Lisinopril with alcohol = results?

Mary Heaven

New member

Hey everyone. not so long ago I have started to use Lisinopril for a moderately high blood pressure I have after I have been diagnosed so by my doc and I have also been prescribed this drug by that doc. I have got the directions to use 5 mg per day of it.


Well, the last few days I have been to some social events and, of course, alcohol was there (as nearly everywhere except work). Initially I didn’t realized that I am on medications and I drank about 2 or 3 beers and after that I have found myself to be a little bit light headed and I was feeling dizzy too. because of those side effects I have had then I am not planning any more to drink while I am still using the medication. I do understand that I should not drink alcohol while on it, but the medication is new for me and I don’t know everything about it plus I forgot that night that I take any medications.


Anyway, my final questions is: are there some chances that I could have done some permanent damage to my bodily organs when I drank those beers and I have been on lisinopril for a few days then? Any expert opinions would be greatly appreciated!



New member

Well, let me start with a little bit of background: lisinopril is a group of drugs that are called ACE inhibitors and the term ACE is standing for Angiotens Covering Ezyme. This drug is used to treat patients with high blood pressure that it is also known as hypertension, also to treat congestive heart failure as well as to improve the survival of the heart attack.


Now, it is highly recommended not to drink any form of alcohol while you are being on lisinopril as it is further lowering your blood pressure and it could increase the chances or the severity of some of the side effects of this drug lisinopril.


Anyway, regarding the long term effects (negative effects, I guess) on using both of them, I have not read or found anything about that, however, in case you are also not aware of what would be the long term effects then I would suggest you to avoid the combination of the 2 as much as it is possible. You could ask your doc about this. tell him what happened and he is going to explain. I’m not sure why you haven’t done it until now. I guess because you’re afraid that he’s going to tell you not to do it. he will. But he is also gonna tell you what long term effects are (I guess) and that information is going to bring peace upon your mind. Don’t worry, he won’t yell at you :D


Personally, I doubt that there is a permanent damage from drinking 2-3 beers with a daily dose of lisinopril once. Though I’m not a doc and this is only my opinion which is very subjective.



New member

I am not aware of the synergistic effects of the alcohol taken with lisinopril, however what I do know is that 1-3 drinks is going to lower your blood pressure (depending on your body and tolerance to alcohol) and in the same time drinking about 3 or more drinks, as much as I know, is going to start raising it up. either it is the first or it is the second situation, it is a very bad idea to mix these 2 due to the fact that lisinopril with alcohol combo is going to lower it even more than it should be lowering (it can cause fatal effects) and drinking more than that it could stop the effects of the drugs which would result in no effects from the drug, in an even more higher blood pressure and more side effects.


Generally it is said that one of the no no while you are on some blood pressure medications it is alcohol. I assume that you know about that and that’s why you wanted to make this post. I am currently on some medications and expect those life style changes I have made (I mean, no caffeine at all, I have cut back a lot on smoking and I have lowered sodium intake) – I have also quit alcohol because I’m sure that alcohol is not going to help with the meds at all and even more sure is that they are not going to help you achieving your goal by lowering your blood pressure.
