negative test for lupus with lupus symptoms?


New member

Hi people, I need your help and it would be awesome if somebody can explain what’s happening. I have seen a rheumatologist doctor about 3 months ago and I have told him all my symptoms. He said that I am having lupus. Then later we have done a full blood panel and after that he have done a blood test for lupus. After that it took my doc approximately one month in order to get me the results for the tests back. The next time when I saw him he said that my blood test was negative for lupus. This is extremely strange because in the time the tests shows negative for lupus my symptoms are still getting worse and worse instead of getting better. I am breaking up into an extremely bad rash no less than 4 times in a week, but sometimes every single day. and all of this is happening even though I am using prednisone along with plaquenil. I still have these horrible symptoms… This horrible rash is making me look like I am a very big (a human size) raspberry and it is all very and very itchy all over me. I have seen my rheumatologist one week ago and said that he is only thinking that this could be fibromyalgia, but thinking about it a bit more… this doesn’t make any sense to me at all. I am very and very sensitive to light also. I mean, extremely sensitive. I doubt that you have heard about somebody else who would be that sensitive as I am. I mean: the other day I was outside for about 10 minutes (surely no more than 15 minutes) and I have had to go back inside due to the fact that I have got immediately an extremely bad migraine, I broke out into a rash like I have exploded and I got an nausea that I have never got before. I really have no ideas of what should I do now? what should I think? Or what kind of doctor I need to see now? who I need to see? Where I need to go? I have so much darn questions. Also, is this possible to suffer from lupus although my blood test is negative? On the other side I think that maybe I really have no lupus since I know that usually plaquenil and prednisone should help with this disease. At least, if not cure at all, get it a little bit better. for me it is not, in fact, as I said, it is only all getting worse. In case my second thought about not having lupus is right, is there somebody who can tell me what this could be from? what it is going on with me? am I a vampire or what?? I know this is a stupidity, but when you are SO sensitive to light then these kind of thoughts start to appear. Please. I have registered this site only to find out an answer to this question. This is extremely important for me. I can’t live my life because of this issue and if there would be somebody who would save me then you would be my real superman. Thanks!!!



New member

Hi. I am a 40 years old woman who is in a similar situation as you are. The symptoms that started to appear on me seemed to be a very bad arthritis and a butterfly rash. I have had a positive ANA test, however, all the other blood tests were negative and this was and still is very strange for me. For this reason the doctor is not giving me a diagnosis of lupus, he only says that this is a lupus like disease, something similar to it, but it is not a lupus and even though the treatment he gives me is for lupus itself…
Well, I am having this butterfly rash on my face for the last 2 months as well as a severe sunburn looking rash on my chest and on my back either. This thing is getting better occasionally. The first few times I thought that I am getting better, but no, I am never getting better because it is never getting away. Besides, I have also had some break outs of extremely bad itching (that could not be stopped with nothing in this world) but in the same time the rash was looking better. one more thing I noticed: my rash seem to worsen in case I am getting too warmed out. I am also on prednisone and on hydroxychloriquine. I am extremely frustrated with the lack of progress I have had in all this time (even though the arthritis has been pretty much fixed up).


Currently I am looking into having a gluten free diet as I have heard that it might help. is there somebody who have tried it and had some success with it? also, can it be helpful if I would avoid some certain foods or no? I would appreciate any kind of information, please!



New member

I’m in the exact same boat as you are Summy and everyone who experiences this thing. I mean, I do have every symptom going on and on for lupus, however the ANA test is coming back to show a negative result and that is why my doctor dismiss it as fibro! I’m out of ideas. In case a negative test does not rule out the lupus disease why once the doctors see it negative are they ruling it out?? All this situation is very strange and I’m not sure on how should I act now? is there somebody who can help me please?



New member

Hi people. I also know what are you talking about. My first test come back with a positive result because of I have had 4 blood clots in my lungs, however, the second test I have done was with a negative result. that is why I can tell you: yeah, you can have lupus even though you would have a negative blood test. It all only means that you are not having an episode and that’s it. at least, that’s what I have been told by my doctor, in fact, there have been several doctors who told me this. I am having sore feet, I mean, really bad sore feet. I also suffer from joint pain everywhere all over my bone, I have very frequent and bad migraines too as well as fever with chest pain. On warfin forever at 43. That’s so freaking bad and scary. Suffering from all these things I am feeling like my life is coming to end and I don’t know what to do. not so long ago I started being on medicines but I’m not sure if they would work or no. god please make them work.. all this is crazy and I’m already so tired of them…
