Light cramps on uterus area


New member

Hello people. I'm asking these questions especially to women who were already pregnant and they know exactly what they felt during their first days of pregnancy. For the last couple of days I feel a strange sensation: a kind of heaviness or of pressure alike light cramps in the area about where my uterus is. I have these light cramps approximately in the area where I have my typical menstrual cramps. We've used condoms every single time but I know that everything can be possible that's why I'm afraid now. I can't wait much, my period ended few days ago and the next one will be in weeks away (if it’s going to come) that’s why I decided to ask you about it. Of course no one can tell me if I'm pregnant, I'm not asking this: just simply if you had this when you were pregnant. I've heard and read that many women experienced some heaviness on the lower abdomen and I thought they are talking about this. Other symptoms of pregnancy I don't have just these cramps (maybe because it's too early or I don't know), no digestive disorders or other "strange" feelings. Maybe I'm just paranoic, but I think the muscles in that area are softer and weaker than I used to know it. I'm scared because I've never had something like this except when I was waiting for my period (but now it recently stopped). Can someone give me a certain anwers please? Do you felt like this in your first days of pregnancy? 



New member

hey girl how do you feel? recently I started experiencing the same light cramps or heaviness in my lower abdomen approx. in the area where I have menstrual pains. I don't think we are able to feel any pregnancy symptoms so early, but as you said - anything is possible. I don't know if there is a connection between them but I went off my birth control about a month ago and I don't know what to think... I may be pregnant now but I can't say for sure. Pregnancy test I've done recently, it was negative but because of the birth control I've took I'm aware it can have an incorrect result. anyway, any other solution than waiting for the next period to come I don't have so I cannot help you... sorry. try to focus on other pregnancy symptoms, if you find some then you should really be aware whether are you pregnant or not.



New member

hey, i am having the same pressure around my uteros the last few days about where are my ovaries located. in addition i have a strange, unusual abdoman crampings. pregnancy test came out negative also, but i know that this isn't a good indicator of not being pregnant. i got off my last period 2 weeks ago. But another strange thing is that it was unusual shorther than how it used to be. only 3 days, but usually it was no less than 5 days of bleedings. im trying not to freak out and not to get stressed out until my next period to see whether is going to be normal, late or if it's coming in general.



New member

Hello everyone here. The pressure and pinching similar to crampings are the feeligs that some women are experiencing during their early pregnancy so it can be possible that you are pregnant (even if a test was negative - HPT aren't 100% accurate). Some women can feel that their muscles are being pulled or stretching or a sensation of being pinched on the side. This feelings are very common and normal so I guess there's nothing to worry about (even though you may visit a doctor if you're up to). Women are experiencing this due to the embryo that is attaching itself to the uterus, that is why the feelings you've described occur in the abdomen, ovary area and uterus. Usually this is happening around 6-12 days after ovulation. These light crampings are expected to be even in very early pregnancy because there are a lot of changes happening to a woman’s body. I'm about 7 days past my ovulation and I have the same pains when standing or when I sit in some positions. In additional I have a clear discharge which I also know that can be a pregnancy symptoms. Anyway I'm going to take a test if my period is going to be late (but I think it will) and let you know my results in few days. Good luck



New member

Heeeey, I am having the same symptoms as you are describing and I'm sooo excited! Right now I'm 5 days late for my period and these symptoms as heavy pressure and cramps lower abdomen started to appear 2 days after I was supposed to get my period, I mean 3 days ago and it is pretty strange for me. I did was pregnant before with my first daughter and I didn't know I was pregnant until I missed my whole period that month. Now I'm wondering if this is a normal symptom of early pregnancy? I'm asking this because obviously it is too early for me to have a home pregnancy test soooo... We weren't really trying to have a baby right know but I really wanted this and my husband too. We were talking about having a second child but we never had a discussion about when do we want it. I guess this is the right time lol. I'm feeling somehow strange, a little bit uncomfortable and full of energy even if I don't drink coffee anymore. I know that during pregnancy a woman shouldn't drink coffee so I hope I'm doing alright now lol. Oooh, yes, and I also have severe breast tenderness. Please someone tell me that I'm not crazy but I'm pregnant lol. I want this sooo much!



New member

Hey everyone, please shed some light on my problem because I'm getting worried about what is going on with me, maybe someone had a similar problem and can tell me what is going on. I'm young, I'm only 21 years old and I am on birth control pills for 2 years now  but about a month ago or a little less I forgot to take 2 pills so I had no option left to take 2 pills in the next day after the missed pill day. I don't really know if this helped but I had no other idea what I should do. Well, since I'm on birth control I'm having unprotected sex with my boyfriend and I also had sex with him the day before the missed pill day or the day after (I cannot really remember) but after that, a week later I started to get the same pressure as everyone here are describing in my lower area. Sincerely I was scared that something is wrong either I'm pregnant so I went immediately to the hospital to ask a doctor what is going on. He said that everything seems fine and that he cannot find any pregnancy symptoms but for further results I have to wait a week. Well, few days left before I can ask them if they found out something and I really hope they will because I'm scared and I'm not really sure that I'm not pregnant. Besides this, my period was 2 days late and the next day after it started it stopped. I had my period one day. Maybe a liiiiiitle discharge the 2nd day and that's all. Besides it seems that I'm having other pregnancy symptoms such as tiredness and lower back pains. I took an hpt these days but it came back negative so my biggest concern now is that I'm having a infection that is hard to find. I don't really know what this is... Can it be only due to stress and I'm overthinking about all this? Please someone share your experience or your knowledge about this and reply as soon as possible. I would be greatly thankful!


K Borella

New member

Hello. I have visited a many sites and I have found a lot of people who are experiencing the same symptoms as I do and I am a little bit confused now. I went off of my birth control in early December because of my insurance that ran out. Since December my boyfriend and I are having unprotected sex but with the pull out method each time. Well, after my last period we have had sex about 12 times in 12 different days. The problem is that I have felt differently almost immediately. It is very hard to explain this. for about 5 or 6 days now I am having cramps in my uterus area, it is located lower than where are my normal period cramps and I also experience a lot of pressure. I did had pressure before, but now a lot more. Occasionally I feel it like a slight pain or like a bubble. Besides, my boobs are slightly sore now and I am feeling bloated almost unstoppable. I have had some discharge, seem to be exactly that I am having normally but I didn’t see the color because of my dark underwear I was having then. I am also having some symptoms similar to what a pregnant woman usually has: I am able to smell some things that people around me can’t smell. It could be because of my sinus infection because it happened this before a couple of times but still, I’m not sure. Moreover, when I go to poop my pressure that I have is increasing but only it happens when I try to poop. I am having constipation lately… I am also tired but I am working so I have always been tired. As I see, a lot of you had similar signs to mine (I also have seen many women on another forum sites with exactly same things) but I never see the outcome. Is there anybody who can tell me what was your result? I am feeling confused and a little bit like scared and I am clueless of what to do. it is not supposed to get my period for one more week or so and I can’t find out by myself. any suggestion or advices? I would appreciate that
