Late period, white discharge and many others


New member

Hello everyone, I would like if possible to get an answer. So, my boyfriend and I used to have unprotected sex (I mean without condoms and birth control pills) for about a year but we got used to the pull out method. Right now I'm having cramps typical for my period and I'm thinking that I might get my period, however I'm 5 days late now but usually my period is very regular so I'm confused. It was supposed to come on Tuesday but as you can see it didn't come. In addiction I have pretty heavy white discharge which is unusual for me, my breasts are very and very sore for a little less than 2 weeks. Moreover I have some unexplained lower back pain. I know that these are clear pregnancy symptoms, however I've done a home pregnancy home 4 days ago on Wednesday and it was negative, I've waited 2 days more and I've done another one on the Friday morning but it was also negative so I'm out of ideas that this could me. I thought about going to a doctor and tell him my symptoms but he will say that these are pregnancy symtoms and that's all. I guess I should wait for another couple of days and I will do another home pregnancy test. Other ideas I don't have so I want your help. Could I be pregnant? In your opinion what are the chances?



New member

On this forum is a similar topic, however I will try to help you out too. Well, it is very likely that you can be pregnant. I can tell you more: withdrawal method isn't a method at all, it doesn't work as you think because your partner actually doesn't need to cum inside you to get pregnant, sperm can seep out from the tip of the penis even with arousal so... Remember that even without a condom there is a risk of getting pregnant, now think about how much you are exposed to be pregnant having sex without a condom. I understand that many people don't like to use condoms, others even have allergies from them, however you should use birth control pills and I recommend you to use them next time. You said that your period is very regular so chances that you are pregnant are high, when a period is 5 days late for regular woman chances are very high. You even have more pregnancy signs such as sore breasts for two weeks. I personally didn't have much of white discharge during my early pregnancy, however every woman is different and every pregnancy is different, moreover I've read on the internet that there are some women who has this symptom. Yes, you made two tests and they had a negative result, however this depends on how sensitive it is and the type of test you used because if the tests isn't so sensitive as it needs to be it can't detect your hcg levels because it might be too low. Home pregnancy tests are not 100% precisely, so to be sure that you're or not pregnant then you should visit a doctor and make a blood test. If you're not prenant then please, next time be more careful and start to use some protection, but if you are pregnant then your doctor should explain what you have to do as to take pre natal vitamins and many others. Also you could ask him everything about pregnancy and what you should do next, how you should start taking care of your baby. More than this I can't help you, sorry. I hope you'll get something useful and good luck Caitlyn



New member

Hi Caitlyn and Tiffany, how are you? I would like to say thank to you Tiffany and to Caitlyn that we're both in the same boat and I would like to know how you're doing now? Do you found out something in these days? I'm 5 days late for period which is unusual for me. I really want to have a baby, my husband too, he is very excited now but I'm afraid not to disappoint him. Even though I'm only 20 and I know that I have my whole life for this, I want this baby like I'm 40 and I'm too late for a baby. Obviously you can't say if I'm pregnant, but I want to know what are my chances? So, have back pains, tender breasts and cramps like my period is about to come as well as white discharge. I have been feeling the cramps for about two weeks now (unusual long time for an usual period) and my boobs have been tender since then. My period is regular as a clock, it is never ever late! The last time I had an unusual period was when I first had sex at 18. Home pregnancy test I'm going to take these days but I'm so afraid that I'm not pregnant that I can't look at it... Please understand me and help



New member

weeeeellll.... i do know that hom pregnancy tests require to have it not earlier than in the 1st day when you decide it is a missed period day and you should make it in the morning when u r 1st going to pee becuz that urine is having the most hcg levels in it so u hav the biggest chances to show ya the correct answer. i was thinking that i m pregnant but it seems that tests can't see it. i got my hom pregnancy test after 5th day of the missed period day and it still was neg. i don't really understand why. as u i also hav some pregnancy symptoms: tender boobs, back pain, i m moody and tired. what is going on? plzz advice me what i hav to do becuz i hav no support from any1. i told about this my doctor but she said that i need to come back in a week, i can't wait that long becuz i m going to get out of my mind completely.



New member

Please someone help me out with some suggestions! I'm very scared now and I just don't know what should I do or to think! I'm only 16yrs old and I'm fitted with a coil, my mother helped me with the coil but if she would find out that I'm pregnant I can't imagine what is going to be next! I really don't want to get into a fight with her but if I'm pregnant I'm afraid there's no other option and I'm so scared about this! Well look, my bf and I are having sex for more than a half a year and we never use condoms but he never cum inside of me because we use withdrawal method plus I'm on the coil as well. Everything seemed fine until this month. Since I am fitted with the coil I started to record my periods (I've never recorded them before) so here is the deal: I've got my period in 31th march, then on 1st may, next one was on the 2nd june and this month I supposed it is going to be on 3rd july, now it's 6 and I still don't have it. As you can see usually I'm not late on my period but now I just don't know what happened but I'm late. Other weird thing is that I have absolutely no pregnancy symptoms or signs, I have no sore breats, no pains, no cramps, no strange discharges, tiredness or moody, I'm feeling perfectly fine. Sincerely I have no logical explanation to this. I haven't done a home pregnancy test but I'm going to buy it these days and I'm going to see what it is going to show me. If the results would be positive I'm dead!! I think that my parents are going to kick me out of my home! What can I do in such case? Is there a pill or something that I can take to end the pregnancy if I'm pregnant? I'm feeling so helpless and afraid! My bf also doesn't know what to do and we have no support from anybody! Please someone!



New member

well, here is a little of something for those ladies who are late for their periods: i have been to doctor and he told me that i should wait to be at least 7 or 8 days late on my period for the test to be accurate. my advice for you is that if it hasn't been more tha 7 days then wait more. i'm in the same boat as many here and i will wait few more days and then i will go to the doctor. i understand that waiting is killing but this is the way it should be. my period is always coming on time and it has been regular for the past year, however now it's 4 days late and i will wait 4 more until i will go and visit the doctor again for the test. i know for sure that each woman knows her body better than anyone so don't let anyone try to tell you don't know anything about pregnancies and so on. if you feel that something isn't normal, if you feel weird and strange and you are sure that you are pregnant then there are big chances that you're pregnant despite negative test. patience is the key even though it is so hard to wait! good luck ladies!
