Problems with bulimia


New member

I had very big problems with bulimia, but I stopped some years ago. The problem is that 3 months ago I started to vomit again everything that I eat, but this is not the worst thing because last night I vomit  blood after I was empty. Now I don’t know what to think about it. Is this something serious? What should I do? Thanks!




New member

Hi! I had the same thing some time ago and I decided to do some exams to control my stomach and to see if everything is okay. So I did some exams but they didn’t find anything. My doctor said that this could be something like a laceration on my esophagus that could be caused by something that I ate. He said that this could happen when you throw up sometimes. I’m still searching for some information and a treatment but I think that soon I’ll find something. By the way I advise you to talk and to tell everything to your doctor. I’m sure that he can help you more that every one of us.



New member

Hey dude! I’m also bulimic and I had the something like this many times even today when I threw up all the food that I ate. What was the color of the blood? And how consistent it was? This is a very important thing because if this was light and gaunt like a bright red it means that you really have a cut on your stomach or your esophagus or maybe on your mouth, but if the color was black dark (like the blood in the veins) and if the consistency was similar to bits of seeds this could be something serious. This could be something with an organ that is broken or something happened. So you should think seriously about this because it could lead you to death or some really serious complications. I don’t want to scare you but this is the truth. I advise you to consult your doctor immediately!
