Seizures caused by panic attacks..Help!


New member

Hey everybody, my mother has seizures caused by panic attacks. Honestly this convulsion really scares me, and I would like to talk about this. I think that her panic mostly is caused by her emotional stress. I noticed this for a long time. This thing has been happening for about 2 years and this becomes more frequently. She just had one this morning. Before this started she didn’t had any emotional problems like now. Now every tiny thing or stupid themes sets her off. Even if someone in television or in a film was killed or injured, I mean this is absurd, its way out of normality. Also when she sees an ambulance she starts talking about something negative and she is always asking her-self “what if…” and some negative thoughts are coming. This thing really scares me. I don’t know what to do and I have no one to turn to. What should I do? If somebody can help my mother with this problem please let me know. Waiting for your answers!



New member

I don’t want to seem rude to you but are you sure that the seizure are caused by panic attack and not by something else? I mean, this is a doctor diagnose or a self diagnose? Both me and my husband are suffering from panic attacks aka anxiety disorder. Mine are worse than his. Even so I’m very sure that I have never had any seizures. Anxiety is caused by pituitary gland overfilled with adrenaline and your body is fighting against it so here appears the panic attack. Yes, I know that people suffering from it can be easily set off (trust me) and she’s acting like that due to constant worry and concerns. I don’t think your mother could be called a “bad woman” she’s just ill. I would make sure that she goes and see a doctor. Currently, me and my husband are trying to deal with this disease and trust me, it’s not that easy as it seems! Good luck to you and to your mother!



New member

I’m also having panic attacks that act like seizures and I’m very scared! I have had panic attacks for no less than 5 years or maybe even longer and since then I’m struggling with this with no luck and no cure. I’ve started to notice few years ago that they are getting worse and worse and they happen easier every single time. I’m really scared that I would end up either dead either in a really really bad situation. I’m trying to search info about this because I’ve seen many doctors but none of them thinks that this is something more serious than a simple panic attack. They often give me all kind of pills that don’t help me and react to my disease in a way like I don’t have anything. I found only one doctor, a psychiatrist that during a social security review said something that was approximately describing what I am feeling, something that sounded more like seizures and not simple panic attacks. All the other doctors where useless. Unfortunately, I never found that doctor anymore. I’m begging for help because the more my panic attacks are happening the worse are getting the effects. Lately I’ve noticed that I’m becoming unable to stand and see clearly, I’m unable to communicate properly and I very often forget things which I understand is “memory loss” symptom. I’ve also noticed that these things are often appearing with a tingling and numbness sensation in my arms, sometimes in one arm and sometimes in both of them. After this, I develop a pain in my nerves that can last for entire hours. The biggest problem is that the symptoms aren’t always the same so this makes it very hard to explain to the docs what I am suffering from. I’m getting very and very frustrated because none of them seem to take it seriously, like it’s a joke or something but this long term damage can affect my neurological system (if it didn’t affected it already). In the last few years I’m able to notice more and more chronic nerve pains, memory losses and concentration troubles. I am also having sleep difficulties that are also getting worse. What makes me wonder the most about my situation is that whenever I search for my symptoms I’m getting seizures but that are starting with anxiety attacks and stress which is not me. I have panic attacks. More, I found people only with epilepsy that are having approximately the same symptoms as me but I have an extremely hard time in finding other  people who are suffering from panic attacks that are acting approximately like mine. I found other people on other sites and forums who are also saying that are having panic attacks that acts like seizures but none of them wrote me back when I’ve tried to communicate with them. Lately I start to think that this is just something that isn’t well known yet? I’m freaking out and I’m tired of getting these things that is why I beg you to write me back if you know something. This is not a joke or something like that, I really need your advices. This is very scary and very confusing so if any of you knows something then write me back any time! I would be infinitely thankful



New member

Hey guys, I am not sure if this would help you too, but at least I’m going to share with you how I have solved my panic attacks problems and I really hope that this method is going to help you too. if it won’t, then I have nothing more. so. I have firstly started to have those panic attacks about 4 years ago, plus or minus, I just remember that I got it for the first time in my early 30. It has all started pretty mildly but then it started to become more and more intense as well as more and more easily setting off. Literally my heart was racing like crazy, I was thinking that it is going to get out of my chest, I was getting dizzy and the worst is that on a few occasions I have passed out and when I was waking up I was surrounded by some people saying that I have had a seizure. Plus, I need to mention that I smoke marijuana on an occasion and I don’t really know why, but only sometimes on occasions (not every single time) I was also getting those panic attacks after I was smoking it. however, what I have found out after a while is that coffee is playing a big role in all these things. I have always been a coffee lover and drinker. I was drinking a lot of coffee per day and I started to drink coffee when I was around 15 or even 14 years old (yeah, I know that’s too young, I just felt in love with coffee immediately). I have been told by my mother that I should quit and she backed up her words by telling me that she has developed anxiety issues from caffeine (which I thought it was a way to scare me or something like that). anyway, after a while I started to think more and more about her words until one time I decided to experiment so I quit drinking coffee and I have also took a break from smoking. Yeah, that took some time but I found that it is worth it because my symptoms started to fade away and to become less and less intense until they have finally totally disappeared (NOTE, they disappeared after a course of more than half a year, if I remember it well, it took about 8 months). Nowadays I am able to smoke again with no issues and there’s nothing that would bring back the attacks. From that day, I have only drinking decaf, ONLY. I have never drank a coffee since then being afraid of those attacks again. therefore, if you are also a coffee lover / drinker as I was then I would suggest you to take at least one month of break from coffee and caffeine in general and then notice what would happen. Try limiting yourself to any caffeine drinks or foods and you’ll see that you would do better. in case you’re getting the same thing but you are not a coffee drinker then I doubt that there’s something I can help you with… sorry.


Now, I am so sensitive to any caffeine that I am able to feel it from eating a simply chocolate. I really hope a lot that this is going to help at least somebody out there. good luck everyone!
