need advise


New member

Hello, i decided to write on this forum because i have a delicate issue i'd like to share, i just need some help. I am 39, my husband is 44, we're married for 14 years. He's an officer corps, he works very hard, he's been very dedicated to his work, always. Our sex life started to weaken, i think he's not interested in me anymore, or maybe he gets too tired, maybe his age... I tried to discuss it with him, but i don't seem to find the right words, he just gets upset and closes. It's not only that he's not interested as before, he's not geting same errections. It's getting very hard for him to arrouse and finish a sexual act. I don't know what to think, does anybody have an idea? How should i approach this?



New member

Hello loulou, that's a nice nickname you have:) There may be plenty of reasons your husbant is having a hard time in he sex life. First, it might be phychological, you say he's a military  clerk, these man have lots of things going through their head. I have such family members and i know, as a rule, they don't like to talk about their feelings. He might lose interest because of stress, he might feel he's not doig as good as before, and that can discourage him. Well, it's like going in a circle. Try to talk to him, tell him you're ready to help, understand, be supportive. As a man, i can understand his feeling, just don't push. A little pharmaceutical help won't damage. Modern medicine is well developed and now we have magical pills on the market. Try Viagra, Cialis, Kamagra. I personally preffer Viagra, you can take a generic form, it's cheaper. I think that could be a good start. He will definitely have no more issues with erection, you'll have excellent sex, and he'll feel he's able to satisfy his woman again, that might boost his self respect and who knows, maybe everything gets back to normal. Just saying :)




New member

Hey, i can say we've been through a similar situation with my wife, but we've managed to get through. Communication and viagra, that's all you need, it worked fantastically for us. Viagra or whatever is best for him are great mdications, one of the will definitely show some effect, however, you need to remember that these are not aphorodisiacs, they will not make your husband forget about all his/your problems at home/job etc. It's only you who can give him that "inner" relax and comfort. I think you know how to get to your man, i mean, he's your man, isn't he. Pun on a sexy black dress, some perfume on and invite him out, get something to drink and let it flow (that's how my wife approached me). Then let the magil pill do its effect. I should work. Good luck Loulou!



New member

HELLO EVERYONE :) i have a question for you llm75 is it safe to buying Viagra from this site? have u never had problem? i've heard you can easily get some it true?? 
