day. when i’ve done a little research online about all this i’ve seen people saying that the deeper the stick it would be more painful and also people said that the bigger follies one has the more intense pain she would feel. i’m very glad that i’ve seen your posts and other people posts prior to do the iui otherwise i guess i would panic right now. what i’ve experienced is that it is more painful to stand or to walk but i hope that i’m going to feel at least a little better tomorrow. i’m ready to feel and to endure all of this even tho i know that the chances that it’s going to work frm the first time are small but i hope so and i’m praying about it.


what i’ve been thinking lately is that most people do not realize how lucky they are. those who are able to conceive without any problems are the luckiest imo. when i was younger i didn’t wanted an unexpected pregnancy but i was always thinking that it is better an unexpected pregnancy than to be unable to conceive… unfortunately exactly this thing happened to me. i don’t really understand what is wrong with me, doctors made a bunch of tests on me and as any other persons i’ve had issues and diseases but none of them were fatal or affecting my fertility. it seems that it affected. i don’t know how many tests of blood work check and ultra sound i have already done. my husband also got his sperm checked and everything is alright. sperm count of 95 million. now all i have is to endure the pains and to wait, pray and hope. i know that the following 2 weeks are going to be the longest weeks in my whole life! i just wish more power to whoever have gone or are going through all this. i hope we all would have our babies because never being able to hold your baby in your whole life is such a pain…. the pains i have right now are nothing compared to the pains i would have if i will never have a baby.
