I did my blood test some time ago and it didn’t showed me any strange issues or something like that. I noticed that not so long ago my toes started to change their color. My skin color is white and at the beginning it started to change the color in red and I thought that it was because of the warm weather. After a week the color became blue and at the end it turned into purple. I noticed that it happens often after the shower and during the night it change into normal color. Not so long ago I noticed that my legs and my arms started to have dull purple lacy so I started to be worried because I thought that after some days I will develop this purple color all over my body. After a visit to my doctor he told me that I have the auto immune disorder. After I explained to him that I have experience some headaches and nausea, fatigue and tired legs and after I did a blood test again he did this conclusion and put me the diagnose. In order to be sure he asked me to do the urine test and he found out that my urine showed up a high level of white blood cells. After this he told me that actually I suffer of Raynaud’s disease. I’m a little bit confused about this because I still think that this is not about me. I know that if you have Raynaud’s disease then you should experience other things not the ones I experience. I know very well about reactions on cold and other negative effects that you can experience but in fact I don’t have it. I don’t experience such things so that’s why I don’t believe my doctor and I don’t trust him very much now and I don’t want to use the drugs that he prescribed me, they may damage my situation even more. The only similarity between the disease that he told me that I have and the real one that I experience is that the toes turn into purple. I explained to him what do I think and he said to do an additional exam in order to clarify the situation. The only thing that isn’t making me any happier is that I have to wait 2 weeks, and this is killing me. I don’t know what to and what to think, I’m really worried and I’m here because I decided to ask about your help. Maybe somebody has had the same thing and can share with me more about this issue and how to eliminate it once and forever. Thank you all in advance.