natural way to lower high blood pressure


New member

Hi all, I’m newbie on this site but I would like to get some help if possible. I’m having high blood pressure so I searched on the internet information about how to reduce the pressure naturally. I read that using apple cider vinegar can help in resolving this problem and I decided to give it a try. I checked my blood pressure at my neighbor’s sphygmomanometer (because I don’t have one) and it was 150/89 and this was two days ago. I started in the same day to take apple cider vinegar few time a day until today. I went to the doctor and he checked my blood pressure. It was only 127/86. I’m wondering if this helped so much and it worked so fast that my blood pressure went down or if the sphygmomanometer of my neighbors was wrong? I don’t really believe that something like this could help me so fast but who knows? I asked this question my doctors but she couldn’t really answer my question so that is why I am here. I want to know if anyone has any idea if using apple cider vinegar works that good on lower the blood pressure? Does anyone ever used it to lower his/her blood pressure? Please give me any information you know about it because it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance and have a nice day.



New member

You're definitely right! Your statement is right and you can try using it further and you will see improvements! I know it's crazy but I have a real life example: my mom who is using apple cider to avoid taking pills. She is taking a cup of apple cider every morning and every night before going to bed and she says that this is awesome! She always is adding this ingredient in almost everything what she eats and she actually has stopped taking one medication and reduce the amount of usage of another daily! I don't really know who told her about this but she is shocked about its effects saying that it is helping greatly in lowering her blood pressure! This method may be reliable for you too if you're on some medications! This works very well and it can make you avoid taking the pills because who knows what chemicals is really in them. My mother had some episodes of high blood pressure but since she is using this apple cider method she didn't have any one more. She is feeling great and all thanks to this. Really, try using it and if it's going to help you how is helping my mother you won't have any problems with high blood pressure anymore! Since then we always have apples in our house! Hopefully this is going to help you out!!!!



New member

Thanks to God I don;t have problems with my blood pressure but it's true what you've said. I'm sure about that because my grandmother told me once about that old home remedy of apple cider vinegar to lower blood pressure. She had problems with high blood pressure and one day I asked her why she needs this cider and she explained me. I'm not trying to say that my grandmother knew everything but in such things she was expert. She treated me and my mother quite frequent from different kind of diseases without any pills and tablets. I remember she told me to make sure that I won't buy apple cider vingar that's used for cooking, because that's very harsh on the stomach and it is better to avoid it. Therefore, I recommend this to you. Usually, simple health food stores and places like GNC should have this drink that called apple cider vinegar mother's core. We had a bio store not far from our house and they also had there the herbal pills. Try to drink it daily with lots of water and I'm sure that someday you will get that bottom number down some more. Hope I was of some help.
