Yeah, I am having the exact same thing, I am talking about having approximately one inch above my forehead / hairline on the top left side of my head. It is round, it is hard, and it is like a small marble and I don’t know (of course) but it is feeling like it is fixed to the bone. To be honest, it does not hurt me but, it is now making me wonder if it does each time I am having a brief headache or something in this regard. Maybe it is because of this thing??
I have been discussing with my doc about this thing, I have asked him what this could be. it was nearly half a year ago and he has required to do an Xray. The point is that he cannot see it on my head on the X ray. After that he said that it can be a calcified bone or maybe even a hard tissue deposit after I have bumped my head on a pipe in my basement or also on my car trunk lid. He doesn’t know what I should do about that and he said that I need to let him know in case it is not going away in a couple of months. I guess that it is the right time now to go and visit him again telling him that it has not moved and has not made any changes so far. but even so, it scares me…