Very and very similar to the Mia C. My son is also having ADHD as well as LD. He is very intelligent, he’s bright, especially comparing to other children his age. But exactly as Mia, we are also having a family history of these things, mental disorders are running in this family and that is why this wasn’t shocking for me at all, I mean, I did got upset, angry and sad but this wasn’t a big shock for me. I guess Mia can understand what I am talking about. He’s been doing very well but when we noticed his issues and went to our doctor for a diagnose he started to use Strattera not so long ago but I immediately noticed that he started to become depressed while being on it too and now that I see that your son had the same thing then I guess that Strattera really puts you to depression. I went to our doctor complaining about it and he said that we should try to put him on some other medication along with the first one in order to counter act the depression but my son also had the same thing as yours because they seem to give them something to get over the depression but it gives them much more because the sudden and uncontrollable aggression has started. Because of this we have had to start with another medication, as our doctor told us… and so on and so forth, I guess that you have already understood where it goes. Now I have been thinking about supplements too. I have been searching info about it and I found out about alpha GPC about mind care and fish oil and many others. I also saw that they are taking time until they would become effective that is why I wanted to ask you if you (or your son) has tried them and I want to ask you how the effects were? How much time it needed? Much more than you have expected? Or less? And the effects, were they as you have expected or no?? I would appreciate any information regarding this. I would really want to put my son to natural supplements instead of all those drugs that are slowly killing him. One of them is making him depressed, another aggressive and so on. That’s not right. thanks in advance for information.