Hi all, I’m newbie on this site but I would like to get some help if possible. I’m having high blood pressure so I searched on the internet information about how to reduce the pressure naturally. I read that using apple cider vinegar can help in resolving this problem and I decided to give it a try. I checked my blood pressure at my neighbor’s sphygmomanometer (because I don’t have one) and it was 150/89 and this was two days ago. I started in the same day to take apple cider vinegar few time a day until today. I went to the doctor and he checked my blood pressure. It was only 127/86. I’m wondering if this helped so much and it worked so fast that my blood pressure went down or if the sphygmomanometer of my neighbors was wrong? I don’t really believe that something like this could help me so fast but who knows? I asked this question my doctors but she couldn’t really answer my question so that is why I am here. I want to know if anyone has any idea if using apple cider vinegar works that good on lower the blood pressure? Does anyone ever used it to lower his/her blood pressure? Please give me any information you know about it because it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance and have a nice day.