Lump In My Anus:((((


New member

I have a problem which I'm very embarrassed of, it feels so awkward that I can't go to visit a dr. I'm scared about it and I would like to get some answers if possible please. I have a lump right in my anus, even a little more than a lump and it's soft. I don't know what's in there but it hurts when I wipe, or even when I sit or walk. I dnk what to do about it and how to make it disappear, but I would like to know it so bad. Nobody ever had something similar and treated it? It's all skin around it feels so embarrassing having it. Please let me know at least how to lower the pain and that's enough, because of its location nobody ever will notice it. Help Embarassed



New member

ooh, I have a similar problem and I know how embarrassing you feel having it. This lump I have is also tender when touching it and it hurts badly. Its dimension is like the size of a pea and its color is pink and that's not good.  I don't know what to do or what caused it. My diet didn't change, I didn't have anal sex and I wasn't hit in anus. It's annoying and painful, I want to get rid of it! Especially painful is when I wipe. I am worried because yesterday after I have popped it was all blood there in the toilet and on the paper. It still can bleed just when I wipe, but not so heavy as it was then. I'm scared and embarrassed and I start getting paranoiac: whenever someone is looking at me I have a feeling like they know what problem I have and they laugh at me. Any ideas someone? please?? madmid if you find something useful please share your information with me, I also have a huge desire of escaping from it. If anyone has a professional opinion on this and could help us, you're welcome and I will be really thankful!
