my daughter suffers from vaginal soreness, redness and itchiness


New member

my daughter has a strange itch, and this started some months ago. I don’t know what to think about this because I have talked with a doctor and I explained him everything. The first thing that the doctor said is that this could be because she stays too much in the bath, I tried to change this thing and even if I thought that it could be because I washed her too hard, I changed this, but the itch doesn’t seem to pass away. Strange sensation and I feel so helpless, I don’t know how and what to do. my doctor told me to use the Monistant 7 and to put it on the external area, but it doesn’t work, in fact, when I’ve use it, it became even worse, she couldn’t take baths anymore because the water roast her vaginal area very much. She repeats every day that it burns her so much that she cannot function properly. I would like to help her but I don’t know how. She is just 7 years old and this is too hard for her. I don’t know what would be the next step. She is in the first class at school and she has to stay home all the time because she feels this discomfort. I feel so sorry for her and I really would like to do something. Please help me, I really want to help her and I can’t look at her anymore suffering so much… she is so tired because of this and so sad. Please help me; every single recommendation is important for me. thank you.


hello there, my daughter has this thing for many years, and I have tried so many things in order to cure her bacterial infection but without success. (I think that it is a bacterial infection) I still don’t understand how a bath can influence her bacteria in her vagina. Now the only thing that she does is to take a bath just once a week, it’s so hard and she can’t get used with this thing. I understand her very well, there are some days when she feels so dirty and she would like to take a bath but she can’t and she’s afraid to do this because everything would start once again. I hope that one day I’ll find how to help her and when this day comes, I will let you know.



New member

it’s so painful to watch such a thing and to feel so helpless. My daughter and I have been dealing with this for years with my 5 years old. This year it became worse and we have had a lot of problems with this. She started to wake up during the night with an insupportable pain and she started to shake all her body and to cry, this is killing me because in that moment I can’t do anything for her. There is no discharge or smell, nothing on the outside part, everything is inside. Looking closely there is very easy to see that all the inside part is red and swollen. I don’t know what this is and this makes me so worried.  It is really painful to watch her to see that she is suffering and to understand that you can’t help her. The first time that this happened was when she was 4 years old, we just decided to call the emergency because she felt really really bad.


There was a doctor that after an examination told us that she has a vulvovaginitis, it sound so strange to me, to hear that a 4 years old baby can have something like this, another strange thing was the diagnosis. There was nothing wrong with her vulva, there were some problems just inside her vagina, that’s why I thought that this wasn’t a good diagnosis. I’m not a doctor but after all the exams I decided that she has vaginitis, this was more similar to all her symptoms (I’ve done my research). After I found this I decided to look after some recommendations in internet and when during the night she experienced other symptoms when she couldn’t sleep again, I put her in the bath with a little vinegar in the water; it seemed to help her and to add some relief to her pains. The paracetamol helped us very much, when she was dry before going to sleep she took an paracetamol and I have observed that this really helped her. I used a sudocream to put a barrier there and all these together helped her very much. I tried to eliminate all the symptoms in the better way possible and not all the time everything that I tried was okay, but anyway there are lot of things in internet about this. One of the things that I usually do during the day when she feels bad or when she feels some discomfort is to put a package with ice between her legs, don’t worry I asked my doctor if it will be okay. 10 minutes and after thins she felt well and I’m happy too. I don’t use any soap even for all other parts of her body I try to eliminate all the possible contacts that could irritate her skin. Another advice is to buy 100% cotton underwear. About once a month I can put in her bath a little salt in order to disinfect her body it seem to help her sometimes but just once a month, I’m scared that if I would do this more times it will irritate again her vagina and she will feel bad again.  The healthy eating is another important thing. I know very well that some vagina irritation or bacteria could be because of the sweets or bag eating, that’s why we have eliminated all the sodas, juices, especially citrus juices and now she get used to eat fruits, she adores watermelons and strawberries and I adore to see her happy and smiling again. There is one positive thing that this vaginitis has and I think that this is the fact that because of this disease she started to eat really healthy, some months ago she have had some eating disorders, now she got used to eat healthy, veggies and low-fat yogurts, I love that she started to eat more fruits and veggies and started to avoid sweets, now all the time somebody is trying to offer her some sweets she refused and she says that it’s not good for health. I have taught her to say that it’s not good for health and not to mention about the disease because it is going seem to be a little bit ridiculous saying that she has a disease whenever she’s offered sweets. 


I feel more relaxed now, some months ago I was worried about her and I thought that maybe she has been abused or something like this, I thought that make somebody touched her there and this could be something that irritated her vagina. I know that somebody can think that this is ridiculous but actually when you are a mom you start to think about everything and start to look after every single thing in order to find out the truth and what to do in order to have the best results. Anyway she said that it’s okay and I’m sure that everything was okay. The next week we’ll see an pediatrician to see what could it be and what to do. Anyway we have done the urine test and vaginal swab and there is no urine infection and no vaginal infection or uti.


Not so long ago I remembered a thing that could be the case of this infection. The fact is that my daughter told me sometimes that when they are in classroom there are some strict rules and as she explained me sometimes she has to hold on all the day long. I asked her why did she did this and she said that she felt very ashamed to ask to go to bathroom. Anyway I think that I’ll ask my pediatrician even about this maybe I am going to find out something helpful. Ok, starting from the beginning from this entire story I can say just one thing, don’t give up, for all the things there are some answers. So you can investigate and you can read some information in the internet there are a lot of things that you can find out and a lot of things that you can do for your baby, go to pediatrician and ask for all the exams in order to find the answer don’t wait.


Mount Olive

New member

the only thing that I can recommend is to stop using soaps and all other detergents because they are all full of chemicals and bad substances for our health, especially for a woman’s vagina – it is very sensitive! I know that there are some moms that think that washing the baby’s vagina is a good thing, don’t ever try to use soaps, is very bad, in fact our vagina has some bacteria’s inside which is a good bacteria that help the vagina to maintain the right ph there, if you wash it it’s like washing the immune system of the vagina so, obviously it is bad. Obviously that after this you can observe that your baby is feeling bad about this. Another important thing is to understand that such things can’t go away without months of cure, and if you have used some detergents and soaps for months or years don’t expects that the itch that your baby girl has, will pass away during one or two weeks. There are some things that need time to be accomplished or to be fully healed. Don’t forget to talk with your doctor and pediatrician and before this the best thing would be to sit down and to think about all the wrong things that could be done during some years that could irritate the vagina, for example washing it with soap or other examples that I have read here like when the girl hold on and didn’t went to the bathroom in time, this is a critical edge and all the facts could be important, evn some facts that you think are not so serious or important. My girl has never had something similar but I understand how you feel and what could this be. I have had some itch when I have had my first baby and I couldn’t sleep at night, thinking that a little girl could prove the same thing is killing me . : ( also, another good points has been told – eat healthy. Following all these points would lead you to a good result. but if you won’t then expect problems to appear.



New member

so many information, I didn’t expected to have such good answers to this question. I thought that this is something that usually doesn’t happen to little girls and I thought that my girl is one in a million that is suffering from something like this at her age. Talking about all your recommendations and stories that you have related here, I can say that the example with abuse is not about my girl I’m sure, anyway I’ll ask her in order to assure myself that it’s not about it. I will surely contact a pediatrician and I’ll ask about vaginitis. It’s strange to hear that a little baby can have something like this but anyway I have to find out what it is. The thing that troubles me more than any other information here is the soap and detergent usage. I always used some of detergents but I used those that were made absolutely for little girls and I thought that they are special, now I’m not sure. This is the worst thing that can happen to me… to find out that you have hurt her, I’ll keep in mind this version and I really hope that this is not my fault. I would like to thank you about advices like paracetamol and vinegar and I’ll try to do this to her, I am going to eliminate totally soap and detergents and I think that I’ll never use it again with her. I would like to thank you also for the advices to search info in internet, I didn’t tried this before because I was too scared to find out something very bad and besides this I was sure that I wouldn’t find something helpful. Anyway now I feel like soon, I am going to find the solution and I feel like after some months my girl finally will be happy! I’m waiting for this.
