Problems healing broken humerus


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I had an accident 8 weeks (2 months) ago and I broke my humerus. Doctor said that it wasn't nothing serious, a clean break so he decided not to pin it - he said that a brace would be enough. Days passed and yesterday I went back to the hospital for a new x-ray to see how it is going. I was very upset discovering that the first x-ray was similar to the one I had yesterday, just very little change. My doctor wasn't expecting that too and he asked some questions about my diet and whether I was careful with my broken arm.


I had a good diet of everyday fruit (after each dinner), veg, milk and a couple of yogurts; also I've had lean meat, fish and some kind of cheeses. I think the problem isn't my diet. I tried to be careful and the last 3 weeks I tried to do something - I've been taking the brace off for bathing, for some gentle exercises and in some evenings to feel relaxed for couple of hours. Also I've been walking some miles 3-4 times a week and trying to mobilize my arm - it was getting painful. Also the doctor asked me whether I smoke, but in general, my lifestyle is running, weight training, bike riding etc. and I don't. I thought my fitness would help getting a fast healing but now I'm desperate. I don't know what to do since my wrist and my hand seems fine and I think nature should do its work just fine. But in another hand the doctor is thinking about pinning it, but there is a nerve damage risk so he gave me another 4 weeks to check if there will be some change.


General details about me: 47, female, 140 lbs, 67 inches


I don't know what to do and I need some expert advices. What can I do to promote faster healing? is something wrong in my diet and I should eat full fat products? or it could be because I was walking, doing exercise and taking off the brace? Please anyone, all advices are welcome!





New member



I'm 37 and I have the same problem as you, 4 months ago in october I broke my humerus from my left arm and it still doesn't fully healed, there is not much change since the broken bone needed a month to find an alignment. I don't want to be operated because, as you said, there is a nerve damage risk so I choose the natural way. my doctor said that everyone heals at different rate, in my case, he said that I still need a couple of months to see or feel some major changes. so we just need to be patience - natural way and time will do their job at the best quality and it will get fully healed. don't try to push it or to rush things - it will come in time. I need about a year or so, hope you won't need this much - and I don't think you will because I had something serious (my humerus was broken in 3 pieces and had serious nerve injury) so you may be healed up much sooner than me. I understand like no one better that you want to get rid of the braces and especially the pain, but there is nothing we can do, only if you don't want the surgery.



New member

Hello, we all are in the same boat here. I had broken my humerus half a year ago and it's still not healed. So I suggest you all to keep calm and to have a stroooong and long patience. I have suffered a mid shaft humerus fracture, broke in more than 4 pieces due to an accident. As timka had, my bone (THANK GOD!) found a satisfactory alignment and there was no need for surgery intercourse. I didn't had any visible changes in the Xray too for the past months, the long expected healing changes were seen only recently, but anyway, there are still months needed for a full recovery process. You are very early in the process, so know that you still have to wait, although I perfectly understand how hard is it. I have visited a orthopedic doctor who is looking very hopeful at my healing process with a bone stimulator I am wearing for some time already AND with the power of time. I also hope that my injury will get fully healed up but I recommend it too: not to push it up. Try to do what you are usually doing and there is nothing to worry about, with a little luck your arm could get fully healed sooner than mine - moreover you said that you had a little change at 2 and 4 months only so it might be sooner. Anyway if you are that worried you could visit your doctor and ask him, I think. After all doctors knows best. Have a quick and painless recovery.



New member

hello, i'm 24 years old male and i'm concerned about this too. i broke my humerus about 3 months ago due to an accident in playing hockey and the healing process seems to be very and VERY slow. i am still a student so i have no money for insurence and no money at all to visit a doctor. i've been in the emergency room when the i had the accident and the doctors put my arm in a brace and i stopped using it just few days ago. i lost damange nerve to my hand and that's why i can't stretch my arm completely (i'm wondering if i will ever can do that). i'm able to move my finger but my upper part of my hand is still sore and swollen. i'm trying to do some exercises do improve the healing process but i'm not sure if it helps me. it is hard dealing with it without any help due to my lack of money. that's why i'm here, i hope that i will get some help. it's very sad that i can't take care of myself and my health only because i'm a student and i don't have money. in your opinion, how long it will take to heal up? what can i do to increase the process? please help me because no one else will do it and i'm desperate. ideas, hints, recommendations, everything is welcome


Hi all, I have shattered my left humerus pretty bad seven months ago. Technically defined as displaced fracture proximal shaft of dominant left humerus. It broke in five pieces but the doctor said that it still quite well aligned due to the muscle mass surrounding the bone and I'm so happy because of that. I'm also happy due to the fact that I didn't suffer any nerve damage. We discussed about surgery but of course there is the risk nerve damage. Healing time by the treatment of brace he said that it would be about 16 to 20 weeks. I decided to take the chance and choose the non operational method. At 18 weeks there was still movement of the fracture and even if most of the fracture had healed, there remained a large fracture that was not going to heal without surgery so I was forced to make thru it. I have had a three hours operation a little more than a month ago on 15th of April. Few days later after the operation, when I've had my consultation all seemed to be going to plan and my consultant said that the alignment should be fine. For me its been a long journey to get to where I am because the healing process is very slow in my opinion. I really hope that next time I'm going to see my consultant everything is going to be fine, that's in about a week. I respectfully wish you to be healthy and to take care of yourself. A broken humerus isn't all fun and games



New member

Hello people! It is great to see so many people who understand what I'm going thru right now! It really helps a lot especially now when I'm feeling down! I'm 43 years old female and I seem to be in good shape and good health but I have a problem. Everything started 4 months ago on 2nd of march when I was involved into a car accident and I broke my humerus. The doctor came looked at my arm and made a X Ray. Then they told that I have a break and that it was best to leave it to heal on its own. Well I did so but after a week when the pain got more intense I went to the clinic to ask whether this is normal and what is going on. There they told me that I have not one but 3 breaks and that I should have as soon as possible a surgery. After another week I had it, I had metal plate and about 8 screws put in. They told me that within a month after the surgery I should start physio and I did so, after few weeks I start to go physio every week. There I was told by my consultant that the plate and screws would be permanent. When I was told this I already was scared and I was feeling down but I was keeping my faith. However today is more than 3 months since I had my surgery plus every week physio so I decided to pay a visit to my orthopedic surgeon again and I have heard what I was most afraid: he told me that my arm will never get the full range of movements as I had it before the accident, and as if it wasn't enough he also said that my arm can still be swollen for up to another year while I still could have some pains and that I have big chances to suffer from arthritis. Obviously not the best news I got today. I am still going to physio but after the day of today I doubt that I will go much longer. Somebody knows if there is a chance that my doctor was wrong? I still can't believe that this is true, please help.




New member

Hi everyone, unfortunately for me, your situation is now well known for me. I am 21 years old female and not so long ago (a little bit more than a month ago) I broke my mid shaft humerus in my right arm while I was on a trip. Despite everything I have passed through my life, I can say that this was the worst experience I have ever had (I never ever broke anything in my entire life). after I’ve been sent to the hospital I was told that I would need a surgery. The doctor there, before I have had my operation said me that my radial is either trapped under strain or it is severed. I’ve had my operation 3 days later after the accident. I have been fitted there with a couple of screws as well as a titanium plate and one good thing is that there was no nerve damage (at least that’s what I’ve been told). I’m now scheduled another x ray to see how the progress is going (I’ll have it in a couple of days). I really really hope that everything would heal fine and fast. Another good thing is that I’m having no pains at all and it seems for me that the exercises I’m doing with my physio for a week now are very helpful. I’m still unable to straighten out my arm completely, however it seems that I’m not far from that. there’s one thing that disturbs me: I really don’t want to have the plate and screws left there in my arm… what are the chances that they would be there? besides… I’m scared about the incoming surgery and radial nerve, but I doubt that you can help me here…
