Ovulation without period?!


New member

Hey everyone, I really would love to get a professional answer or maybe someone actually can give me a clear answer. I’m 23 female and it’s about a year since I didn’t had my period already (about 9 months to be surer) but usually it was every other month. There was a time when I had regular period, but only when I was on the pill. Now I don’t have any periods but I want to get pregnant: me and my husband want a baby.  I’ve asked my doctor but she said that I can ovulate but not as much as those women who have a full regular periods. Can someone give me a hint if ovulation is possible? I’ve read on the internet other posts and there are some who say it can’t be, but other says that they have children but they didn’t had any periods all their life, so what is the true answer? Thanks



Megan Thre

New member

Hello Anya, how you're doing? Did you find out something new?? I have a similar problem. I went to my doctor some months ago with the same questions as you and I found out that a woman is not ovulating if she doesn't have her period, well if you have 3 times a year your period then you are able to get pregnant only 3 times, if you ovulate one time then just one time. Unfortunately I'm ovulating about 3 times a year and I feel really frustrated because of it. Have you found something new? I also googled this and I read that we could ovulate not having a regular cycle but not as those women who have regular periods. I don't really understand if they mean the same, I mean what my doctor said and what I found on the internet. Or maybe they are different? Who knows... also I can't understand what caused this, why we have this? I know that there are some external that could affect our period cycles, but I tried to have a healthy diet, really unfair.



New member

I am in a similar situation to yours. I understand how you feel Megan, I am also trying to have a healthy diet all my life and I have my period two times a year, but me and my husband really want to have a baby, which I understand it's hard to accomplish now... I also visited my doctor and he said the same thing that you don't ovulate if you don't have your period. She also mentioned that if I have two times a year my period then I do ovulate only two times a year. If already two doctors said this then it must be true and if we want to have a baby we have to catch the perfect time for it. I truly hope our dreams are going to come true since I cannot imagine myself without a little one on my arms all my life. Good luck ladies...



New member

Hello, I'm not a woman but I would like to help you about because I do know something about this. It is possible to ovulate without having a period and it is also possible to have a period without ovulating so YES, you can get pregnant without have a regular period! I'm surprised that you are women and you don't know about this, ovulating and having a period, are not directly related to one another. Each of them is distinct so obviously when one does not generally happen the other is happening so you should understand some facts about monthly cycle in general. You should consider the timing of ovulation occurs approximately 14 days prior to the start of the next period but the timing is not exact so it is different from each woman. However you can track your ovulation in relation to your period. In such cases as yours when a woman does not have her period it can happen for one reason or another and there are many reasons that can cause a woman not to have a period: strenuous exercise, stress, low body weight etc. All these have been shown to cause a woman to not have a period BUT you may very well still be ovulating. When a woman doesn't ovulate it is a completely different situation and it caused by completely different reasons. Keep in mind that a woman can still become pregnant during her period or without a period at all. I personally recommend you to visit a doctor who will explain it to you better than I did. Good luck ladies!



New member

Hi, thank you for this, I am glad to see some answers and other people opinions upon this! I was on birth control pills but I quitted them because my hormones went all wack. My problem is that even though I have stopped the pills but I still had not a regular period since then. This is very weird and sincerely I'm scared because of this! I mean that I'm getting all my PMS symptoms I used to get but I have no period at all! Moreover I also get these werid cramps where my ovaries are about twice a month and I'm not sure whether this is normal or not. What risks I have and what consequences could I have. I also was wondering if that means I'm ovulating or not? If that means that I'm ovulating it means that I can get pregnant right? Or because I'm not having my periods I have to chances? Your posts gave me even more hope and thank you for this! Sincerely I think it's nice not bleeding but I don't want this to make me infertile! I don't want something to stop me from having children! I was protecting myself from unplanned pregnancy with birth control pills but now I regret it because I would better use simple condoms and now I think I wouldn't have any problems! I'm having sex since I am 18 and now I'm 25, I have finally met the man of my life and both of us now want to have our children. I don't know how I would feel if someone would tell me that I'm infertile. Any further answers would be great! Thank you for everything you've said and thank you in advance for futher answers.



New member

Found your thread and it gave me a little hope back again! I have 27 years and I got married a year ago, after our marriage I went off the birth control pill I took since I was 23. After I went off that pill my problems started. I was getting very unusual period cycles - it was slightly different color plus I was getting it every 6 weeks. I was thinking that my body is getting used to this new "no-pill" life so I never visited a doctor. 5 months later (in April 2014) I got my last period. At first it seemed I have a normal period of 7 days when it stopped. Few days later I started to have some spottings which lasted for a whole month until May 2014!!! Since then I never got my period anymore! Now it's more than half a year and I still haven't got my period! In all this time I got all the usual symptoms I was getting prior to my period but it never come. After that one month spotting I immediately went to my doctor and explained him my situation. He has done lots of tests, blood work, urine, gyno etc etc. Everything seemed to be fine. Since I got of the pill (a year now) my husband and I are trying to conceive. Last month the doctor put me on Provera and Clomid saying that it should start my period and I should ovulate. One month passed and I'm still not pregnant (well, the doc warned us that it rarely happens in the first month) but I'm concerned because neither my period ever came. I'm very and very scared because I want a baby so bad but it seems that I will never have him (or her). These days we're going to have our next visit to the doctor and see what's happening. I'm now really worried about PCOS thing. Searching the internet about my problem I often found the PCOS stuff mentioned and I'm very and very worried now. I'm not sure whether this is an issue for me but I really hope it's not. I hope doc will explain. Now I badly want to know if here is someone who got pregnant. If anybody from above got pregnant PLEASE let us know about it.
