lot of white discharge - Pregnant?


New member

hi people, can someone please help me? i have a lot of white discharge, sometimes it feels alike my menstruation and i definitely don't know what is it. its very stinky and nasty and its color is clear-white. my period is one day late so i had a pregnancy test today but it came out negative, maybe i need to wait few days and take the test again? im 18 years old and im a little scared, it is a pregnacy sign??? any opinion is thankful



New member

Hi, I'm wondering if you got some answers b/c I see that a month already passed since you've posted that. Did you found out if you're pregnant? I'm having the same white discharge smelling really bad and it also looks nasty. It was so much discharge that it got all over my clothes. Clearly we have the same symptoms, that's why I really would like to know how you're doing now. The first I thought I could have some infections, bacterial or yeast infection, but when I saw your post I've done a pregnancy test too just in case, but it also came back negative so I'm out of ideas what should I do next. Each option is not a good one for me in my age and position, but at least I would know what is wrong with me so I could know what I should expect. Anyone else ever had it? Women who already were pregnant? Any responses please please please!



New member

I have the same thing! My period is late and when I felt the discharge I thought my period finally came, but only this white discharge was so heavy. I've also made a home pregnancy test and it came back negative. What is going on I can't understand? However, despite the fact that the test was negative I'm concerned whether I am pregnant. Or maybe we have some kind of infection, becuase mine is also clear and it smells really awful, I never had this, but on the internet I found that this is a sign of infection? I guess we should wait for a professional opinion.



New member

Hello ladies, well some white discharge can be a sign of vaginal fungus or other diseases also can be a sign of being pregnant but it’s not such a good indicator that might tell you something. You may be just late for your period. I really don't know how to help you but you cannot use white discharge only as a sign or pregnancy. The missed period is the biggest sign you're pregnant. There are many others signs like painful or even just growing breasts, an unusual urge to eat constantly or sometimes you can have dizziness and tiredness in the early weeks of pregnancy. If you have any of the above mentioned then you should be worried about being pregnant. Here are some advices if you aren't sure what is going on: Wait for a couple of days more. Approximately a week from the date you have been expected your period, or even more and then do another home pregnancy test. If still nothing comes out then go to a gynecologist. It doesn't matter what you have to do for it, talk to your parents, talk to whoever you want but you have to visit a doctor. They knows best and they will have a certain answer for you whether are you pregnant or not, they will also say what is that in case you aren't pregnant and what to do about it. Other answer I don't have even though I want to help you. Good luck ladies and take care of you.



New member

Well girls, what did your problem turnout to be? I'm really curious about that since I have the very same problem right now. I have been on birth control pills for about two years and now I'm off them for about a month and I'm really hoping that I'm pregnant until now. I'm unsure about that because I've done two pregnancy tests and both of them came out negative which scares me the most! My husband and I had sex almost daily for the last 2-3 weeks, if not daily then every other day for sure after my period. I'm feeling different now and I've had some symptoms of being pregnant and also this symtom everyone is having here: lot of thick, sticky white discharge described above. I hate this feeling that I know nothing about what is going on and the negative tests I have. I know that my body is not regular yet because I have stopped taking the birth control pills but I truly hope that this isn't affecting my chances of being pregnant now! Good luck everyone and hope we will get our little dreams into our hands.



New member

i'm 16yrs old and i have a lot of white discharge but i really doubt that i'm pregnant. ok, i'm not a doctor but i have looked on the internet these symptoms so i assume that it has little to do with pregnancy. i cannot say if somebody here is pregnant though, but over the internet i found out that white discharge or clear discharge should be ok because it is caused by the changing level of hormones in the body. i do believe this because not so long ago i had sex but it was protected, we used a condom and after that i looked at it and it wasn't broken so assume everything is fine. whatsoever because of this or because of other things i believe that i'm having some changing level of my hormones in the body so this is the reason why i'm having it. i also found on the internet that if it smells really bad or its color is unusual like green, gray or brown or you have itches or it burns down there then most of all you have a vaginal infection and the only one who can help you here is a doctor. you should take medicines prescribed by him. i'm not having none of them so i assume that i have nothing to worry about. my discharge it is just clear or white. well, i said i'm no doctor but this was written by a doctor. maybe this is going to help someone.



New member

i have had my last period approximately a month ago (i never keep track of my periods because they are irregular so i don't really know what is going on now). i had sex last time exactly two weeks ago and lately i am having thick white discharge. to be honest, for me it is not something abnormal having this discharge because i have it every time i am off with my period but this time it is really much more thick and more cloudy that i used to know it. now i assume that i'm late on my period because, but as i metioned it i don't really know due to my irregular periods. i have many pregnancy signs: i have cramping really bad lately, back pains, my stomach is feeling unusual bloated and i'm almost always dizzy. moreover i sleep very much and i'm always tired as well as almost all kind of foods makes me feel sick and i feel like i'm about to throw up any minute. because of all these symptoms i'm really thinking that i am pregnant but firstly i wanted to google my symptoms and that's how i found you. this is not normal and it really sounds like being pregnant, isn't it? i know that i should have a home pregnancy test first but i decided to wait a little bit more to see if my period will come, moreover i know that for a accurate pregnancy test i should wait at least 2 weeks, no? any help someone?
