I got some chest pains about 4 years ago, it was persistent and it felt like a stabbing thing. Before I've got the pains I had a serious chest infection. Well, as any other person I went to visit a doctor about this and to find out what he is going to say about that. After some tests he diagnosed me with a right signal bundle branch block (RBBB). I'm not really sure if you ever heard of it, for me it was absolutely something new. However he said that this right bundle branch block isn't serious so I shouldn't worry about it and I should forget about it at all because I would get stressed for nothing. Well, said and done. My chest infection cleared up and chest pain went away that is why it was easy to forget especially because I had other things. However, not very often but from time to time I get some stitch like pain in the chest and I thought that is caused by muscles, I do weight heavy things. These days I was told (not my doctor) that bundle block in right side can be serious and shouldn't be ignored as I did and that is why, I'm a little worried now. My question to you is: if I spend all these years doing nothing about this can have some consequences? Up to you is this disease serious or I should listen to my doctor? I know that doctors are humans so they can be wrong from time to time that is why I'm concerned now.