One testicle...


New member

hi there everyone, i'm a 21 years old man and I lost one of my testicle due to an accident at the age of 13. i've never felt a problem since i started my sexual life just with one testicle, but i do feel kind of uncomfortable about it and anyway it is ruining my sexual life because already a woman refused to have sex with me because for her it was strange the fact that a testicle misses... also i think that i am ejaculating way too little. it is harming my sperm and could i get sterile sooner than other men? It is causing troubles... if some body can help please let me know! Thanks 



New member

Hey Tomgreen! that girl is a BITCH! you shouldn't worry about that, there are so many men with one testicle, and they're doing very well in bed! it's not that you're impotent or something. And man, who gives a fuck on how much sperm you produce? are you a sperm factory or something? There are men with both testicles who ejaculate a little. Really man don't get stressed out because of that. As long as you buddy stands up when you need it, fuck on how many testicles you have. Later, when you'll decide to become a father you'll see that what you have is no problem at all, even the smallest dose of sperm is enough to let a women pregnant. Seriously man, stop going out with bitches, heads up and good luck!



New member

hey man thanks... :) i do feel a little better now because i was seriously freaking out - i was in big doubt if i can become a father. Hope you are right and i won't have any problems with that... by the way, next day i wrote that post i found a nice girl and i really like her, few days ago we've had sex and she doesn't have any problem with that, she even says that it's more original :) thanks for your time to encourage me!



New member

Hello guys, I understand you since I have the very same problem as you, due to an bike accident at 15 (I am 23 years old now)  I had one of my testicle removed. It doesn't bother me but I lost my self confidence that I had those days, and that's why I understand you perfectly. I made excuses not to go out with girls and not to make a relationship. Now I understand that it was a mistake because now I'm in a relationship with a very beautiful woman for a year and she don't care how much testicles I have since I satisfy her needs. I'm happy that you found a girl that isn't freaking out like the first one because of nothing. If you want, we can chat in future about it so let me know how you are going



New member

Hey guys, I'm not having this problem and I can't fully understand you, but in my opinion you should never worry about it! Really - it doesn't affect your health, your body or how you look. If you are perfectly healthy and you don't have any problem with erection then you don't have problems, if someone have problems with this then definitely should not be you neither a person who really loves you. So just *make love* and love her hard enough so she can be pleased, and everything will be just fine. Think positive, be healthy and happy ;) good luck everyone



New member

Hey you, I am 48 years old male and I am having only my left testicle since I'm 15 years old and everything is fine! It doesn't affect me! I never had a problem with fertility or something else. I have two kids and they are perfectly fine, they have their own kids and recently I have become a grandfather. Absolutely no problems otherwise, I have healthy sex drive and I produce a lot of semen. Everything is just alright! Maybe it is a little bit bothersome when I go to shower in public places, at pool for example and I see others looking that something is missing down there. However, never had a single problem with ladies in my age and I have never had a situation like yours tomgreen. Happily married and healthy kids. Don't worry, you are just overthinking about it. There are a lot of men who have only one testicle and it doesn't mean that something is wrong with you. Don't let your self esteem go down because of this. I have a friend who is also having only one testicle and he totally agrees that there's no problem with that. I have studied a little bit also when I was younger and I remember that the number of testicles has no correlation to the "amount" of sperm and semen a male produces and later I saw that there's no mistake in it. When I was 15 I also was scared that girls won't go for me in the future because of this but I found out that I was wrong, thanks God. I just kept saying that I am awesome and I won't let anyone or anything ruin my life, I need to tell you that you should do that too. Other advices I don't have for you.
