recovery from concussion


New member

Hi, I would like to talk about one problem some weeks ago I had a concussion. It happened when an object felt down on the top of my head. Practically if talking about that day I did not remember very much. I started to recover very fast and my family was very happy about this, me too. The real hobble started after a month when I just started to feel very bad and just broke down instantly. After this my recovery wasn’t the same as at the beginning I started to observe some changes and some strange feelings after that. Since that day 6 months have passed and I can’t say that I feel myslf bad but I noticed that I started to have some strange headaches, pressure and closeness in my head like there is something wrong with my brain. This feeling create difficulties also at the psychological level. There are 4 days since I survey my psychological situation and I noticed that I become more resentful about everything, always moody and repulsive. I decided to do something for this like walking some hours with my friends or simply to do things that I love. My doctor sad that it will be better not to work for some months, since I’ll recover myself totally, but I actually love my work so I decided to work at home, 3 hours a day, it’s better than nothing… I think


I hope that walking outside will become my anchor to bring back my tolerance and to feel myself more comfortable with my family and friends. During a lot period of time I have gone through different kind of periods positive and negative. I really think that here I can find some support. I’ll be very happy if I’ll found somebody that understands me and that will share with me his/her feelings.



New member

I currently experience the same damn thing… and I hope that I’ll recover soon, but now reading your post I’m a little bit scared because I also have some problems like headaches, nausea and other troubles. The thing that I hate most is that this concussion has affected my vision. I started to notice that some days ago and I’m really worried. Every morning when I woke up I have to stay a couple of minutes in order to regulate my vision. The thing is that every morning when I open my eyes I see nothing in front of me. Everything is black and just after some minutes I start to see something. The very first time when it happened I was so scared that I started to cry. I thought that I’ll never be able to see again. Today I’m here and waiting for a miracle. The thing that scares me most is that my vision can get worse and that I can totally lose it.
My vision disease created me other problems like headaches. I experience intensive pain when I see nothing. It’s similar to headaches but is more painful. I have no response to this. I decided to visit my doctor tomorrow in hope that he can explain what is happening to me. I’m a little bit scared about the tomorrow’s results but I really hope that God exists and will help me to recover and have no problems anymore. What about you, I wish you the same thing and write me back if you’ll discover something new.



New member

I’m very sorry about your situation, really. I don’t what to discourage you but my son had the same thing 5 year ago and he didn’t recovered yet. I don’t know how about your doctors but our said that even if Sean had this concussion 5 year ago he will have some problems with this forever. In fact he feels bad still now. He had headaches, nausea and all other things that you described. Ok, there are those months when he feels great without any diseases and bad feelings, and every time when it happens I pray and hope that he will have this feeling forever. Unfortunately it’s not like I expected. He feels bad and I suffer very much when I see him like this. This is difficult but I would like to tell you that you have to stay strong, and no matter what it is going happen you have to believe in yourself.

Actually I don’t trust doctors anymore, because I think that one day my son will feel great not just for a couple of month but forever. You have to do the same thing! Best wishes.
